Read the story and choose the best title.

1 Going on Holiday

2 A Different Way of Doing Things

3 The British Cup of Tea

Last year I went abroad for the first time - to Britain. In Brazil, when we think of Britain, we often think of pubs as typical places, so I decided to find one. It wasn't difficult! As I was walking along the street in Notting Hill, I found a traditional pub selling home- made food and traditional English beer.

I went inside and sat down at a table. I waited for a few minutes, but nobody came to serve me. While I was waiting, I noticed that there wasn't any table service and people went to the bar themselves. I went and asked for a cup of tea. The barman filled a small pot with hot water, put a tea bag in it, and then put the pot and a cup on a tray. I asked for some milk and sugar and he pointed to a small table in a corner of the room. I picked up the tray, took it to my table, and then went to get the milk and sugar.

Suddenly I heard the barman shouting 'Excuse me, excuse me!' I turned to look at him, and he said 'That’s one pound fifty, please!' Then I understood that you have to pay when you get your drink. I felt really stupid, but I'll know what to do if I go there again.

Monica Ribeira Santos Brazil

4. Read the story again. Work with a partner and decide if the sentences are true or false. If there is no information in the text, write doesn't say.

1 It was raining. Doesn’t say

2 Monica has travelled in foreign countries a lot.

3 She went to the pub at lunchtime.

4 The first thing she did was sit down at a table.

5 She watched other people.

6 The barman gave her some milk and sugar.

7 In English pubs, you don't pay for your drinks when you leave.

5. Look at Monica's story. Underline the correct option.

1 There are two/three/four paragraphs in her description.

2 Each paragraph has one sentence/more than one sentence.

3 Paragraph l tells the reader about the result of the main event/the context/the main event.

4 Paragraph 2 tells the reader about the result of the main event/the context/the main event.

5 Paragraph 3 tells the reader about the result of the main event/the context/the main event

6. What does Monica include in her paragraphs? Tick☑ the information.

Paragraph 1 (context) when and where I went ☑ the place the people what I knew about the place before I went what sights I saw
Paragraph 2 (event) where I was when the event happened what I did/said what the weather was like what other people did/said
Paragraph 3 (result) what happened in the end what things are for what I learned

Work in small groups. Talk about intercultural experiences similar to Monica’s story. The story can be about you, somebody you know, or a character in a film. Choose the best story and write notes next to some of the headings in exercise 6.

Use your notes and tell your story to a partner from another group. Do you need to add more information?

Use your notes in exercise 7 to write a description of an intercultural experience. Remember to use paragraphs.

Check your writing.

11. Read your partner's description. Have they used paragraphs? Are the context, main event, and result clear? Is any information missing?UNIT 6.



In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.

Andy Warhol, 1928-1987, U.S. artist and filmmaker


Look at the different types of media. How often do you use each of them?

radio newspapers magazines cinema TV books CDs DVDs Internet websites computer games

2. Which of the types of media from Exercise 1a do you prefer for:

1 finding out about news? 3 education?

2 Read the story and choose the best title. - entertainment? 4 research?

Read the three reviews. Match each one with one of the types of media in Exercise 1. Which words or phrases helped you to decide?

Which of the following star ratings do you think the critic gave at the end of each review? Which words or expressions helped you make your choice?


Listen to the three more reviews and match each with one of the types of media in Exercise 1. Listen again and give each review a star rating.

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