Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision

Esbjerg, 18th March, 19

To the Master

of the m/v "Bornholm,"

Port of Esbjerg.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sir,

To-day at 6.30 GMT while my ship, having a Pilot aboard, was following the icebreaker and proceeding slowiy on account of heavy ice with engine working at full speed ahead, your ship that was right after us collided with my ship causing a big hole on my ship's aft (poop), starboard side.

I make reserve for more damages which may arise on a more accurate inspection.


Under the circumstances I have to hold you responsible for the damage caused and kindly ask you to come personally to verify the scope of damage by yourself.

Yours faithfully, S. N. Sidorov, Master of the m/v "Leningrad"

2. Letter to the Owners of the ship claiming their responsibility
for the collision

Hamburg, 7th July, 19 ...

To the Master and/or Owners of the m/v "Hercules," Port of Hamburg.

Dear Sir(s),

On the 6th inst., while proceeding to Hamburg under Pi­lot's direction we entered the area of dense fog and dropped anchor in position 53°51'N, 9°00'E at 11.00 hours GMT, waiting for the visi­bility to improve. Immediately on anchoring we started to give pres­cribed fog signals and set proper lookout.

At 12.34 GMT fog signals of a vessel under way were he­ard from apparently forward of the beam. To attract attention of the oncoming ship we started to give signals prescribed by the Regula­tions and showed flare-up light.

Notwithstanding those signals, the approaching vessel which proved to be your ship, the "Hercules", as itwas found later, continued to progress and at 12.39 hours GMT struck the starboard side ofmy tanker in way of tank No. 3, causing a big hole and other damage described in detail in the enclosed Surveyor Report.

Under the circumstances I have to hold you and your Owners responsible for the damage caused and the consequences which may arise therefrom, of which please take due note.

Yours faithfully, M. M. Mikhailov, Master of the m/t "Molodechno"

3. Letter to the Harbour Authorities stating the data of the acci­
dent and claiming responsibility for the collision

Esbjerg, 18th March, 19 ...

To the Harbour Master, Port of Esbjerg.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sir,

I wish to inform youthat on March 17, 19 . . ., at 22.00MRS GMT, at 7 miles Westward of Graadyb the Pilot hoarded my vessel waiting for the icebreaker "Grand" which was busy atthat time taking out another ship.

On the 18th March, 19. . ., at 05.30 GMT we sailed to your port progressing in the following order:

1. The icebreaker "Grand,"

2. The m/v "Leningrad,"

3. The m/v "Bornholm."

My vessel, the m/v "Leningrad", was proceeding under Pilot's direction, shifting on different and various speeds and steam­ing ahead heavily through the ice.

At 06.30 HRS GMT, while the icebreaker was about 500 metres ahead of us and we were proceeding with the engine at full speed ahead, the motor vessel "Bornholm," which was at a very short distance from our aft, suddenly struck against my ship causing a big hole on our aft (poop), starboard side.

The visibility was very good, my ship, the m/v "Lenin­grad", was moving at that time with the engine at full speed ahead, but proceeding very slowly owing to heavy ice.

The motor vessel "Bornholm" at the same time had much easier manoeuvring facilities either to stop or to go astern or, defi­nitely much better, to keep herself away from the m/v "Leningrad" at a safe distance.

Therefore, the responsibility for the collision must be char­ged on the m/v "Bornholm" the Master whereof has been duly noti­fied by me.

Enclosed herewith please find four copies of the extracts from the Log-Book and four copies of the extracts from the Engine-Book.

Yours faithfully, S. N. Sidorov Master of the m/v "Leningrad"

Enclosures: 8 copies.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru 4. Extracts fromthe Log-Bookstating the data of the accident

Extracts from Log-Book No. 72 of the m/v "Leningrad," sailing under the Soviet flag and owned by the Baltic Sea Shipping Com­pany, Leningrad, U.S.S.R.

Page 117

March 17, 19 ...

22.00 GMT At anchorage close to the edge of heavy ice. Embar­ked Pilot, Mr. W. J. Johnes of Esbjerg. Waiting for an icebreaker. Wind NE force 2. Temperature — 18°C.

Page 118

March 18, 19 ...

05.25 GMT The icebreaker "Grand," calling letters MNHO, ap­proached at a short distance, signalled to get ready to weigh up.

05.27 GMT Weighed anchor.

05.28 GMT Left anchorage. Proceeding at slow ahead under Pi­lot's direction. Master on the bridge in command.

05.33 GMT Following the icebreaker "Grand," keeping at about 500 metres distance from the icebreaker ahead of us. Proceeding at half ahead, on variable courses. Pro­gressing slowly because of ice, the m/v "Bornholm" following us at a fairly short distance.

06.00 GMT Passed Point Saat. Wind rose to force 3 NNE. Temp. — 19°C.

06.25 GMT Observed a sudden and very close approach of the

m/v "Bornholm" to our ship's stern. Sounded a series of short blasts on the ship's whistle.

06.26 GMT Altered course to port to keep as close as possible to

the edge of the ice channel.

06.27 GMT Went full speed ahead to kick away the "Bornholm's"

bow by the propeller's wake.

06.28 GMT In spite of measures taken could not avoid an impact.

The m/v "Bornholm" struck with her bow against our ship's stern, on the starboard side.

06.29 GMT Stopped the engine. The m/v "Bornholm" passed by

on our starboard side, bruising our ship's plating.

06.30 GMT Backed her at slow astern.

06.31 GMT Chief Mate together with Bos'un examined damage

caused, reported to the bridge: a hole 1X1-5 metres in size above the waterline, and a dent on the plating about 2 metres long with a 5 cm. deflection.

