Тема 12. Столичная полиция Лондона.

1. The Metropolitan Police Force _____ in 1829 by an Act of Parliament.

a) is created b) created c) was created d) were created e) creates

2. The Metropolitan Police Force is the largest Police Force in ____.

a) London b) Britain c) Greater London d) Scotland e) Wales

3. The Metropolitan Police District ____ four Districts.

a) was divided into b) is involved into c) is included into d) is divided into e) is included into

4. Each District comprises _____ Divisions.

a) five or six b) four c) four or five d) six e) five

5. A sub-Division is split into police stations under the control of a______.

a) Station Commissioner b) Home Secretary c) Station Officer d) Commissioner e) Beat Officer

6. The Metropolitan Police is divided into two_______.

a) unified branches b) main branches c) main sections d) separate departments e) main units

7. The Metropolitan Police Force ____ an area of 742 square miles of Greater London.

a) policing b) police c) polices d) policed e) is policing

8. The Force is controlled by the ____ of Police of the Metropolis.

a) Commissioner b) Commissioners c) Home Secretary d) Station Officer e) Secretary

9. The main goals of policing include the prevention of ____ and disorder.

a) criminals b) law c) criminal d) crime e) corruption

10. The purpose of police is the preservation of the ____.

a) peace b) crime c) disorder d) criminals e) violation

11. One of the main tasks of British Police is to recover lost or stolen ____.

a) property b) life c) liberties d) criminals e) rights

12. The important aims of the Metropolitan Police involve the apprehension of __.

a) offences b) offenders c) crimes d) stolen property e) motor vehicles

13. Sir Robert Peel _____ the London police in 1829.

a) reorganized b) organized c) was reorganized d) was organized e) was organized

14. The Metropolitan Police _____ with the name of Sir Robert Peel.

a) associate b) was associated c) associated d) is associated e) associates

15. The letters CID stand for _________.

a) Crime Investigation Department b) Criminal Inquiries Department c) Criminal Investigation Department d)Criminal Investigation Decision e) Crime Identification Division

16. The popular nickname of the London policeman is _____.

a) Robert Peel b) the Old Bill c) bobby-handler d) the old sergeant e) juvenile

17. «Walking the _____» means walking in pairs down the streets.

a) police station b) patrol c) beat d) section e) street

18. Britain ____ national police force.

a) has no b) has c) have no d) have e) had

19. There is a separate police force for each of 52 ____ into which the country is divided.

a) areas b) districts c) stations d) beats e) divisions

20. It is _____ for members of one force to operate in another’s area.

a) usual b) common c) unusual d) usually e) commonly

21. The forces of different areas ____ with each other.

a) co-operate b) operate c) co-operating d) don’t co-operate e) are cooperating

22. A Chief Constable is the most ___ police officer of a force.

a) junior b) senior c) major d) executive e) responsible

23. Policemen in Britain ____ firearms in their day-to-day work.

a) not carry b) carry c) does not carry d) do not carry e) carries

24. Certain specialist units ____ upon to help the regular police force in terrorist incidents.

a) called b) are called c) are trained d) called e) calling

25. In certain circumstances specially ___ police officers can be _____.

a) armed, trained b) trained, armed c) armed, assigned d) trained, supervised e) trained, charged

26. Special Constables work for the police ___ for a few hours a week.

a) voluntarily b) separately c) regularly d) specially e) separately

27. Members of CIDs ____ uniforms.

a) wear b) not wear c) do not wear d) are not wearing e) does not wear

28. Traffic wardens are to make sure that drivers obey the ___ regulations.

a) parking b) traffic c) criminal d) driving e) crime

29. ____ are responsible for controlling speeding, drunken driving.

a) The police b) The traffic wardens c) The wardens d) The guards e) The Officers

30. Each British police force has a police ____– a committee of local county councillors and magistrates.

a) division b) department c) unit d) authority e) office

Тема 12. Скотланд Ярд

1. ____ Charles Rowan and ___ Richard Mayne were responsible for organizing and designing the «New Police».

a) Sir, Colonel b) Colonel, Sir c) Colonel, Sergeant d) Sergeant, Colonel

2. Scotland Yard is a popular name for the _____ of London’s Metropolitan Police Force.

a) Police station b) building c) Headquarters d) site

3. The area was named after ______ of Scottish kings in London.

a) the site of residence b) the police station c) the building d) premises

4. The headquarters ____ in 1890 to premises on the Victoria Embankment.

a) was removed b) removed c) were moved d) were removed

5. Scotland Yard had to ___ public opposition.

a) overcame b) overcome c) overcoming d) come over

6. The Force managed to gain the approval and ____ of the public.

a) opposition b) kindliness c) trust d) hostility

7. In 1967 the present headquarters, a modern 20-storey ___ situated near the Houses of Parliament, was opened.

a) building b) premises c) site d) yard

8. The administrative head of Scotland Yard is ___.

a) the Commissioner b) the Crown c) the Home Secretary d) the Inspector

9. The Commissioner ____ by the Crown.

a) is supervised b) is recommended c) is elected d) is appointed

10. ____ are in charge of one of Scotland Yard’s departments.

