Exercise 9. Point out the Objective and the Subjective Participial Construction. Translate into Russian.

1. In the midday quiet of the bush she heard a small bird singing. (Young) 2. The taxi could be seen waiting outside. (Murdoch) 3. His face clouded when he heard his name spoken. (Greene) 4. She had the drawing-room redecorated. (Maugham) 5. All the while she felt her heart beating with a vague fear. (Eliot) 6. The darkness found him occupied with these thoughts. The darkness found Mr. and Mrs. Plornish knocking at his door. (Dickens) 7. Somewhere a long way off a telephone bell rang and a voice could be heard speaking. (Greene) 8. For their New Year's Eve party she had all the furniture moved out of the parlor and sitting-room. (Stone) 9. Get your things packed. (Cronin) 10. Temple heard the woman fumbling at the wall. (Faulkner) 11. The two- men were heard descending. (Dickens) 12. Two days later she heard sleigh bells coming up the drive. (Stone) 13. They wanted the Committee convened over the week-end. (Snow) 14. She had her bed moved to the corner of the porch. (Buck) 15. Mary could feel Elizabeth reviewing their hopes and dreams, their relationship as sisters. (Stone) 16. She averted her eyes each time she found herself being stared at. (Caldwell) 17. The din in the entrance hall continued, and more vehicles could be heard arriving at the door. (Murdoch) 18. She heard the musicians tuning up in the back parlour. (Stone)

Exercise 10. Translate into English, using the Objective or the Subjective Participial Construction.

(A)1. Была тихая летняя ночь. Мы сидели в саду и наблюдали, как луна медленно поднимается из-за деревьев. 2. Мы услышали, что кто-то поет вдали. 3. В детстве я часто слышал, как моя мать пела эту песню. 4. Мы увидели, что по дорожке сада идет сын нашего соседа. 5. Мы не видели его уже много лет, но часто слышали, как его имя упоминалось в доме его родителей. Мы не раз слышали, как его мать говорила о нем и его работе.

(B) 1. Полчаса спустя Лаврецкий стоял уже перед калиткой сада (garden gate). Он нашел ее запертою и принужден был перепрыгнуть через забор. (Тургенев) 2. Слышно было, как он быстро встал... (Л. Толстой) 3. Подходя к церкви, увидел он, что народ уже расходился (to come out). (Пушкин) 4. Я видел, как вы садились на пароход (to come on board). (А. Толстой) 5. Видно было, как по переулку подбегали (to run up the alley) люди. (А. Толстой)

Exercise 11. Translate into English, using the verb to have or to get followed by the Objective Participial Construction.

1. Я переделала свое зимнее пальто. 2. Когда вы, наконец, настроите свой рояль? Он совсем расстроен (to be out of tune). 3. Я не починил вчера часы, так как мастерские были закрыты. 4. Когда вы оклеили комнату? 5. Вам уже побелили потолок? 6. Где вы снимались? 7. Вам следует переплести свои книги 8. Где вы делали себе это платье? 9. Я выкрасила свое платье, и теперь оно совсем как новое (выглядит совсем новым). 10. Где вы почи-; нили велосипед?

Exercise 12. Point out the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction. State what kind of adverbial modifier it expresses. Translate into Russian.

1. The weather being dark and piercing cold, he had no great temptation to loiter. (Dickens) 2. Out in the shadow of the Japa-| nese sunshade she [Irene] was sitting very still, the Jace on her! white shoulders stirring with the soft rise and fall of her bosom. (Galsworthy) 3. His tale told, he put his head back and laughed. (Stone) 4. She had put some order into the drawing-room by now, her housewifely instincts having got the better of her dismay, j (Maugham) 5. This being understood, the conference was over and' Lufkin got up to join his guests. (Snow) 6. The next morning, it] being Sunday, they all went to church. (Buck) 7. They went downj the stairs together, Aileen lingering behind a little... (Dreiser)) 8. For the moment the shop was empty, the mechanic having] disappeared into a room at the back. (Hansford Johnson) 9. She | paused listlessly, her head dropping upon her breast. (Crown) 10. No one having as yet expressed any such opinion, this was the more readily assented to. (Galsworthy) 11. Sir Henry was deep in his papers, his long, white, unringed hands moving nervously in rhythm with his thoughts. (Greene) 12. The constraint caused by Timothy's presence having worn off a little, conversation took a military turn. (Galsworthy) 13. This done, and Sikes having satisfied his appetite, the two men laid themselves down on chairs for a short nap. (Dickens) 14. She rose from the bed and removed her coat and stood motionless, her head bent, her hands clasped before her. (Faulkner) 15. There being nothing eatable within his reach, Oliver replied in the affirmative. (Dickens)

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