06.35 GMT No leaks detected in aft compartments. The ship con­tinues to follow the icebreaker "Grand" at slow speed ahead. The m/v "Bornholm" is proceeding behind us at 2 cables' distance.

S. N. Sidorov Master of the m/v "Leningrad"

5. Extract from the Engine-Book stating the data of the accident

Extracts from Engine-Book No. 37 of the m/v "Leningrad", sail­ing under the Soviet flag and owned by the Baltic Sea Shipping Company, Leningrad, U.S.S.R.

Page 117

March 18, 19 ...

04.10 GMT Get the engine ready. One hour notice.

04.11 " Started oil pump.

04.12 Started fuel-oil delivery pump and air compressor.
05.10 " The engine is ready.

05.25 " Started the second diesel generator.

05.26 " Fed power to windlass and fire-pump.

05.27 " Stand by the engine. Started both engine

05.28 " Slow ahead stbd and port engines.

05.32 " Half speed ahead. Stbd andport engine

06.27 GMT Full speed ahead. Stbd and port engines.

06.28 Heard the sound of a heavy stroke coming from aft.

06.29 " Stop. Stopped stbd. and port engines.

06.30 " Slow astern. Stbd and port engines.

06.33 Stop the engine. Stopped stbd and port engines.

06.34 " Slow ahead. Stbd and port engines.

F. V. Makarov Chief Engineer of the m/v "Leningrad"

6. Letter claiming indemnity for forced inactivity caused by the

Esbjerg, 21st March, 19 ... To the Master of the m/v "Bornholm," Port of Esbjerg.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sir,

I wish to inform you that in connection with the damage caused by your ship on the 18th of March, 19 . . ., I hereby claim from your Company, besides the repairs, an indemnity for forced inactivity of mv m/v, the "Leningrad", up to the completion of repairs, at the rate of i 150.00 per day.

Your faithfully, S. N. Sidorov Master of the m/v "Leningrad"

7. Letter stating that the repairs have been completed to entire

Esbjerg. March 29, 19

To the Owners of the m/v "Bornholm," Port of Esbjerg.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

I; the undersigned, Master of the m/v "Leningrad," by the present state that the damage caused by the m/v "Bornholm" on the 18th of March, 19 . . ., has been completely repaired to my entire satis­faction and that I have no claim of whatsoever in respect to the quality of repairs.

Yours faithfully, 5. N. Sidorov Master of the m/v "Leningrad"

8. Arbitration Agreement for Cases of Collision


Esbjerg, March 18, 19 . . .

It is hereby agreed between the Captain, as accredited represen­tative of the Owners of the ship m/v "Bornholm," sailing under Nor­wegian flag and registered at the port of Oslo, Norway, Party of

the first part, and the Captain of the Soviet mjv "Leningrad", regis­tered at the port of Leningrad, U.S.S.R., Party of the second part, as follows:

1. All disputes arising between the parties hereto, in connection
with the collision or the damage to the property on shore or at sea
by the ship mjv "Bornholm" and mlv "Leningrad" which occurred
on the 18th of March, 19 . . ., at Esbjerg, both with regard to the
cause of the said collision or occurrence and eventual liability of
each party and to the amount of damages to be paid — are hereby
referred to arbitration in Moscow by the Maritime Arbitration Com­
mission at the U.S.S.R. Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

2. Each party agrees forthwith to give security to the other to an
amount, which the other party shall require in accordance with the
circumstances of collision or occurrence, through the Maritime Arbit­
ration Commission, this security being enforceable only by the Mari­
time Arbitration Commission to cover the losses and expenses of the
party at whose request it was given. The security shall be given in
such form as the Maritime Arbitration Commission may think proper,
but the Maritime Arbitration Commission shall not be held respon­
sible either for the amount or form of effectiveness of the security.

3. The parties to this agreement hereby agree not to demand the
arrest or detention of any ship of a party which has provided secu­
rity in accordance with Paragraph 2 hereof, so long as that security
remains effective.

Until the said security is given, the rights of the parties to de­mand arrest or detention of the ship remain unrestricted.

Note. State merchant ships, as provided by the Merchant Shipping Code of the U.S.S.R., may not be arrested.

4. Within 30 days after the agreement has been signed each par­
ty is entitled to choose an arbitrator from among the members of
the Maritime Arbitration Commission. Should both parties or any
one of them fail within this period to name arbitrators or arbitrator,
the same shall be appointed by the President of Maritime Arbitration
Commission at his discretion from among the members of the Mari­
time Arbitration Commission. The parties hereto may, by mutual con­
sent, leave the personal choice of arbitrators to the Maritime Arbit­
ration Commission. In this event the Maritime Arbitration Commis­
sion may entrust the settlement of the dispute to a sole arbitrator
appointed from among the members of the Commission.

The Maritime Arbitration Commission shall inform the parlies of the arbitrators or arbitrator appointed by the Commission within five days after their appointment.

5. The onus of providing evidence shall lie with the parties,yet
the President of the Maritime Arbitration Commission and arbitra­
tors may gather evidence also on their own initiative and may require
each of the parties to submit to the Maritime Arbitration Commis­
sion,prior to the hearing of the case, detailed statementsin writing
and such information and documents, which the Presidentof the

Maritime Arbitration Commission or the arbitrators should consider essential for ascertaining the facts of the case. Whether or not any given evidence or any act of investigation (examination of witnesses, calling in of experts, inspection on the spot) shall be admitted, de­pends on whether the arbitrators or arbitrator consider them to have any essential significance for the case.

