Закончите предложения, употребив инфинитив.

1. I am going to the bank ... . 2. Mr. Smith went on a busi­ness trip ... . 3. My colleague always takes a pocket translator ... .

4. Mr. Brown has gone to the booking-office .... 5. I always come to work early ... . 6. Where do you go ... ? 7. I went to our offshore affiliate ... . 8. My friends came into co-ownership of the house ....

3. Объедините следующие предложения, употребив нужную
форму инфинитива.

Example: We must speak in a low voice. We don't want to wake him up. We must speak in a low voice not to wake him up.

1. It is very risky. We can't delay the delivery. 2. The guy is very young. He can't be a top manager. 3. The price of immovable was very low. We couldn't sell the house. 4. I sent him out of the cabinet. I wanted to discuss his progress with his supervisor. 5. He bought new machines for the assembly line. He wanted to boost productivity. 6. Don't let Mr. Jones talk to our partners. He may ruin the whole deal. 7. We must take our chances. We don't want to go bankrupt.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая раз­
личные функции инфинитива.

1. Large numbers of American corporations became multinationals simply in order to maintain or to expand markets in Canada or in the EEC. 2. They try to adopt their policies and tactics to meet the new conditions. 3. Individual firms were not large enough to exercise a perceptible influence over the market. 4. Some individual proprietors join forces with others to form chains of independents or cooperatives. 5. To solve the problem these countries issued paper money. 6. In order to legalize the collection of revenues and expenditure of funds the federal budget must be enacted into law. 7. The USA has shown a tendency to expand its investments and control on the American continent. 8. It proclaims the right of states to take over their natural resources and develop them in the interests of their people. 9. The Bank of England is the Central Bank and its principal business is to act as banker to the Government and to the other banks. 10. The aim of price policy has generally been to keep prices from increasing much faster than in other countries. 11. Their goal was to stimulate the private sector initiative and investment. 12. The intent was to raise prices by limiting the supply of farm goods.

5. Найдите в предложениях Complex Object. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

a) 1. What do you expect him to say at the presentation? 2.I would like you to be serious about your job. 3. Our partneftwanted us to forward the document immediately. 4. We did not expect themanager to do the job so quickly. 5. My boss wanted me to sendhim small reports every other day. 6. I'd like you to establish anew fund.

b) 1. We saw the people leave the main office. 2. They let usexamine the documents. 3. Don't make the visitor wait! 4. Mr. Brownwatched his company grow and develop. 5. The President let hissubordinate go. 6. I like to listen to you speak.

6. Составьте предложения no образцу, употребив объект­ный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения на рус­ский язык.

a) Example: to want — to meet his sister

He wants me to meet his sister.

1) to like to provide all the necessary data

2) to expect to finish the job on time

3) to ask to go on business trip on Monday

4) to order not to miss tender distribution

5) to tell to provide our annual reports

6) to allow to take a day off

b) Example: to see — to move out of our way

We saw the cars move out of our way.

1) to see to make an appointment by telephone

2) to hear to retype the documents

3) to watch to enter the main office

7. Переведите на английский язык, употребив объектный инфинитивный оборот.

1. Наш начальник хочет, чтобы мы поехали на переговоры. 2. Мы очень хотели, чтобы компания делегировала нас на конфе­ренцию. 3. Ты хочешь, чтобы я поехал с тобой в главный офис? 4. Коллеги считают, что Петр хороший профессионал и ценный сотрудник. 5. Давай понаблюдаем, как он будет договариваться с клиентами. 6. Начальник заставил подчиненного составить до­кумент заново. 7. Я люблю, когда начальник оценивает по досто­инству мои достижения. 8. Я видел, как он вошел в здание центрального отделения банка.

8. Найдите в предложениях субъектный инфинитивный
оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.Не was thought to ran a profitable business. 2. The delegation is expected to arrive tonight. 3. The response letter was supposed to be sent two days earlier. 4. The line seemed to be engaged at that moment. 5. The exchange office happened to be just round the corner. 6. My new subordinates proved to be very responsible. 7. He was known to be on good terms with his partners. 8. He seemed to be in no hurry. 9. The little task turned out to be an uphill battle.

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