Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in bold when this is necessary.

1. Tracy works as a _____________ (style) for a large modeling agency.

2. There’s a ________________ (similar) between the fashions of the 1980s and the 1960s.

3. I think you should lower your ____________ (expect) a little; it’s no easy to become a supermodel, you know.

4. Let me know when you make a __________ (decide) about what to wear for the wedding.

5. Fashion critics have greeted the new clothing line with _________________ (enthuse).

6. The factory has increased__________ (produce) of its shoes in an attempt to keep up with demand.

7. That necklace is ________________ (beauty)!

8. All our clothes are designed for men and women _______________ (like).

2. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

current • glimpse • fit • clothing • match • look • glance modern • suit • new • appearance • cloth  

1. If you care about your…………. too much, people might start to think you’re vain.

2. It’s quite a nice skirt, but I don’t think it really………….. my shoes.

3. My mum always looks quite…………… and tries to keep up with the latest fashions.

4. The ancient Romans wore items of………….. quite different from today’s fashions.

5. As I went into the designer’s office, I caught a…………… of her drawings before she hurriedly put them away.

6. I know long skirts were in fashion last year, but the………………. fashion is to wear them quite short.

7. I’ve got to buy some……………… shoes for the wedding on Saturday.

8. I didn’t get the coat in the end because it didn’t……………. me under the arms.

9. The shirt is so expensive because it’s made out of special……………that has gold in it.

10. I don’t think this jumper…………….. you because you’ve got blue eyes and pale skin.

11. The designer……………… at my designs and told me that they needed more work.

12. Long dresses and high heels are quite a good……………. for you.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1I don’t like…….. on clothes in shops because I don’t want people to see me in something that doesn’t suit me.

Aputting Btrying C wearing D handing

2I’m not sure a green skirt……..combination with a blue top is such a good idea.

Aon B at C in D for

3Everyone complimented Kitty……..her new outfit.

Aon B to C in Dfrom

4I think some modern designs are more like……..of art.

Amakes Bworks Cobjects Djobs

5I wish people didn’t……..a tendency to follow fashion without thinking about what suits them personally.

Ado B make C get D have

6I don’t think T-shirts and jeans will ever go……..of style, do you?

A away B out C off D down

7Make sure you……..your make-up with a soft brush, like this one.

A apply B construct C decorate D dress

8If you wear that shirt with the…….. pattern, you’ll look like a chessboard!

A plain B striped C shiny D checked

9You always seem to look so formal. If only you would……..your hair down!

A get B set C put D let

10The latest trend……..footwear is to wear very simple, traditional shoes.

A of B on C in D from

11My sister and I share the same taste…….. clothes and we wear each other’s things all the time.

A in B of C for D on

12Why can’t you…….. Edgar’s example and wear a tie to work?

A set B make C follow D do

13My dad asked me whether his clothes were…….. fashion and I said they were – about twenty years ago!

A in B from C on D of

4. Circle the correct word.

  1. Do you think the average/everyday person is interested in fashion?
  2. I wish Dad would get a new costume/suitto wear for his job interview.
  3. I’ve got red hair, so I never put on/wear red clothes or I’d look silly.
  4. John got a really cool blouse/top in town yesterday with Eminem on it.
  5. India supplies/producesthe world with cheap clothes.
  6. I’m going to get my nails dyed/painted tomorrow.
  7. During the design/manufacture of the clothes, lasers are used to cut the material accurately.
  8. Which costume/suit do you think I should wear to the fancy – dress party – the cowboy or the vampire?



Personal Letter

This is a part of a letter from Sheryl, your English pen friend.

…Do you ever argue with your parents about what you wear? My parents and I don’t seem to agree about clothes at all! Is it important for you to be fashionable? What sorts of clothes do you like wearing? Why? Do you think I should wear what my parents tell me to? Have you got any advice? By the way next week I’m going to a big school party. I’m looking forward to hearing your opinion. Best wishes, Sheryl

§ Write back to Sheryl answering her questions.

§ Ask 3 questions about the party she is going to visit.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



Argumentative composition

Most people believe that it is important to look nice.

What is your opinion?

Write 200-250 words

§ make an introduction. (state the problem)

§ express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

§ express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

§ express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

§ make a conclusion restating your opinion

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