6. The case shall be heard by the arbitrators or arbitrator in open
session, both parties being invited to attend. The parties may con­
duct their case either personally or through their representatives, but
the hearing of the case shall not be postponed on account of the
failure of the parties to attend. Parties desiring either themselves or
in the person of their representatives to attend the hearing must com­
municate to the Maritime Arbitration Commission their legal addres­
ses- indicating to whom notices, summonses, etc. are to be served.
Should the parties fail to communicate their legal addresses, the
notices, summonses, etc. shall remain in the office of the Maritime
Arbitration Commission and shall be deemed to have been duly ser­
ved to the parties.

7. In the event of the dispute coming before two arbitrators and
their failing to agree they shall elect an Umpire from among the
members of the Maritime Arbitration Commission. If the arbitrators
fail to agree on an Umpire, the same shall be appointed by the Pre­
sidents of the Maritime Arbitration Commission from among the
members of the Maritime Arbitration Commission at his own discre­
tion. The arbitrators may yet before the hearing of the case agree to
appoint an Umpire to take part in the arbitration.

8. Disputes between the parties under this agreement shall be
decided pursuant to the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Code
and other laws of the U.S.S.R. and the Union Republics, as well as
to the Rules of the Brussels International Convention of September
23, 1910, "For Unification of Some Rules Concerning Collision of

9. The sum or sums awarded by the Arbitration Commission as
well as the expenses of the arbitration procedure shall be paid by
the parties in full accordance with the award of the arbitrators or of
the Umpire as soon as this award comes into force. The President of
the Maritime Arbitration Commission shall give instructions for the
realization of the security in the manner agreed upon between the
parties or settled in the award.

W. Jarisen Master of the tnlv "Bornholm"

5. Sidorov Master of the m/v "Leningrad"


GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) — сред­нее гринвичское время

heavy ice — тяжелые льды

full speed ahead — полный ход впе­ред

right after us — непосредственно за


aft — кормовой, в кормовой части poop — полуют starboard side — правый борт

port side — левый борт

to make reserve for — оставлять за собой право; зд. оставлять за со­бой право потребовать возмещения убытков

to hold one responsible — считать кого-л. ответственным

scope — масштаб, размер

dense fog — густой туман

to improve — улучшать (ся)

prescribed — предписанный

to set proper lookout — установить надлежащее наблюдение

under way — на ходу, в пути

forward of the beam — впереди тра­верза

oncoming — приближающийся, на­двигающийся

flare-up light — сигнальная вспышка огня

notwithstanding — несмотря на

to progress — продвигаться вперед

to strike (struck, struck) — ударить, натолкнуться

to enclose — вкладывать (в конверт)

Surveyor Report — акт сюрвейера, заключение сюрвейера

Harbour Authorities — портовые вла­сти

party — сторона, юридическое лицо

of the first part — с одной стороны

of the second part — с другой сторо­ны (принятая форма определения в юр. документах при перечисле­нии участников соглашения или акта)

eventual — возможный, могущий-случиться

to be referred to arbitration — пере­давать на арбитражное разреше­ние

The USSR Chamber of Commerce and

Industry — Торгово-промышленная палата СССР

forthwith — тотчас, немедленно

enforceable — принудительный, обя­зательный

unrestricted — неограниченный

from among the members — из числа членов

at discretion — по усмотрению

the settlement of the dispute — раз­решение спора

sole arbitrator — соло-арбитр (один арбитр для обеих сторон)

onus — бремя, ответственность (юр. термин)

to submit — представлять,предъяв­лять

prior to — до, перед (юр. термин)

hearing of the case — слушание дела

whether or not — независимо от то­го будет (было, есть) или не будет (было, есть)

examination of witnesses — опрос свидетелей

calling in of experts — приглашение экспертов

inspection on the spot — расследова­ние на месте

to conduct the case — вести дело

to postpone — откладывать, отсрочи­вать

data (мн. число от datum) — данные, детали, подробности

HRS (hours) — часы

to board — взойти на судно, поднять­ся (о лоцмане)

to shift — перемещать (ся), перешвар-товываться; менять скорость

shifting on various speeds — меняя скорости машины

to steam (up) — идти (под парами), продвигаться (о судне)

to steam ahead — идти вперед (о судне)

to strike against — удариться о что-либо

to run against — натолкнуться на что-либо, «навалиться» (о судне)

much easier manoeuvring facilities — значительно большая возможность маневрировать

to go astern — идти задним ходом, дать задний ход

to keep away (from) — держаться подальше от чего-либо

to charge responsibility on someone— возложить ответственность на ко­го-либо

enclosed herewith please find extracts-при сем прилагаются выдержки, выписки

Engine-Book (Engine-Room Log) — вахтенный машинный журнал

enclosure — приложение

to embark — принять на судно, са­диться на судно

calling letters — позывные

to weigh up — сняться с якоря, вы­брать якорь

Master in command — под командо­ванием капитана

variable — переменный, меняющийся

fairly — довольно, достаточно

ice channel — проход по льду(по­сле ледокола)

to kick away — оттолкнуть, отбить, отвести

wake -- кильватерная струи

impact — удар, толчок столкновение

To paSS by - ПрОЙТИ мимо

to bruise — поцарапать, содрать, сде­лать вмятину (ударом)

to back — дать задний ход, идти задним ходом

plating — обшивка (корпуса), лист

deflection — стрела прогиба (вмяти­ны)

leak — течь, утечка

to detect — обнаруживать

compartment — отсек, отделение

one hour notice — часовая готовность (предупреждение)

to feed (fed, fed) — питать, подавать питание (тока, мощности)

windlass — брашпиль

stroke — удар

indemnity — возмещение, компенса­ция

inactivity — бездеятельность; зд. про­стой besides — кроме того, помимо, сверх


completion — окончание, завершение whatsoever — какой бы ни, любой Arbitration Agreement — соглашение

