Expressions showing criticism and virtues

I know I am not good at...

As for when I look at myself (in a mirror),... well... then I see

someone a bit different.

That's probably my main fault.

I should say I'm not exactly — how should I say?

I suppose I'm not coherent in my behaviour.

You'd have to see it to believe it!

You shouldn't be asking what I think of myself, ... but what

I think of...

It's law and order what we need.

I say get rid of...

I'm the sort of ordinary decent person who wants to bring law and order back (to this country).

Well, I'm an easy going bloke unless of course...

You wind me up. Then I'm a bit vicious.

I think I've kept myself respectable — that's the word.

I've tried to help ... I've done my best.

Perhaps you might consider me a bit of a fanatic.

About... But basically I'm a good chap.

Not too polemic ... fond of... That's me.

When I was young I was very shy.

I didn't make (close friends) till... in ..., till quite late in life.

I became quite good at being by myself.

I had no one to rely on ... and no one to ask for advice. That made me independent.

Unit Five


Positive response:

True... exactly...

I am all out for it.

I am in favour of it.

You have my whole/full support...

I am giving it my backing.

I can see no reason to oppose.

I urge you...

Please, do consider my words very carefully.

My reaction is extremely favourable.


I can't approve of it...

No, it bears no relation to...

I would find it difficult to (accept it)…

I'm not sure you are right about it...


My personal opinion is...

I'm inclined to think that...

It goes further than that...

That's one way of looking at it, but...

You would be well advised.

Unit Six


Asking for opinions

What's your opinion of...

What do you think of...

How do you feel about...

I was wondering what your opinion of... (tentative)

What about... (informal)

Expressing personal opinions

In my opinion

From my point of view

Personally, I think that

It would seem to me that (tentative)

As far as I'm able to judge (tentative)

As I see it (direct)

Frankly, I think (direct)

I reckon (informal)

Asking for clarification

I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean by...

I'm sorry, could you explain what you mean by...

I'm afraid, I'm not really very clear about what you mean by... (tentative)

I'm sorry, but could you possibly explain what you mean by... (tentative)

Did you mean that...

Do you really think that...

Did you say...

But you said earlier that...

I don't understand what you mean by...

What (exactly) do you mean by... (all rather direct)

Giving clarification

Expressions showing criticism and virtues - what I'm trying to say is (that)...


the point I'm trying to make is (that)...

Expressions showing criticism and virtues - Expressions showing criticism and virtues - think

Well, I I what I mean is (that)... (tentative)


Expressions showing criticism and virtues - What I mean is (that)...

(both direct)

What I'm saying is (that)...

All I'm trying to say is (that)... (informal)

  Expressions showing criticism and virtues -   Expressions showing criticism and virtues -

Well, to be frank (strong, blunt)


Unit Seven


Let's get this straight from the start...

There appears to have been a slight misunderstanding here.

I'm afraid you've got it all wrong...


Haven't I already mentioned...

I think I should point out, however...

If I may say so, I believe you've confused...

Am I mistaken in thinking that...

Unit Eight

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