Match the forms of terrorism with the relevant vocabulary

1) bombing a) hostages, seize control, ultimatum

2) assassination b) detonator, suicide, bomber, to defuse

3) kidnapping c) disease, virus, epidemic

4) hijacking d) rifle, hit man, bodyguard

5) chemical attack e) ransom, hide-out, abduct

6) biological f) poisonous gas, toxic fumes warfare.

True or false?

1. Interpol is under the control or supervision of the government.

2. The main task of Interpol is to fight international criminals.

3. Interpol members are only police.

4. Interpol has powers of arrest or any investigative rights.

5. Interpol is divided into five main bodies – the General Assembly, the

Executive Committee, the General Secretariat, the National Central

Bureaus and the Supreme Court.

6. Today 80 percent of the permanent staff is English.

7. The General Assembly controls the policy of the organization.

8. The organization’s headquarters is situated in Washington, USA.

9. Find in the text and comment on the following points:

- types of crimes Interpol deals with;

- the main tasks of Interpol;

- about members of Interpol;

- the work of each four bodies.

10. Look through the text again and complete the sentences with a suitable word from the bracket:

(International terrorism, sky-jacking, control, charter, to disseminate, permanent staff, policy, to exchange, treaty)

2. Interpol is not under the … of any government.

3. Among the first tasks is to fight … … and … .

4. Interpol has never been recognized by any international …. or … and has no police powers.

5. The function of Interpol is … information.

5. Today 80 percent of the … … is French.

6. The General Assembly controls the … of the organization.

7. Each NCB is empowered to communicate directly with and …

information with any other NCB.

11. Read, translate and reproduce the following dialogue:

A: What is Interpol?

B: Interpol is an international police organization for helping national police

forces to catch criminals.

A: When was it formed?

B: Interpol was founded in 1923 in Vienna.

A: Where is Interpol’s headquarters located?

B: It is located in Lyon, France.

A: What are Interpol’s aims?

B: Interpol fights drug trafficking, smuggling, terrorism, sky-jackings and other

international crimes.

A:Does Interpol have powers of arrest?

B:No, its function is to disseminate information.

A:Is Russia a member of Interpol?

B: Yes, Russia was admitted in Interpol as its 151st member in September 1990.

Text №2

Some new words to the text

Mutual взаимный

Spirit дух

Likely вероятный, вероятно

Suppression подавление

To undertake проводить

Undertaking обязательство

Enquiry запрос

To make an enquiry сделать запрос

Despite несмотря на

View вид

To forbid (forbade, forbidden) запрещать

2. Read and translate the text:

The aims of Interpol

These are set in Article 2 of its Constitution:

- To ensure and promote the widest possible mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities within the limits of the laws existing in different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

- To establish and develop all institutions likely to contribute effectively to the prevention and suppression of ordinary law crimes.

To meet these aims, Interpol undertakes a number of activities. Its central function remains that of handling enquiries. Despite the popular view, Interpol is not an executive agency with international detectives who can be «called in» to investigate some international crimes, but rather it is an international communications system between different police forces.

Article 3 of the Constitution of Interpol forbids it to undertake any activities «of a political, military, religious or racial character».

3.Translate these sentences into Russian paying attention to the construction to be likely to do smth:

1. These countries are likely to contribute to the prevention of crimes.

2. That country was likely to take part in the work of the organization.

3. He was likely to participate in this conference.

4. He is likely to be awarded.

5. They are unlikely to react positively.

6. He is likely to be appointed Secretary General.

4.Write out the pairs of synonyms from these two groups of words and translate them:

To ensure To develop to remain to handle
To promote To provide to forbid to combat
To assist To be to deal with to found
To establish To prohibit To exist to stay
To prevent To help    
To suppress To keep away    

5. Insert correct articles:

1. To meet these aims … Interpol has undertaken … number of … functions.

2. … central activity of … Interpol remains the function of handling … enquiries it gets from … participating countries.

3. Despite … popular opinion, … Interpol is not … executive agency.

4. Rather it is … international communications system.

5. … article 3 of … Constitution of … Interpol forbids it to undertake … political activities.

6. I don’t know what exactly … Article says.

7. I don’t know how many … Articles there are in … Constitution of … Organization.

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