об арбитраже summons to be served — повестка

должна быть вручена pursuant to — согласно с чем-либо to award — присуждать, назначать award — присуждение, приговор, ре­шение


I. Answer the following questions:

1. What damage was caused to the m/v "Leningrad?"

2. Whom did the Captain have to hold responsible for this dam­

3. With what purpose did he invite the Master of the m/v "Born-
holm" to come aboard his ship?

4. What did the Captain of the m/v "Leningrad" inform the Har­
bour Master about?

5. Where and at what time did the Pilot board the m/v "Lenin­

6. What was the icebreaker "Grand" busy with at that time?

7. When did the m/v "Leningrad" sail for Esbjerg?

8. In what order were the three ships progressing?

9. At what speed was the m/v "Leningrad" proceeding and how
were her engines working?

10. What happened at 6.30 GMT when the m/v "Bornholm" was
at a short distancefrom the m/v "Leningrad's" stern?

11. Which of the two ships had better manoeuvring facilities?

12. What could the m/v "Bornholm" do to avoid the collision?

13. What did the Captain of the m/v "Leningrad" claim?

14. What documents did he enclose with his letter to the Harbour

15. What damage had been caused to the m/v "Leningrad" as
reported by her Chief Mate on examination?

16. What did the Captain claim from the Owners of the m/v "Born­
holm" besides the repairs?

17. At what rate did he claim the indemnity for forced inacti­

18. How was the damage repaired?

19. Between what parties is the Arbitration Agreement con­

20. To whom must all the disputes between the parties be refer­
red for arbitration?

21. In which case do the parties agree not to demand the arrest
of any ship belonging to the opposite' party?

22. How are the Arbitrators and an Umpire elected or appointed?

23. In accordance with what Code and law are the disputes bet­
ween the parties to be decided?

II. Fill in the blanks with the required prepositions where neces­

1. ... Wednesday . . . 05.30 p. m. we were following the icebre­

2. The icebreaker was proceeding ... of us.

3. Your ship collided . . . my vessel and caused a big hole . . .
my ship's starboard.

4. We found some more damage . . . detailed inspection.

5. The Pilot boarded my vessel . . . 7.45 a. m. . . . the 12th of
June, 19—,. . . 3 miles . . . Cape N.

6. We were waiting ... a Pilot ... the position indicated by the
Harbour Master.

7. We were proceeding . . . Pilot's direction and progreessed slow­
ly ... the ice.

8. We were steaming ahead slowly . . . the engine working . . .
half-speed ahead ... a short distance . . . the Pilot boat.

9. Owing . . . heavy ice we could not enter . . . the port.

10. We tried to keep away . . . the floating crane ... a safe dis­

11. The responsibility for the collision is to be charged . . . the
tug-boat which towed us ... the Canal.

12. I wish to enclose herewith 3 copies . . . the extracts . . . the
Log-Book . . . my vessel.

13. ... account . . . breakage ... the ship's engine we must
proceed . . . Marseilles . . . repairs.

14. The sailing boat ran . . . our ship's screw and capsized.

15. ... that moment the Officer on duty was busy . . . the berth­
ing of the ship.

III. Translate into English:

1. Завтра в 07.00 вечера мы выйдем из Калькутты в Бомбей.

2. Ваше судно ударило в носовую часть левого борта моего
т/х «Тимирязев» и сделало большую пробоину.

3. Мое судно шло средним ходом вперед на небольшом расстоя­
нии от лоцманского катера.

4. Я прошу Вас прийти на мое судно, чтобы лично удостоверить­
ся в ущербе, причиненном столкновением.

5. Я сохраняю за собой право потребовать возмещения (to claim
for) других убытков, если они будут обнаружены впоследствии.

6. При данных обстоятельствах я должен считать Вас ответст­
венным за столкновение.

7. Настоящим сообщаю, что лоцман прибыл на мое судно в суб­
боту, 20 августа 19 . . . г., в 3 ч дня.

8. Мы ожидали ледокол в трех милях от входа в порт.

9. Мы шли, имея лоцмана на борту, на расстоянии около 4 миль
от берега.

10. Судно вышло из гавани под управлением лоцмана в 18.00 ч
по среднему гринвичскому времени.

11. Когда мы стали на якорь, местный паровой буксир натолк­
нулся на наш правый винт.

12. Вследствие плохой видимости Ваш буксир натолкнулся на
якорную цепь моего судна и порвал ее.

13. Вы должны были держаться на безопасном расстоянии от
правого борта судна, так как трап был спущен.

14. Ответственность за столкновение должна быть возложена
на датское судно.

15. Мы не могли дать задний ход, так как прямо за нами было
парусное судно.

16. При сем прилагаю выписку из вахтенного журнала моего
судна за этот период времени.

17. Я требую немедленного ремонта повреждений, нанесенных
Вашим судном.

IV. Translate the following letters into English:

Марсель, 12 сентября 19 ... г. Капитану т/х «Олимпия», порт Марсель.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Как Вам известно, сегодня в 3 ч дня, во время (while) перешвар­товки, Ваше судно навалилось на мое судно «Ломоносов», которое было ошвартовано у причала № 7, во время погрузки генерального груза.

В результате удара Ваше судно сделало большую пробоину в кормовой части правого борта (полуюте) моего судна.

Я считаю Вас ответственным за причиненный ущерб моему суд­ну и требую срочного исправления повреждений.

Прошу прийти на мое судно и лично убедиться в размере ущерба.

При сем прилагаю 2 экземпляра соглашения об арбитраже, один из которых прошу подписать и вернуть.

