Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127


Ullages taken from top Shipped in good order and condition by

Tank No 1 ... , at.. . °C.
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» » 11 .. . ». .°c.
» » 12.. .».. .°c.
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  »   °c.
    . ».. °c.

V/O "SOJUZNEFTEEXPORT" in the Soviet tanker called the "Ivanovo", whereof V. I. Pavlow is Master and bound for Stockholm, Sweden, a quantity said to be 11,345,778 kilograms of CRUDE OIL (say: eleven million three hundered and forty-five thousand, seven hundered and seventy-eight kilograms) which are to be delivered in the like good order and condition at the aforesaid Port of Stockholm, Sweden, unto Messrs. The SWEDISH TRADING OIL CO., LTD., Stockholm, or to his/their Assigns, on payment of Freight and in accordancewith all other conditions as per CharterParty dated the17th January, 19 ....

In witness whereof the Master of the said vessel has signed three Bills of Lading, all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the other to stand void.

Time used for loading 30 hours 30 min­utes as per Time Sheet dated the 20th January, 19 ... Weight, quality and quan­tity unknown to me.

Dated in Novorossiysk this 21st day of January, 19 ...

Master V. I. Pavlov

2. Certificate of tank inspection before loading

CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION m/t "Ivanovo" of U.S.S.R. flag Port of San Martin (Parana River, Argentina)

30th December, 19 ...

To whom it may concern

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru This is to certify that we, the undersigned, have examined to-day the above vessel's tanks Nos.:

_Stbd. side Centre

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Port side 1, 2,3,4, 5,6, 7, 8,9

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru and find them in all respects ready to take in the cargo of Lin­seed Oil.

Master of the m/t "Ivanovo": /<. /. Pavlov Shippers: International Oil Co., Ltd., Monte­video

The Ship's Agent: С Figuriedo & Co., Ltd, Buenos Aires Charterers' Representative: W. H. Pierson \

3. Declaration to the Harbour Master to the effect that the tanker
is ready to discharge her cargo

m/t "Poti" of U.S.S.R. flag

Venice, 25th May, 19 ... To the Harbour Master, Port of Venice, Italy.


The undersigned, Master of the m/t "Poti" does hereby declare that his tank vessel is in all respects ready to commence discharging upon berthing, having no traces of cargo leakage and being fitted with fire and safety equipment which is in good and working order.

The undersigned also declares that, upon berthing, fire hoses will be laid down on deck and that fire-extinguishers will be placed near the tanks.

The undersigned has received from the Pilot the Port Ordinance No. 514 on the traffic of tankers in the Port of Venice.

P. N. Mironov Master of the m/t "Poti"

4. Certificate of tank inspection upon completion of discharging


m/t "Elbrus" of U.S.S.R. flag

Port of Stockholm, Sweden. 12th September, 19 ...

To whom it may concern

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru This is to certify that on completion of discharging the cargo of Fuel Oil +10C°. under B/L No. 3724, we, the undersigned, have exa­mined the above vessel's tanks Nos.:

Stbd. side Centre

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Port side 1, 2, 3,4,5, 6,7, 8, 9

and find them dry and empty.

Consignees: C. W. Oldigen & Co., Ltd. Custom House Officer: K. Yansen Master of m/t "Elbrus": V. /. Petrov Ship's Agent: /. Botsen & Co.

5. Letter from Consignees claiming ship's responsibility for shor­tage of oil


Importers of Oil

Please quote

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru our ref. GLC/LH London, 27th June, 19 ...

The Captain

and/or Owners of

m/t "Moscovsky Festival"

Dear Sir(s),

re: m/t "Moscovsky Festival," Buenos Aires/Hull

May 15th to May 30th, 19 . . ., Bill of Lading


LINSEED OIL QUALITY "A"—3,452,211 kilos


Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru We have received the Outturn Woighis ofПи* above cargo

and find that whereas Quality "A" has apparently been fully discharg­ed, Quality "B" shows a loss of 18,475 kilos on the Bill of Lading weight.

