Упражнение 24. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Обратите особое внимание на использование Present Perfect и Past Simple.

1.Где твои ключи? -Я не знаю, я потерял их. Whare is your key? – I do not know, I have lost it.

2. Я не могу найти свою сумку, ты ее не видел? I cannot find my bag. Have you seen it?

3. Ты видел Катю сегодня? - Нет, но я видел ее вчера, она спрашивала о тебе. Have you seen Katya today? – No, but I saw her yesterday.

4. Анна, ты сделала домашнее задание? - Нет, у меня не было времени. Ann, have you done your hometask? – No, I had no time.

5. Хочешь чего-нибудь покушать? - Нет, спасибо, я только что покушал. Would you like something to eat? – No, thank you, I have just eaten.

6. Я знаю, Марк уезжает в Лондон на следующей неделе. - Он уже уехал. I know Mark will go to London next week. – He has already gone.

7. Давай пойдем погуляем в парке. - Мы не можем, дождик еще не кончился. Let’s go to the park. – We can’t, the rain hasn’t finished yet.

8. Ты когда-нибудь был в Париже? - Да, я ездил туда в прошлом году. Have you ever been to Paris? – Yes, I have been there last year.

9. У тебя был отпуск в этом году? Have you got a vacation this year?

10. Я тебя сто лет не видел, ты сильно изменился. I haven’t seen you for hundred years, you are different.

11. Я не был в родном городе с 2000 года. Он сильно изменился. I haven’t been in home town since 2000. It is different.

12. Что ты наделал? What have you done?

Упражнение 25. Составьте предложения, соединив части по смыслу.

1)By the time I got to her house c) she had already left

2) When I turned on the TV a) the program had already started

3) It was nice to see Richard again e) I hadn‘t seen him for years

4) I wasn‘t hungry in the evening b) I‘d had a huge lunch

5) I went to see if the painters had finished g) but they hadn‘t even started

6) I met Oliver‘s wife at the party h) I‘d never met her before

7) When I got home I realized d) I had left the door open

8) I bought him a camera f) but he had already got one

Упражнение 26. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1.The manager was very angry yesterday, because our secretary had not told him about Mr. Brown‘s departure. 2. Our chief got cross when he knew that our engineer had forgotten to telephone the office Russian Airlines booking. 3. When Petrov entered the room the secretary told him that Ivanov had not given the expert the necessary information for the talks. 4. She told us that she had checked all the documents. 5. It took us 2 hours to clear up all the points for the talks. 6. It took us an hour to check all the documents they had signed the day before. 7. The secretary looked very tired. She had filled in all the forms and had typed all the letters. 42 8. Mr. Brown came to the hotel very tired and upset, because the counterparts had not reduced the prices. 9. We were very disappointed, because they had not made payments yet. 10. He was very pleased, as they had given us a good discount.

Упражнение 27. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Обратите особое внимание на использование Past Perfect и Past Simple.

1.Вчера, когда мы пришли в кино, фильм уже начался. Yesterday when we came to the cinema, the movie had already begun.

2. Вчера я ходил на день рождения своего друга. Когда я приехал, все гости уже пришли и ждали меня. Yesterday I was at the my friend’s birthday. When I came, all the guests had already come.

3. Вчера, когда я приехал в офис, мой босс уже уехал. Yesterday when I returned to the office, my boss had already gone.

4. Когда я вернулся в офис вчера вечером, я увидел, что мой шеф положил мне на стол несколько новых контрактов. When I returned to the office yesterday evening, I saw that my chief had put some new contracts on my table.

5. Сначала я подумал, что все сделал правильно, но потом я понял, что допустил ошибку. At first I thought that I have done everything right, but then I understood that I had made a mistake.

6. Анна была на вечеринке вчера? - Да, но когда я приехал, она уже ушла, так что я ее не видел. Was Ann at the party yesterday? – Yes, but when I came, she had already gone, that’s why I didn’t see her.

7. Вчера мы пришли поздно домой, приготовили ужин, поели и пошли спать. Yesterday we came home late, cooked supper, got it and went to the bed.

8. Вчера, когда я пришел домой, она уже приготовила ужин. Yesterday when I came home, she had already cooked supper.

9. Вчера я ушел из дома рано, но по дороге на работу вспомнил, что оставил важные документы на столе. Yesterday I went from home early, but then remained that I had left important documents on the table.

10. Я позвонил Анне, но она, к сожалению, уже тоже ушла. I called Ann, but she had already gone. What’s a pity!

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