В. М. Дубов Капитан т/х «Ломоносов»

2. Стокгольм, 17 августа 19 ... г.

Капитану порта,

порт Стокгольм. \

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Настоящим сообщаю, что сегодня в 07.30 вечера при следовании судна под управлением лоцмана с внешнего рейда к причалу № 5 буксирный катер «Гренада» Вашего порта, выводивший из гавани

баржу, столкнулся в канале с моим судном и произвел вмятину (dent) в обшивке кормовой части левого борта судна.

Видимость была хорошая, ветер слабый, северо-северо-восточ-ный, силой в 1—2 балла. Мое судно шло средним ходом на не­большом расстоянии от берега по правому борту.

Буксирный катер «Гренада», пройдя нос моего судна, внезапно потерял управление и ударился в нашу корму.

Таким образом, ответственность за столкновение должна быть отнесена на буксирный катер «Гренада», о чем я известил капитана названного судна.

Я требую срочного исправления повреждений, причиненных мое­му судну вследствие (through) столкновения.

При сем прилагаю выписку из вахтенного журнала в 2 экземп­лярах.

И. Ф. Васин Капитан т/х «Нарва»

V. Compose the following letters in English:

1. Напишите письмо капитану буксирного катера «Гренада» о
том, что повреждения, причиненные вашему судну «Нарва» в ре­
зультате столкновения 17 августа 19 ... г., были полностью ис­
правлены и что ремонт произведен удовлетворительно.

2. Составьте выписку из вахтенного журнала вашего судна
«Нарва» за 17 августа 19 . . . г., в которой, помимо обычных сведе­
ний, должна быть запись о происшедшем столкновении с буксир­
ным катером «Гренада», Стокгольм, в результате которого образо­
валась вмятина (dent) в обшивке кормовой части левого борта
вашего судна. Укажите обстоятельства столкновения.

3. Напишите письмо капитану т/х «Олимпия», находящегося в
Марсельском порту, о том, что в связи с ремонтом повреждений,
нанесенных столкновением 12 сентября 19 ... г., ваше судно за­
держивается с выходом из Марселя, и поэтому вы вынуждены по­
требовать (to claim) с владельцев т/х «Олимпия» компенсацию за
простой (inactivity) до окончания ремонта судна из расчета
Ј 150.00 в день.

4. Напишите письмо капитану порта Марсель с указанием под­
робностей столкновения с т/х «Олимпия» (см. в этом же уроке упр.
IV, п. 1 — письмо капитану т/х «Олимпия» от 12 сентября 19 ... г.).
Сообщите капитану порта, что вы считаете судно «Олимпия» ви­
новным в столкновении и просите задержать согласно закону это
судно до тех пор, пока вопрос с оплатой ремонта за повреждения
или с подписанием арбитражного соглашения не будет урегулиро­

5. Напишите письмо владельцам катера «Гренада» (см. в этим
же уроке упр. IV, п. 2 — письмо капитану порта Стокгольм от
17 августа) с изложением обстоятельств столкновения и требова­
ниемисправить причиненные вашему судну повреждения

6. Напишите письмо капитану и владельцам Н0рвеж< КОГОсуд­
на «Ханссен», что вы считаете их ответственными за столкновение,

которое произошло при следующих обстоятельствах. При подходе к Гамбургу, имея на борту лоцмана, ваше судно вошло в полосу густого тумана и стало на якорь в ожидании улучшения видимости. Судно подавало установленные правилами туманные сигналы и установило надлежащее наблюдение за обстановкой. Через два ча­са после постановки на якорь впереди траверза вами были услы­шаны туманные сигналы судна, находящегося на ходу. Для обраще­ния внимания приближающегося судна вами были поданы предпи­сываемые ППСС сигналы. Несмотря на сигналы, судно продолжало следовать полным ходом и, только находясь уже в непосредствен­ной близости от вашего судна, убавило ход, дало задний ход, но было уже поздно, и судно ударило в правый борт вашего судна, нанеся пробоину и причинив другой ущерб. Сообщите, что вы зая­вили соответствующий морскойпротест и предлагаете норвежско­му судну подписать арбитражное соглашение МАК, которое при­лагаете при вашем письме.




1. Letter asking the Agent to radio the information about the col­lision to the Shipowners

Genoa, 27th July, 19 ...

Messrs. Saghetti & Tuena, Ship Agents & Brokers, Piazza Dealla Meridiana 25, Genoa, Italy.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

Please send to my Owners the enclosed telegram in Latin characters which, when translated, reads, as follows:

"On the 27th inst. at 01.30 GMT while shifting from Mille pier to the Inner Basin pier, under Pilot's direction, my ship ran against a barge which was riding at anchor in the inner road, carry­ing no lights prescribed by the Rules of the Road. The absence of lights made it impossible to make out the barge until at close quarters when the collision was unavoidable. My ship fouled the barge's anchor chain, tore her off the anchor and caused a dent in way of her mid­ship section one foot above the water line. The ship sustained nb damage. I have noted a Sea Protest and hold the Pilot and Port Authorities responsible for the collision. I propose to settle this acci­dent at Genoa."

I would also ask you kindly to get in touch with the Port Authorities and induce them to settle this matter amicably, as itis absolutely evident that the Pilot is wholly responsible for the accident having not informed me of the congested waters.

Yours faithfully, /. /. Ivanov Master of the m/v "S. Botkin"

2. Letter asking the Agent to arrange meeting with a lawyer in
connection with the collision

Rotterdam, 1st August, 19 ...