We are, therefore, holding you responsible for this loss.

Yours faithfully,

British Oil Products Limited

L W. Worthington

Acting Manager

6. Reply to the above letterrepudiating the claim for shortage

Hull, 29th June, 19 ...

The British Oil Products, Ltd., 12 Fenchurch Street, London, E. C, England.

Your ref. GLC/LH.

Dear Sirs,

Re: Linseed Oil ex rn/t "MoscovskyFestival" on 26th June, 19 ...

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru In reply to your letter of the 27th inst. I wish to inform you that I am not in a position to admit your claim regarding the alleged loss of 18,475 kilos of the cargo for the following reasons.

The Bill of Lading for this consignment contains a remark "Shipper's weight" and a clause "Weight, quantity and quality un­known to me," which itself relieves the Carrier from liability.

Apart from this, on arrival to Hull and prior to discharge, measurements of all tanks were taken jointly with your represent­ative, Mr. A. W. Powell, as well as with a Custom House Officer. The figures obtained coincide with the data of the measurements taken after loading in Buenos Aires, insignificant discrepancies being within the limits allowed.

While discharging in Hull we had no abnormal loss and/of
spillage. The shorelines and the flexible hoses which were empty be­
fore use were blown clear after pumping. \

For your ready reference I enclose herewith a copy of the Statement of Ullages taken after loading in Buenos Aires and a copy of the Statement of Ullages taken in Hull before discharging as well as a copy of the Tank Inspection Certificate. The two latter documents were approved and signed in Hull both by your representative and by the Custom House Officer.

Yours faithfully, V, N. Antonov

Master of the m/t "Moscovsky Festival" Enclosures: 3 copies. 120

7. Counterremark tobe made by the Captain incase of similar claims for short delivery of, or damage to, cargo (turbidity, non-correspondenceto Certificate of Quality, etc.)

Under the Bill of Lading covering this consignment the vessel accepted the cargo for shipment with the reservation "Weight, quan­tity and quality unknown to me." The Shipowners, therefore, are not responsible for the quantity and the quality of the goods.

Master of the m/t, m/v "..... "

8. Letter to the cargo receivers in reply to their request for frac­tional layerdischarging of oil

Liverpool, 17th July, 19 ...

Messrs. M. L. Worthington & Co., Oil Importers, c/o Messrs. J. S. Williams & Co., Ship Agents, 17 Fenchurch Street, London, E. C, England.

Tanker Bill of Lading No. 127 - student2.ru Dear Sirs,

Re: 9500 tons of Edible Oil under B/L Nos. 2732, 3734, 4657, by m/t "Gorky," ar'd 16.07.19 , . .

In connection with your request to pump out part of the cargo (viz.: bottom layer Г-2' deep) into barges and the rest of the cargo into shore tanks, I wish to point out the following.

As per clause in the Bill of Lading—"Weight, quantity and quality unknown to me" — the Carrier is not responsible for the weight and quality of the cargo.

However, we are bound to deliver the cargo in the same good order and condition as loaded or, in other words, in accordance with the measurements taken after loading and in conformity with the samples taken from each tank on completion of loading.

Therefore, if you insist upon such a fractional layer dis­charging, I would kindly ask you to send your representative aboard our vessel for taking joint measurements and samples. Duplicate samples, jointly taken and sealed, will be kept on board for further reference.

The figures obtained from these measurements and ana­lyses will enable you to give us clean receipts for the cargo in questi­on, after which we shall immediately start discharging in full compli­ance with your instructions.

It is, of course, understood that inasmuch as such dis­charging does not strictly conform to the established custom and practice you will bear all the responsibility, as well as the expenses and/or consequences arising therefrom, which please confirm.

Your faithfully, V. I. Shtlov Master of them'I "Gorky"

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