Exercise 2. Transform the sentences using the Passive Infinitive.

Pattern: I am glad to meet you.

I am glad to be met by you.

1. Robert is glad to offer this job.

2. He doesn’t like to ask questions.

3. She wants to tell the story.

4. I do not want to ask about it.

5. Walter was glad to invite Ann.

6. I do not like to interrupt you.

7. She hopes to provide you with everything necessary for the work.

8. He is happy to paint you.

9. I like to invite my friends to the theatre.

10. The child likes to read the fairy-tales.

Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with a suitable verb.

Pattern: Don’t forget ………… the letter I gave you.

Don’t forget to post the letter I gave you.

For ideas: to call; to buy; to go; to find, to get; to operate; to be; to say;to drive

There was a lot of traffic but we managed to……….. to the airport in time.

Jane has decided not to ………….. a car.

We’ve got a new computer in our office. I haven’t learnt ………… it yet.

I wonder where Sue is. She promised not ………… late.

We were all too afraid to speak. Nobody dared ………… anything.

It was a nice day, so we decided ………… for a walk.

They don’t have much money. They can’t afford …………… this book.

I’m still looking for a job but I ……….. something soon.

Our neighbour threatened …………… the police if we didn’t stop the noise.

Exercise 4. Put the right form of infinitive (with or without to).

1. I’ve never been to Italy but I’d like ………. there. (go)

2. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me ……………? (do)

3. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me …………. it. (read)

4. The customs officer made Sally ……….. her case. (open)

5. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed … (go)

6. Hot weather makes me …………. tired. (feel)

7. Where would you recommend me ……….. for my holidays? (go)

8. The film was very sad. It made me ……….. (cry)

9. Carol’s parents always encouraged her …………. hard at school. (study)

10. Let me ………… your bag for you. (carry)

11. Her parents wouldn’t let her ………… out alone. (go)

Exercise 5. Complete each sentence using what /how/ whether + one of these verbs: do, get, go, ride, say, use.

Do you know ……. to John’s house?

Can you show me ………. this washing machine?

Would you know ………… if there was a fire in the building?

You’ll never forget ………… a bicycle once you have learned.

I was really astonished. I didn’t know ……..

I’ve been invited to the party but I don’t know …….. or not.

Exercise 6. How would you feel about doing these jobs? In your sentences use one of these expressions: I’d like; I’d love; I’d hate.

Pattern: (a teacher) I’d like to be a teacher.

a dentist a lawyer a geologist
a hairdresser a surgeon an actor
an airline pilot an engineer an economist
a tourist guide fire-fighter a priest

Exercise 7. Use a sentence from column A and a sentence from column B to make a new sentence.

Pattern: A friend of mine phoned me.

He invited me to a party.

A friend of mine phoned me to invite me to a party.

I shouted. I want to keep warm.
I had to go to the bank. I wanted to report that my car had been stolen.
I’ saving money. I want to go to Canada.
I went to hospital. I needed to get some money.
I’m wearing two pullovers. I had to have an operation.
I phoned the police station. I wanted to warn people of the danger.

Exercise 8. Translate into Russian. Point out the Complex Object.

I want my son to be a doctor.

I don’t want you to take so much trouble.

I’d like you to practice your English every day.

We are friends and I naturally want him to be perfectly frank withme.

I didn’t expect the discussion to be so tiresome.

Everybody expected the talks to be a success.

They wish him to be happy.

We are waiting for the guests to arrive.

Tom expected the problem to be solved soon.

We would like them to enjoy their stay in our city.

Exercise 9. Combine the sentences using the Complex Object

Pattern: He entered the room. I saw it.

I saw him enter the room.

1. He saw Sue. She crossed the street.

2. I will let you. You will use my car.

3. I haven’t heard him. He called my name.

4. We didn’t notice them. They passed by.

5. He saw a man. The man pulled the door open.

6. He is the brightest student. I know it.

7. Somebody touched me on the shoulder. I felt it.

8. Nick called me. I heard it.

9. I noticed it. She quietly left the room.

10. She is a nice girl. I know it.

11. Our group is friendly. I think so.

Exercise 10. Complete these sentences.

1. I want you to ...

2. I know him to ...

3. I made her ...

4. Let him ...

5. We saw them ..

6. Nick felt somebody...

7. They heard her ..

8. My parents would like me to...

9. We didn't expect them to ...

10. My sister asked me to ...

Exercise 11. Change the following sentences using ‘to be likely’; ‘to be unlikely’. Translate them into Russian.

Pattern: He may (not) come soon.

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