Messrs. C. Franck & Trahlberg, Ship Agents, Kertenaerstraat 17, Rotterdam, Holland.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

On the 31st July, 19 . . ., while we were unloading the cargo of Crude Oil at Oil berth No. I the French ship "Boulogne" proceeding down the river took a sudden sheer to starboard abreast of our tanker and, in spite of her both anchor being dropped at once, struck with her stern our starboard side in way of the poop deck caus­ing material damage to our ship.

In this connection I would kindly ask you to arrange rny meeting with a lawyer in order to get his advice as to how theclaim should be lodged in compliance with local by-laws and custom.

Yours faithfully, P. P. Petrov

Master of the m/t "Elbrus"

3. Letter asking the Agent to invite a Surveyor in connection with
the accident

Ancona, 22nd July, 19 ...

Messrs. Dominico Carmello & Co., Ship Agents, 27 Via Grande, Ancona, Italy.

Dear Sirs,

To-day at 06.35 GMT a hurricane of force up to 12 sud­denly tore my ship off from her stern moorings and theship dragg­ing her anchors struck with her stern the Oil pier atFalconara in spite of all measures taken to avoid the impact. As aresult of this impact some damage was caused both to the pier and to theship.

In connection with this accident I would kindly ask you to invite an official Surveyor to my ship, to-morrow at11.00 a. m., to carry out an appropriate survey and estimate the exteni andamount of the damage caused.

11 Заказ № 1060 \$\

Under the circumstances I consider this accident as ensued from force majcure and I intend to note a Sea Protest to this effect.

Yours faithfully, N. N. Nikolaev Master of the m/t "Belgorod"

4. Letter to a ship guilty of collision proposingher Captain to settle thematter amicably

Hamburg, 9th July, 19 ...

To the Master and/or Owners of the m/v "Hercules," Port of Hamburg.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sir(s),

Further to my letter of the 7th inst. I beg to enclose here­with a copy of the Surveyor Report dated the 8th of July, 19 . . ., in connection with the damage caused by your vessel to my ship.

From the above mentioned Report you will see that the Surveyor, Mr. R. L. Swanson of this city, on thoroughsurvey and careful consideration of all thecircumstances, estimates the amount of damage at U.S. S 2000.00.

I hopethat you will consider our claim and the amount of damage estimated by the above mentioned Surveyor as quite reaso­nable and justified,and Ioffer you to settle this matter amicably by paying the respective sum of U.S. $ 2000.00 to our Agents here, Messrs. G. Schwerensen & Co., Ltd.

I should be very glad to have your reply to this by return.

Yours faithfully, M. M. Mikhailov Master of them/t "Molodechno"

5. Letter proposingto refer the dispute to arbitration in Moscow

Hamburg, 11th July, 19 ...

To the Master and/or Owners of the m/v "Hercules," Port of Hamburg.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sir(s),

In reply to your letter of the 10th inst. from which we learn that you are not willing to admit our claim for damage at U.S. $ 2000.00, as estimated by the Official Surveyor, we think it expedi­ent and prudent to refer our dispute to arbitration in Moscow by the Maritime Arbitration Commission.

Enclosed please find two copies of Arbitration Agreement for Cases of Collision one of which we would ask you to sign and return.

Yours faithfully, M. M. Mikhailov Master of the m/t "Molodechno"

6. Letter asking the Agent to send a doctor in connection with a
casualty aboard the ship

Singapore, 3rd August, 19 ...

Messrs. Ferguson & Co., Ship Agents,

27 North Road,


Dear Sirs,

To-day at 1.00 p. m. while loading the cargo of Rubber in the open roadstead, in consequence of negligence on the part of the guyman, Mr. Torny, a guy parted and caused injury to one of the stevedores working on deck at that moment.

The injured person, Mr. K. Siang, who had fracture of the thigh, was at once rendered medical assistance and is now kept in the ship's hospital.

Please send immediately a doctor to examine the patient and draw up an official Statement of Facts. I would also ask you kindly to come aboard personally in order to take part in the joint enquiry.

Yours faithfully, V. S. Matveev Master of the m/v "Leningrad'7

7. Letter to the Agent protesting against intended investigations
by the Port Authorities

Rotterdam, 2nd August, 19 . . .

Messrs. C. Franck & Trahlberg, Ship Agents, Kertenaerstraat 17, Rotterdam, Holland.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

As you know, to-day at 11.00 a. m. the representatives of

the Port Authorities visited my ship for the purpose of making inves­tigations in connection with the fire in the Engine-Room of my \ sel which took place on the High Seas, at 50 miles fromyour port, andwas extinguished by the ship's means.

Under Articleli of the Geneva Convention (1958)in res­pect to High Seas and in accordance with international usagelocal Port Authorities are notentitled to make any investigations in casessimilar to the above mentioned event.

11* 163

Therefore, Ihave to declare a definiteprotest against the actions of your Port Authoritiesand by the present Iask you to take such legal steps as would efficiently protect the rights and interests of my ship and my Owners.

Yours faithfully, A. V. Fedorov

Master of the m/v ''Krasnodar"

8. Letter to the Agent requesting the Harbour Master to detain the
ship guilty of collision

Marseilles, 23rdSeptember, 19 ...

Messrs. C. Matin & Co., Ship Agents, 21 Rue de Concorde, Marseilles, France.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

I wish to confirm my to-day's radiogram as per copy en­closed. Further to my radiogram I would ask you to make an official protest on my behalf and inform the Harbour Master that in conse­quence of the collision I hold the Master and Owners of the French m/v "xManech" responsible for the damage caused to my vessel.

In accordance with law I, therefore, request the Harbour Master of your port to detain that ship unless her Owners are willing to give the respective Bank's Letter of Guaranty in favour of the Black Sea Shipping Company, Odessa, for the amount sufficient to cover the damage caused and expenses incurred.