a) Four Commissioners b) Four Deputy Commissioners c) Five Assistant Commissioners d) Four Assistant Commissioners

11. The name of Scotland Yard is almost always associated with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of ____.

a) the Metropolitan Police b) the Greater London c) the City of London d) the Houses of London

12. The Criminal Investigation Department ____ in 1878.

a) was designed b) was set up c) was reorganized d) was removed

13. The Criminal Investigation Department _____ all aspects of criminal investigation.

a) deal with b) deals with c) is dealing with d) dealt with

14. A highly mobile police unit is known as the _____.

a) fraud squad b) flying section c) flying branch d) flying squad

15. Scotland Yard keeps extensive files on all known ____ in the United Kingdom.

a) criminals b) crimes c) politicians d) detectives

16. Scotland Yard is responsible for maintaining links between British ___ agencies and Interpol.

a) legislative b) executive c) law-enforcement d) political

17. 999 is the telephone number to call for the ___ services.

a) urgent b) available c) police d) emergency

18. The Yard assists in the ____of police personnel in the countries of Commonwealth.

a) training b) guarding c) investigating d) contacting

19. An old-established section of Scotland Yard is the Mounted____.

a) Unit b) Branch c) Squad d) Department

20. The emergency services comprise_____, fire brigade or police.

a) healthcare b) delivery c) ambulance d) safeguarding

Тема 13. Интерпол

1. Interpol is an international corporation which _____ in 1923.

a) founded b) was founded c) found d) founding

2. Interpol is devoted to coordinating actions against ____.

a) international criminals b) national criminals c) European criminals d) national crime

3.Interpol is _____ organization.

a) a national service b) an international detective c) an international service d) an international law-enforcement

4. Interpol is ____ of any government.

a) under the control and supervision b) under the control c) both under the control and supervision d) not under the control or supervision

5. Interpol is a recognized ____ police force.

a) governmental b) intergovernmental c) nongovernmental d) government

6. Interpol’s task is ____ international criminals.

a) to hunt down b) to break down c) to arrest d) to apprehend

7. Interpol operates _____ a strict code of behaviour.

a) against b) according to c) in addition to d) with

8. Interpol ____ by any international charter or treaty.

a) has been recognized b) has never recognized c) has never been recognized d) has recognized

9. Interpol has no police ___.

a) power b) powers c) representatives d) force

10 Interpol cooperates with UN particularly in the area of ___.

a) drugs b) terrorism c) corruption d) skyjacking

11. Interpol members are _____ representatives.

a) governmental b) police c) police and not governmental d) police and governmental

12. Certain governments have sent ___ from their military, intelligence, customs, post office, and immigration departments.

a) supervisors b) consultants c) investigators d) observers

13. Interpol’s function is ____ information.

a) disseminate b) to disseminate c) to disseminating d) disseminates

14. Today 80 percent of Interpol’s permanent staff is _____.

a) France b) English c) French d) German

15. Interpol has ____ in various countries.

a) headquarters b) national bureaus c) main offices d) international bureaus

16. Interpol is divided into ____ main bodies.

a) four b) five c) fourth d) three

17. _____ is composed of the delegates from each member country.

a) The Executive Committee b)The General Assembly c) The General Secretariat d) The National Central Bureaus

18. «The Supreme Authority» is _____.

a) The General Secretariat b)The General Assembly c) The Executive Committee d) The National Central Bureaus

19. ____ is Interpol’s permanent body and a business division.

a) The Executive Committee b)The General Assembly c) The General Secretariat d) The National Central Bureaus

20. The Executive Committee is made up of _____.

a) nine representatives b) nine observers c) nine delegates d) nine members

21. The General Secretariat is located in ____.

a) London b) Scotland Yard c) Lion d) New York

22. The General Secretariat contains «_____».

a) the permanent departments b) the permanent offices c) the permanent divisions d) the permanent units

23. Files are kept in the ___.

a) general files department b) general records department c) special records department d) general records section

24. Fingerprints and other methods of ____ are used in special records department.

a) search b) preservation c) apprehension d) identification

25.Each NCB is empowered to exchange ____ with any other NCB.

a) delegates b) policemen c) information d) criminals

26. Russia ____ in Interpol as its 151st member in September 1990.

a) was admitted b) is admitted c) was adopted d) was created

27. The Constitution of Interpol ____ it to undertake any activities «of a political, military, religious or racial character».

a) allows b) forbids c) permits d) agrees

28. Interpol is an international ____ system.

a) investigations b) information c) communications d) detectives

29. Interpol ____ to mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities.

a) fights b) searches c) contributes d) prevents

30. Interpol is ____ with international detectives.

a) an executive agency b) not an executive agency c) not an detective agency d) a police agency

