Lack of teamwork and proper training may have bad ending

It was the start of what we call a normal day on the job, until later in the morning when an alarm for a chemical leak inside a beverage warehouse was sounded. The dispatch consisted of what we call a HAZMAT box: four engine companies, one truck company, a rescue squad, basic life support unit, HAZMAT company, and command officer. I was working at the HAZMAT company that day.

Upon our arrival, the warehouse had been evacuated and a strong odor of ammonia had already consumed the entire area surrounding the warehouse. Three hazardous materials technicians and myself entered the release area to shut off the valve to the leaking pipe. After locating the release area we located the valve and made an attempt to close the valve. While closing the valve a sudden release of gaseous and liquid ammonia covered the personnel working at and around the valve. Visibility was taken from us almost instantaneously because of the gaseous release and communications were lost between all four technicians. I was able to find my way out and noticed that my personnel were still inside the release area. Prior to making another entry to locate my personnel, I noticed a white smoke coming from my chemical boots.

After further investigation I realized that the oil-based paint from the concrete floor was causing a chemical reaction under the soles of my boots. I reentered the release area, located my personnel, and immediately withdrew from the release area to the decontamination area. Once we were refreshed, a second entry attempt was made into the release area, where we were able to locate another sectional valve and stop the leak.

Prior to leaving the scene we finally determined that prior to our arrival a firefighter had entered the release area and closed the valve without notifying command and/or hazardous materials personnel. When hazardous materials personnel entered the release area thinking that the valve was not closed, they actually reopened it, which caused the valve to freeze in the open position. No personnel were injured or exposed to the ammonia, but the incident proved to be very dangerous as a result of personnel freelancing and the lack of training present at an emergency scene.

Street Story by Gregory L. Socks, Washington County Special Operations Coordinator, Hagerstown, Maryland

beverage warehouse – склад с напитками

chemical leak – утечка химических веществ

dispatch – отправка пожарной команды по особому сигналу пожарной тревоги

HAZMAT – наряд первой очереди для борьбы с опасными материалами

release area – место утечки

valve – вентиль, задвижка, кран

Summary (реферат)

Variant 3

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на временную форму глагола. Выпишите сказуемое и укажите его время.

1. Firefighters rescued thousands of people in 2005.

2. When we arrived we saw that thick black smoke had poured out of the windows.

3. Colonel Popov will make a report on fire prevention measures at 11 a.m. tomorrow.

4. Carbon is a naturally abundant element present in wood and many plastics.

5. I have been to many fires since that day, both as a firefighter and an officer.

6. A pumper usually has a tank with capacities ranging from 300 gallons to 750 gallons.

7. Rescuers found only four alive people after the building had collapsed the day before.

8. Cadets were training from six till eight yesterday.

9. Computers are becoming more and more important in our lives.

Составьте 2 общих вопроса, 2 специальных вопроса и 2 отрицательных предложения к утверждениям из Задания 1.

Поставьте прилагательные, данные в скобках, в соответствующую степень сравнения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Cadet Petrov is (clever) in our group.

2. (Common) private fire protection is the portable fire extinguisher.

3. I heard (much) about this accident than you.

4. Temperatures produced by burning metals are (high) than temperatures generated by burning flammable liquids.

5. One of (bad) flood disasters happened in November 1970 in Bangladesh.

6. English grammar is (easy) than Russian grammar.

Переведите слова на русский язык и определите, к каким частям речи они относятся. Укажите словообразующий суффикс или префикс.

1. detect – detector – detection

2. dense – density

3. require – requirement

4. transform – transformation – transformer

5. hazard – hazardous – hazardless

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