Yours faithfully, P. K. Timofeev Master of the m/v "Fryazino"

9. Letter to the Agent protesting against detention of the ship by
the Port Authorities

Antwerp, 17th October, 19 . .

Messrs. C. Murray & Co., Ltd., Ship Agents, 38 Rue Leopold, Antwerp, Belgium.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

I would ask you kindly to inform the Harbour Master and all concerned that by the present. I positively protest against deten­tion of my ship in connection with the collision as my vessel is a state-owned ship and consequently has a privilege of immunity, being exempt from liens.

Please take all the necessary measures to have my ship immediately released from detainment.

Yours faithfully, V. I. Pavlov Master of the m/v "Chulym"

10. Letter tothe Suez Canal Authority requesting to replacea
Pilot who proved to be unqualified

Great Bitter Lake, August 15, 19 ...

To theSue?; Canal Authority,

the Port of Suez,

Arabian Republic of Egypt.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

This is to inform you that on the 14th Aug., 19 . . ., at 6.00 a. m. your Pilot, Mr. K. J. Johnson, boarded my vessel at the outer roadstead of the Port of Suez. In compliance with his instruc­tions we got under way at 8.40 a. m. on the same day to join the convoy.

During transit through the Canal the Pilot, Mr. K. J. Johnson, behaved rather nervously, his commands were undeter­mined, irresolute and not given in due time; consequently, he could not keep the ship at a proper distance from other vessels in the con­voy and provide that she should be in the right place of the fairway. As a result of his actions the ship was several times ina position very close toimmediate danger.

Under these circumstances, being guided by Article 4 of the Rules of Navigation through the Suez Canal, I had to dismiss Mr. K. J. Johnson from his duties, to leave the convoy and to anchor in the Great Bitter Lake at 14.35 hours, in position about half a mile Southward off Buoy No. 10. Immediately on anchoring I sent you an urgent radiogram requesting to send another Pilot to replace Mr. K. J. Johnson.

As Mr. K. J. Johnson is evidently unable to secure safe navigation through the Canal for vessels of such a type as ours, I would kindly request you not to send him to my ship inthe future.

At the same time I have to hold theSuez Canal Authority responsible for the delay caused by the loss of time in waiting for the replacement of the Pilot.

Yours faithfully, S. G. Sedov

Master of thei/s "Warsaw" Encl. 1 copy.

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru 11. A copy of the radiogram to the Suez Canal Authority




12. Salvage Contract of the Maritime Arbitration Commission of

the U.S.S.R.



The U.S.S.R. Chamber of

Commerce and Industry

in Moscow


Odessa, 26th of April, 19 . . .

It is hereby agreed between Mr. Enrico Galli, the Captain of the vessel "Malta," registered at the port of Genoa, Italy, owned by the Italian Steamship Line, Rome, Italy, hereinafter, called "the Captain" and the Salvor the Soviet Icebreaker "Toros,"registered at the port of Odessa, U.S.S.R-, in the person of Mr. V. I. Petrov, Master of the said icebreaker, hereinafter called "the Salvor" on the following:

1. The Salvor undertakes to perform salvage operations to salve
the above-named vessel, her cargo and any other property on board
and to take the vessel into the port of Odessa, U.S.S.R., or any other
place to be agreed upon later with the Captain.

2. For the purpose of the performance of the salvage operations,
the Salvor may make reasonable use, free of cost, of the gear, chain's,
anchors and other appurtenances of the vessel being salved.

3. For the performance of the operations, provided for in Clause
1 of this Contract, the Salvor, in case useful results are attained,
shall receive remuneration to the amount of 50 000 Rbls or to the
amount to be fixed by the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the
U.S.S.R. Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Moscow (Ulitsa
Kuibysheva, 6) if the parties fail to agree on amount of remunera­

If a certain amount of salvage remuneration is provided for by the parties in the Contract, this amount may, nevertheless, be dis­puted before the Maritime Arbitration Commission by either party as well as by any other person interested. Any other disputes arising between the parties of this Contract shall also be settled by the Mari­time Arbitration Commission.

4. Should the Salvor desire to secure his claim under this Con­
tract, he shall, immediately after the termination of the salvage ope­
rations, notify the Maritime Arbitration Commission of same and
state the amount which he requires as security.

The amount and form of the security for the Salvor's claim sfrall be determined by the President of the Maritime Arbitration Commis­sion.

5. When submitting a dispute out of this Contract to the Maritime
Arbitration Commission, each party must, within 30 days after termi­
nation of the salvage operations, communicate to the President of
the Maritime Arbitration Commission the name of the arbitrator cho­
sen from among the members of the Maritime Arbitration Commission.
If one of the parties fails to nominate an arbitrator within the above
time limit, the President of the Maritime Arbitration Comission
shall, at the request of the other party, appoint an arbitrator at his
own discretion.

The parties may, by mutual consent, leave the choice of arbitra­tors to the Maritime Arbitration Commission. In this case, the Presi­dent of the Maritime Arbitration Commission may, at his own discre­tion, entrust the settlement of the dispute to a sole arbitrator, appo­inted from among the members of the Maritime Arbitration Comis­sion.

6. The arbitration procedure is governed by the Rules of Proce­
dure of the Maritime Arbitration Commission approved by the Pre­
sidium of the U.S.S.R. Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

7. Upon the Salvor's motion the Maritime Arbitration Commission
may, before making the Award on the dispute as a whole, order that
the Salvor be paid his expenses actually incurred in connection with
the salvage out of the amount provided as security.

