Универсальные местоимения в английском языке

К универсальным местоимениям в английском языке относятся следующие местоимения:

all, each, both, either, every, everything, everybody, everyone

Универсальные местоимения охватывают все предметы, которые могут быть одушевленными и неодушевленными, как одно целое.

All nations of the world unite during the Olympic Games.
На время Олимпийских игр все страны мира объединяются вместе.
Everything is so tasty in that Italian restaurant.
В том итальянском ресторане всё такое вкусное.

Только два из них, everyone и everybody, изменяются по падежам (everyone’s, everybody’s).

Два из универсальных местоимений, both и either, подразумевают группу из двух лиц или предметов. Both обозначает их как одно целое:

Both our computers make calculations connected with weather forecast.
Оба наших компьютера выполняют вычисления, связанные с прогнозом погоды.

а either – как отдельные предметы:

Either of our computers can solve this task.
Любой из наших компьютеров может решить эту задачу.


  1. Переведите личные местоимения на русский язык

Example: (Я) often speak English in class. – I often speak English in class.

1. (Я) like to play tennis with my friends. 2. (Она) always meets my friend here. 3. (Мы) are very brave people. 4. (Он) is a student of technical college. 5. (Они) are very glad to see us here. 6. (Я) go to the factory every day. 7. (Она) usually reads newspaper at home. 8. (Ты) like to read only English books. 8. (Он) gives me very interesting book to read. 9. (Она) watches that film together. 10. (Они) write him letters every evening. 11. (Мы) work at an office. 12. (Я) often speak English in class. 13. (Они) go to college every day. 14. (Мы) go to the cinema together. 15. (Я) am tired of listening to you. 16. (Она) goes to the swimming pool with her parents. 17.(Он) tries to help me.

Заполните пропуски соответствующим личным местоимением.

Example: … are interested in sport. - They are interested in sport.

1. … am a student of technical college. 2. … are happy to study here. 3. … is a very kind woman. 4. … are interested in music. 5. …is very talented boy. 6. … like to read detectives. 7. … usually get up at 7 o’clock. 8. … are interested in sport. 9. … is glad to see new people. 10. … likes to swim in the river. 11. … am fond of mathematics. 12. … usually goes to the swimming poll with her friends. 13. … gather together and play football on weekends. 14. My friend and … like to ski and skate in winter. 15. … are pupils. 16. … is fond of collecting stamps. 17. … a very busy today.

Переведите притяжательные местоимения на русский язык

Example: Open (ваши) book, please. - Open your book, please.

1. (Мое) name is Nick. 2. This is (его) flat. 3. I am a worker. (Мое) name is Nick. 4. Ted is a schoolboy. (его) marks are good. 5. Ann and Jane are engineers. (Их) sons are pupils. 6. Please, give me (твою) exercise-book, Peter. 7. We are teachers. (Наши) fiends are teachers too. 8. What are names? (их) names are Nick and Pit. 9. (его) name is Jack and (ее) name is Jane. 10. We are students. This is (наш) classroom. 11. Open (ваши) book please.12. (моя) room is very small. 13. Sit down, Peter, (твоя) mark is good. 14. These are (его) sisters.

Впишите притяжательные местоимения, образовав их от указанных в скобках

Example: He forgot... keys, (he) - He forgot his keys.

1. These are ... parents. (I) 2. I've got... watch, (he) 3. Is this ... car? (you) 4. Do they like ... new house? (she) 5. Have you met... teacher? (their) 6. Who's got ... money? (I) 7.I don't like ... teacher, (we) 8. Have you got ... passport? (you) 9. He forgot... keys, (he) 10. They changed ... Hotel, (they) 11. She gave the letter to ... secretary, (she) 12. There's something wrong with ... car. (I) 13.They're having a party in ... garden, (they) 14. Where's... pen? (I) 15.I like ... jacket, (you).

Выберите правильную форму притяжательного местоимения

1. She put out __ hand and took out __ (her, hers; my, mine). 2. "Let me see your passports," I gave him __ and Catherine got __ out of __ handbag (my, mine; her, hers; her, hers). 3. Mind __ own business and I'll mind __ (your, yours; my, mine). 4. Ditcher put his hand gently on _ — to calm her (her, hers). 5. The next voice to speak up was not the Lieutenant's but __ (my, mine). 6. That, at least, is my opinion of him; and I see it is not very far removed from __ (your, yours). 7. __ was not a marriage that could last (their, theirs). 8. __ nerves are as bad as __ (your, yours; my, mine). 9. His eyes were as bright as __ (her, hers). 10. After all, this is __ home just as much as __ (your, yours; my, mine). 11. "Go with Lucy," said Mrs. Bretton. "I would rather keep __ seat." Willingly would I have kept __ also, but Graham's desire must take precedence of my own; I accompanied him (my, mine; my, mine). 12. His own hand shook as he accepted a rose or two from — and thanked her (her, hers).

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