Упр.5. Read the text and after that do the exercies

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Who knows you better, your family or your friends? In our weekly “test” single people who are looking for a partner ask their mother and their best friend to help. Their mother chooses one partner and their best friend chooses another. The test is to see who can choose the best partner! This week’s single man is Richard Taylor, a 26-year-old musician from Southampton. His mother Mag chooses one girl, and his best friend Danny chooses another. Then Richard goes on a date with each girl. Which girl does he prefer? Who knows him better, his mother or his best friend? Who chooses the right girl for him? Упр.5. Read the text and after that do the exercies - student2.ru
Richard: “I usually work in England but sometimes I work abroad too. When I’m not working I like going to the cinema and eating in nice restaurants. I’m not very sporty and I don’t do any exercise, but at least I don’t smoke. I think I’m open and friendly – I get on well with most people – but I am sometimes quite shy too. For example, I don’t like going to parties. I prefer to meet friends individually or in small groups. I like intelligent, funny women who make me laugh, and ideally who love music. Physically I prefer women with dark hair who are not taller than me. And I like women who are good listeners. I’m sure that my friend Danny knows me better than my family because we often talk about girlfriends and the problems we have. I don’t usually talk to my family about that kind of thing. My mum always says that I look for the wrong kind of girl but that’s what mothers always say!”   Exercises to the text Упражнения к тексту  
А. Answer the questions (Ответьте на вопросы) 1. Who is Richard? 2. Who is Danny? 3. What do Richard’s mum and Danny try to do? 4. What does Richard have to do? В. Tell if the sentences are true (+) or false (-) (Отметьте знаками «+» и «–» соответствующие и несоответствующие тексту предложения) 1.He sometimes travels with his job. (+) 2.He’s friendly and extrovert. 3.He likes music and parties. 4.He prefers women who are shorter than him. 5.He likes women who talk a lot. 6.He doesn’t talk to his family about girls. 7.His mother doesn’t think he’s good at choosing girlfriends.
С. Complete the questions so that they match the answers given below (Дополните вопросы так, чтобы они соответствовали ответам, данным ниже) 1.Where does he live ? In Southampton. 2.What __________ do? He is a musician. 3.Where __________? In England and abroad. 4.__________smoke? No, he doesn’t. 5.__________exercise? No, he doesn’t. He isn’t very sporty. 6.What kind of women __________? Intelligent and funny ones. 7.__________ to his mother about girls? No, he doesn’t.   Упр.5. Read the text and after that do the exercies - student2.ru   Упр.5. Read the text and after that do the exercies - student2.ru

D. Look at Claire’s and Nina’s questionnaire.

Who do you think is more Richard’s type? Why?

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Как вы думаете, кто более подходит Ричарду? Почему?

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