8. The Captain enters into this Contract as the representative of
the ship-owners and the cargo-owners, and binds each (and not one
for the other or the Captain personally) to the due performance the­

Enrico Galli V. I. Petrov

Master of the m/v "Malta" Master of the icebreaker "Toros"

13.Statement of completion of salvage operations


1. The salved vessel: The m/v "Malta," sailing under the Italian
Flag; Owners: The Italian Steamship Co., Ltd., Rome, Italy. CRT—
4500 tons.

2. The vessel performing salvage operations: The icebreaker "To-
ros," the m/v "Moguchy" and the lighter "Dnieper" all sailing un­
der the Soviet flag and registered at the port of Odessa.

3. Position of the ship in distress: Dnieper-Bug Estuary, lat.
46°35'8" N, long. 31°38'04" E.

4. Time of the occurence of the accident as per Log-Bookof the
distressed ship: At 20.30 HRS local time on the 25th of April, 19 . . .

5. Time of Salvor's arrival: 26th of April, 19 . . ., at 08.00 HRS
local time.

6. The nature of distress: stranding.

7. Time of declaration by the distressed ship of their willingness
to be rendered assistance: 26th of April, 19 . . ., at 08,80 HRS local

Letter claiming responsibility for damage to the ship through collision - student2.ru 8. State of the distressed ship at the beginning of the salvage ope­rations: Ship loaded with cargo of Wheat ran aground two metres deep, not damaged.

Displacement — 4800 tons, Breadth — 11.48 metres,

Moulded depth — 5 metres, Number of main engines —

Length — 79.36 metres, one,

Kind of fuel used — Fuel Oil.

10. Brief enumeration of the assistance rendered by the salvor

1) Discharging part of the cargo, about 350 tons (weight fixed
by draft), into the lighter;

2) Washing out a channel at the bow of the m/v "Malta" for a
distance of some 65—70 metres;

3) Washing out the port side from WOO" to 22f06ff, and starboard
side from 15' to 2040";

4) Towing, loosening, conducting to clear water;

5) Re-loading of Wheat from the lighter into the ship.

11. State of the rescued ship after the salvage operations have
been completed: The ship is afloat, has no damage, no leakage.

12. Time of completion of salvage operations: 28th April, 19 . . .,
17.30 MRS local time.

This Statement was mutually agreed upon, approved and signed in the port of Odessa on the 29th of April, 19 . . ., by the undersigned parties:

V. I. Petrov Enrico Galli

Master of theicebreaker "Toros"Master of them/v "Malta"

14. Letter to the Master of the m/v "Malta"enclosing Statement

of Salvage Operations

Odessa, 30th April, 19 ...

To the Master of them/v "Malta,1' Port of Odessa, U.S.S.R.

Dear Sir,

Enclosedplease find two copies of the Statement of Sal­vage operations, one of which I would kindly ask you to sign and re­turn at you earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully, V. /. Petrov Master of the icebreaker "Toros"

Enclosures: 2 copies.


characters — буквы алфавита, литеры to make out — различать, опознавать,

to ride at anchor - стоять на якоре /^quarters - в непосредствен-

to prescribe — предписывать кой близости, рядом

to foul the anchor chain — запутать, «пересыпать» якорь-цепь

to tear tore, torn/off — сорвать, отор­вать

dent — вмятина

midship section — мидель, мидель-шпангоут (теоретический)

to sustain damage — понести ущерб, получить повреждение

to get in touch with — установить кон­такт, связаться

to induce — побудить, склонить, заста­вить

congested waters — стесненная, пере­полненная акватория

to take a sheer — рыскать (о судне)

abreast — на траверзе, напротив

poop deck — палуба полуюта, полуют

to get advice — получить совет, кон­сультацию

as to how — в отношении того, каким образом

by-laws — местные постановления, правила

stern moorings — кормовые шварто­вы

to drag — тащить, волочить

impact — удар, толчок, столкновение

to carry out a survey — производить осмотр, обследование

thorough — тщательный, полный

consideration — рассмотрение, обсуж­дение

to justify — оправдывать, подтверж­дать, подкреплять (фактами)

amicably — дружеским образом, по­любовно

by return (of post) — обратной поч­той

to be willing — соглашаться, быть согласным на

expedient — целесообразный, подхо­дящий

to part — обрываться, разрываться (о канате)

injury — повреждение, ранение, трав­ма

to injure — ушибить, ранить

fracture of the thigh — перелом бедра

to render medical assistance — ока­зывать медицинскую помощь

joint enquiry — совместное расследо­вание

purpose — цель

investigation — расследование, след­ствие

High Seas — открытое море, вне тер­риториальных вод

usage — обычай, обыкновение, прак­тика

international usage — международ­ная практика

similar — подобный, аналогичный

definite/positive protest — категориче­ский протест

efficiently — эффективно, действен­ным образом

guilty — виновный

to make a protest — заявлять про­тест

Bank's Letter of Guaranty — банков­ская гарантия

in favour of —- впользу, на имя (о чеке, денежном переводе)

detention — задержание, арест (суд­на)

to detain — задерживать, арестовы­вать

detainment — задержание, арест

state-owned — принадлежащий госу­дарству

immunity — неприкосновенность, им­мунитет

to be exempt — быть освобожденным, не подлежать

to release — освобождать

to replace — заменять

to prove — доказывать, оказываться

to get under way — сняться с якоря»выйти

convoy — конвой, конвоируемый ка­раван судов

transit — прохождение, переход, тран­зит

to behave — вести себя, держать себя

undetermined — неуверенный

irresolute — нерешительный

to be guided — руководствоваться

to dismiss — увольнять, отстранять

SUQ — позывные радиостанции Су­эцкого канала

particulars — подробности, детали, подробный отчет

mail — почта

Salvage Contract — договор о спаса­нии

to salve — спасать имущество (на море, от огня)


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