Ex. 5. Which is the odd word out?

a) to stay, to lodge, to put up, to locate oneself, to settle down, to accommodate oneself, to give welcome;

b) spa, motel, suite, B and B, hostel, deluxe hotel, business center.

Ex. 6. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What is a hotel? What does it provide for a traveller?

2. Why do people travel more nowadays?

3. Is it easy to choose a hotel to stay at? Why?

4. What are four broad categories in which it is possible to place hotels?

5. What types of hotels do you know? Where do you prefer to stay if you have arrived: a) at a town on business b) at the seaside to spend holidays c) at a countryside to enjoy nature d) at a town as a tourist for a couple of days.

6. From what words was the word "motel" derived? What kinds of accommodations were offered?

7. What is the other way of dividing hotels into categories? What kind of hotels are at the top? At the bottom?

8. What kind of room will you require, if you are going to stay a) alone b) with your whole family?

Ex. 7. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

inexpensive a) a means or system of carrying passengers or goods from one place to another
transportation b) a condition of great comfort provided without any consideration of the cost
accommodation с) reasonable in price
luxury d) things such as buildings, shops or services that are useful or help one to do something
fashionable e)a place to work or live in; lodging, food and services
facilities f) made according to the latest fashion

Ex. 8. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. Prove your opinion with the quotation from the text.

For disagreement: For agreement:

- That's not quite right... - That's right...

- Oh, no, quite on the contrary... - Exactly...

- It says in the text... - I agree entirely...

1) A hotel is a temporary home for people who are travelling.

2) The hotel usually does not offer facilities for recreation and never provide shelter and food.

3) By modern standards inns were a sort of luxury hotels with all kinds of recreational facilities.

4) The word "motel" was created by combining motor and hotel; it usually provides parking facilities for cars.

5) All hotel do not serve the same kind of guests.

6) Luxury hotel are at the bottom of the list comparing with the other kinds of hotels.

7) The difference in quality between hotels is not entirely a matter of equipment or furnishings.

8) A hotel in the ... category may employ as many as three staff members per guest room.

Ex.9. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

(1) The hotel may also provide facilities ... recreation. (2) ... Europe and America, inns and taverns were spaced ... the roads ... the distance a horse could travel ... a day. (3) Modern mass transportation, that is, the movement ... large numbers ... people ... relatively low prices, began ... the development ... the railroads ... the 19th century. (4) Another way ... categorizing hotels is the quality ... service they offer. (5) This system puts the top hotels ... a special deluxe category, …. others receiving ... five stars ... one star or "A's". (6) ... a luxury hotel, there may be three employees ... every guest room. (7) The proportion ... employees ... guests and guest rooms is also a matter ... prime importance. (8) Engineering and maintenance ... a small establishment may be done ... contract ... local firms, whereas a large hotel will hire its own staff... these functions. (9) ... a large commercial hotel ... a big city, the ratio is usually closer ... one employee ... guest room. (10) The traveller usually had to share his bed.…. …. least one other person, and as many as four other persons ... some remote areas.

Ex. 10. Fill in the spaces in the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase:

1) The word motel is a combination of the words ... and ....

2) ... include such things as shelter, food and special services for travellers.

3) ... and ... were places for the accommodation of travellers in Europe and America when most people travelled by horse.

4) A ... is an establishment that provides not only accommodations for travellers but also parking space for their cars.

5) A ... area is a place that people visit for recreational purposes.

6) A ... hotel provides accommodations for people who do not wish to keep house themselves.

7) The accommodations industry is ... because it employs a large number of people.

8) A hotel in the ... category may employ as many as three staff members per guest room.

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