31. Against the law – ______

a) legal b) lawful c) illicit d) legislative

32. Someone who helps another person to do something illegal – _____

a) delegate b) representative c) supporter d) associate

33. A substance or object that can cause an explosion – ____

a) explode b) explosive c) explosion d) burn

34. To tell someone that you will cause them harm or problems, especially in order to make them do something – _____

a) to threaten b) to fight c) to interrogate d) to contribute

35. The use of violence in order to achieve political or other aims – ____

a) ransom b) intimidation c) terrorism d) protest

36. An amount of money that someone asks for in exchange for a person who they are keeping as a prisoner – _____

a) ransom b) hostage c) kidnapper d) burglary

37. A person who is the prisoner of someone who threatens to kill them if they do not get what they want – ______

a) fugitive b) ransom c) contribution d) hostage

38. To make someone feel frightened so that they will do what you want – ____

a) to threaten b) to intimidate c) to contribute d) to hijack

39. Someone who has done something that illegal and is trying to avoid being caught by the police – _____

a) prisoner b) kidnapper c) guard d) fugitive

40. To work with other people in order to achieve something – ______

a) to contribute b) to intimidate c) to threaten d) to cooperate

Тема 14. Европол.

1. There are no boundaries for ____ criminal groups.

a) organize b) organized c) organizing d) organizes

2. Organized crime represents ____ to the values of our democratic systems.

a) a threat b) a boundary c) a contribution d) a target

3. Organized crime affects European ____ security and freedom.

a) citizens b) citizen’s c) citizen d) citizens’

4. Europol is the European Union ____ organization.

a) enforcement b) executive c) law enforcement d) legislative

5. Europol handles criminal _____.

a) intelligent b) intelligence c) intellectual d) intellect

6. Europol’s aim is to improve the effectiveness and ___ between the competent authorities of the Member States.

a) cooperation b) contribution c) intelligence d) fight

7. The mission of Europol is to make a ____ to the European Union’s law enforcement action against organized crime.

a) great support b) significant cooperation c) enormous resources d) internal security

8. The name Europol ____ of European Police Office.

a) a contractor b) a contribution c) a contract d) a contraction

9. The European Union’s criminal intelligence agency started ___ on January 3, 1994.

a) limit operations b) limited operations c) illicit operations d) legal operations

10. Europol became fully operational on July 1, ____.

a) 1994 b) 1996 c) 1999 d) 1998

11. Europol is ___ for the law enforcement agencies of the EU member states.

a) a safeguard service b) an immigration service c) an emergency service d) a support service

12. Europol _____ powers.

a) has executive b) has no executive c) has no legislative d) has judicial

13. Europol officials are ___ to conduct investigations in the member states.

a) not entitled b) entitled c) not responsible d) responsible

14. Europol can contribute to the executive measures carried out by ___ .

a) the international authorities b) the respected national authorities c) the respective national authorities d) the relevant international authorities

15. Europol comprises ____ police officers.

a) only regular b) not only regular c) not regular d) not only regularly

16. Europol helps to overcome ____ in international police cooperation.

a) the finance barriers b) the racial barriers c) the customs barriers d) the language barriers

17. Any law enforcement officer from a member state can ____ to their Europol National Unit (ENU) in his mother tongue.

a) receive a request b) approve a request c) address a request d) address a requirement

18. The first level of cooperation is ____ cooperation.

a) strategic b) technical c) exchange d) scientific

19. Strategic cooperation is aimed at ____ general trends in organized crime.

a) exchanging b) maintaining c) contributing d) fighting

20. There are _____ for international law enforcement cooperation.

a) various barriers b) limited possibilities c) various possibilities d) various powers

21. There is _____ competition between these organizations.

a) some b) great c) limited d) no

22. A cooperation agreement ____ between Europol and Interpol.

a) was approved b) was addressed c) was received d) was signed

23. A cooperation agreement is to help ____ international law enforcement cooperation.

a) overcome b) fight c) strengthen d) prevent

24. The top level of cooperation includes the exchange of _____.

a) personal data b) investigators c) personal requests d) criminals

25. Europol involves both regular police officers and staff members from the member states’ customs, immigration services, _____ police, etc.

a) boundary b) border c) highway d) river

26. The main priorities for Europol include crimes against ____ , financial crimes and cyber crimes.

a) liberties b) government c) persons d) politicians

27. The workers of Europol are doing their best to prevent and combat illicit drug ____, weapons smuggling, human ___ and so on.

a) trafficking b) smuggling c) laundering d) counterfeiting

28. Europol ____ the fight against organized crime.

a) mainly prevents b) mainly supports c) doesn’t support d) doesn’t supervise

29. Modern technology and enormous resources make organized criminal groups ____ worldwide.

a) legally active b) illegally operate c) illegally active d) legally operated

30. In 1998 the Europol Convection was ratified by all the member states and ___.

a) came into force b) came into power c) came into existence d) came into agreement

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