Concept “Family” in English and Russian Proverbs and Sayings

Concept “Family” in English and Russian Proverbs and Sayings

Понятие семьи и семейных отношений в английских и русских пословицах и поговорках

Направление исследования:лингвистика и культурология (английский язык)

Выполнила: Вдовина Екатерина

учащаяся 11 «б» класса МБОУ Лицея №18

Руководитель: Чикурова С.М,

учитель английского языка

Сарапул, 2017

Contents: Pages
Chapter 1 Рroverbs and Sayings
Chapter 2 The Meaning of Family for the Russians and the British
Chapter 3 Russian Proverbs about Family
Chapter 4 English Proverbs about Family
Chapter 5 Comparing English and Russian Proverbs Containing “Family” Concept
List of resources
Appliance 1 Russian proverbs containing ‘family’ concept Appliance 2 British proverbs containing ‘family’ concept  


The role of proverbs and sayings in our life can hardly be overestimated. Nowadays there are a lot of ways to keep and transfer information but a lot of years ago, when writing even wasn’t developed, the only way to gain the experience was our language. Even now we have our ancestors’ messages in the form of proverbs and sayings. [2 ]

Actuality:People and individuals belonging to different cultures and ethnoses perceive the world surrounding them differently. This fact is fully reflected in languages, particularly in idioms, proverbs and sayings, which gives us all ground to analyze national linguistic views of the world. Proverbs and sayings allow finding out what are peoples’ values and ideals.

Problem:Research on the family is topical due to the fact that this notion is being devalued nowadays and, unfortunately, family values are being lost. We witness a serious crisis of the family.

Nevertheless, the institutionof the family in its traditional meaning is of great importance both for the whole society and an individual. Family values are revealed in the proverbs and sayings. They have a great importance provided by their didactical and educational functions. [1]

The aimof the paper is studying the “family” concept in English and Russian proverbs.

The objectof the investigation is English proverbs and sayings.

The subjectof the investigation is the concept “family” in English and Russian proverbs and sayings.

The hypothesesof the investigation: English and Russian proverbs and sayings reflect the attitude of the nation to the family and its problems. If we study features of proverbs and sayings in the Russian and English languages, it will help us to understand better language realities and family relations of native speakers. Studying proverbs and sayings is one of effective ways to raise traditional values of people.

To prove the hypotheses it’s necessary to do the following tasks:

To find and study English and Russian proverbs about family and family relations

To show the difference between the Russian and English proverb, as the consequence of differences in mentalities.

To make a list of English, and Russian proverbs.

To make a contribution into my stock of knowledge of English.

In our work we tried to point out common features and peculiarities of alike British and Russian proverbs. It defines the newnessof the research.

Chapter 3 Russian proverbs about family

We found and analyzed 128 Russian proverbs with concept ‘family’. All of them can be divided into 3 semantic groups: denoting Nuclear family, which includes proverbs about mother, father and children and also proverbs about brothers and sisters; Extended Family, where we added proverbs about grandparents and other relatives; Family status or Family bonds, where proverbs about husband and wife, attitude to family and family relations are included.

Concept “Family” in English and Russian Proverbs and Sayings -

The proverbs were distributed in the following way:

Nuclear family Extended family Family status/family bonds
Parents and children Brothers and sisters Grandparents and grandchildren In-laws family Husband and wife
12% 13% 9% 20% 17% 29%
25% 29% 46%


A great way to improve understanding of the English culture, people and history is to study English proverbs and sayings. By memorizing them, yоu will nоt only learn sоmе cоmmоn English sayings; yоu will also help your brain tо bеcоmе better аt forming good English sentences.

D. Dubrovin wrote: "Wisdom and spirit of people manifest in proverbs, and knowledge of proverbs contributes better understanding the way of their thinking and the character of people". Having learnt and compared English and Russian proverbs I significantly expanded the knowledge of the English language, learnt some traditions and facts from history of England, understood the folk wisdom and joined the universal moral values. I made a conclusion, that the national character, spiritual qualities, standards of conduct and activities of the British, are reflected in the proverbs. [2]

The aimof the work (studying the “family” concept in English and Russian proverbs) was achieved. We found and studied 128 Russian and 62 English proverbs containing ‘family’ concept. We compared them and found out common features and peculiarities. We also showed the difference between the Russian and English proverb, as the consequence of differences in mentalities. We made lists of English, and Russian proverbs. We proved the hypothesesof the investigation: English and Russian proverbs and sayings reflect the attitude of the nation to the family and its problems. Awareness of features of proverbs and sayings in the Russian and English languages helps to understand language realities and family relations of native speakers.

Every person, regardless of age, needs a happy and supportive family. The concept of “a family” was of great importance for Russians and Englishmen from the ancient times. The family is believed to give a person life full of happiness and joy.


1. Concept “Family” and Its Metaphorical Models in the Mari and Finish ParoemiaeYakovleva S L. Kazyro G N. Pershina MA. Soldatkina T A. Fliginskikh EE.

2. Studying proverbs and sayings as a means of developing tolerance in young people (on the material of English and Russian proverbs) Алешина П , Юрченко А Екатеринбург 2016 XI всероссийскийконкурсисследовательских, практико-ориентированныхитворческихпроектовнаанглийскомязыкесредиучащихсяшколивузов



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Concept “Family” in English and Russian Proverbs and Sayings

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