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На этой странице собрано около (~) 2777 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Другие языки. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Будачева Анастасия Александровна - (староста группы)

Мехтиева Карина Шамильевна - (староста группы)10. Мнацаканов Георгий Давидович 11. Османов Омар Асланович 12. Погосян Виктория Эдуардовна 13. Серегин Георгий Зурабович 14. Сидоркина Яна Андреевна 15. Тамонис Ольга Романовна 16. Тимохова

The Evolution of Telephone Cable

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone over 100 years ago the telephone lines were separate lines that connected pairs of telephones. To connect private telephones with the central interconnection facility telephone lines were needed. The first telephone lines were single grounded wires made of iron or steel, placed on telephone poles or attached to racks on rooftops. Those lines were inherently noisy.

Some useful phrases for enquiries

We are looking for a new supplier. We are very interested in your new range of products/ in ordering from you ... We are interested in doing business with your company. Please send us a current price list. Could you (please) send a list of your products … Thank you for your interest in our products. Thank you for requesting information about… Thank you for enquiring about… I have attached a copy of our latest

Buying — покупая having bought — купив

Упражнение 381 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Participle или Perfect Participle. 1. (to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 2. (to do) his homework, he went for a walk. 3. (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hop­ing to see his friends. 4. (to sell) all the fruit, he went to see his friends. 5. (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank a cup

Разделите следующие слова на слоги.

polish, university, history, stumble, settle, letter, energy, arrive, development, Russia, advantage, assistant, numerous, announce, important, necessary, attempt, po­tato, existence, departure, monument, passenger, enter, worry, mistake, invite, cold. 6. Прочитайте следующие пары слов. Обратите внимание на изменение ударения в однокоренных

Text 10: The Community of European Railways

The Community of European Railways is the leading European railway organisation anda part of the International Union of Railways.It was founded in 1988 with 12 members and now brings together 72 railway undertakings and infrastructure companies – private and state-owned, large and small. European Railways recognize that their future depends on the international dimension. At the international level the railways

In groups of four match the words with the definitions. Use a dictionary.

1. bacon a. a flat cake made of thin batter and cooked on both sides 2. breakfast b. a liquid food made by boiling meat, vegetables, or other foods in water 3. cake c. a mixture of mostly vegetables or fruits, usually served cool 4. chips d. a part of a bush or tree that can be eaten 5. fruit e. a pastry disk topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and usually meat or

Two thousand, in (the year) two thousand

1905 — nineteen five, in (theyear) nineteen five Даты читаются следующим образом: April 12, 2001 1)on the twelfth of April, two thousand one 2) on April the twelfth, two thousand one Задание З.2. Напишите цифрами следующие даты: a) The first of March nineteen seventy-six. b) The fifth of December two thousand. c) The sixteenth of May nineteen five. d)

Уведомление об успешной доставке

8.2.1.Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения: Siamo stati molto soddisfatti dell'acquisto dei nostri prodotti... I vostri articoli sono eccellenti sotto tutti i rapporti... Sono ben felice di aver potuto esprimervi la mia soddisfazione... Abbiamo il piacere di rendervi noto che preferiamo i Vostri prodotti a ... Desideriamo farVi conoscere

Местоимения some, any, no, every и их производные

Тип предложения Неопределенное местоимение Производные неопределенного местоимения Утвердительное Some- какой-нибудь Any- какой-то, любой Someone/somebody-кто- нибудь Anyone/anybody-кто- нибудь, кто угодно Вопросительное Any - какой-то,

Упр. 388. Замените части предло­жений герундиальными оборотами, употребляя, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги

1. When the young man graduated from Har­vard, he returned to Russia. 2. They gave up the idea that they would find work. 3. The girls were afraid that they might miss the train. 4. Mary asked John to forgive her that she had not an­swered his letter sooner. 5. After we had passed our examinations, we had a very entertaining evening. 6. Michael remembered that he had en­joyed the trip to the Bahamas. 7. I am

Выберите один единственно верный ответ на вопрос.

Hat der junge Mann speziell für den Bürokratern seinen Lebenslauf gedruckt? a) Ja, das stimmt. b) Nein, der junge Mann war zerstreut und er gab seinen Lebenslauf im Romanverlag ab, der einen Stick höher lag als das Büro des Bürokraten. c) Nein, der junge Mann möchte ein berühmter Schriftsteller werden. Выберите предложение, которое не

Опредмечивание» степени, признака и действия

Мы уже видели выше, что прилагательное в английском языке может субстантивироваться, т. е. как бы «опредмечиваться». Это явление широко распространено в английском языке. Так, степень в нем также оформляется как материальная

Упражнения на развитие навыков устной речи

I. Составьте небольшие рассказы, используя данные слова и словосочетания: 1. Hier j'ai attendu longtemps mon autobus un arrêt, près de, d'habitude, attendre longtemps, arriver, monter, être en retard; 2. J'aime le métro un autobus, longtemps, en été, chaud, en hiver, froid, le taxi, cher, le métro, rapide,

Read the article about robots. Then answer the questions. For questions 1-5 mark A,B,C, or D on the answer sheet.

Олимпиада школьников, I (школьный) этапАнглийский язык, 7-8 классыЗадания для участникаSection 1LISTENING - 5 балловListen to an interview with two musicians, Suzie and Guy, from the band Style. For questions 1-5 choose the best answer A, B or CWhy do Suzie and Guy feel tired?A. They have travelled a lot this year. B. They have just their

Организатор онлайн олимпиады

Информационное письмоСентября - 3 октября 2016 г. в среде moodle2 СГУПС состоитсяIII Всероссийская онлайн олимпиада (с международным участием)По страноведению«КУЛЬТУР И СТРАН СВЯЗУЮЩАЯ НИТЬ»Организатор онлайн олимпиадыкафедра

Упр. 137. Переведите на английский язык еле дующие словосочетания

В четыре часа, в половине шестого, без чет­верти три, на закате, в четверть пятого, в пол ночь, в пять минут шестого, без десяти два, полдень, на восходе солнца, в двадцать пять третьего. Предлоги времени: ON В воскресенье — On Sunday

Exercise 2 Answer the following questions. 1. What is the text about?

1. What is the text about? 2. What do we call ‘cold light’? 3. What are luminofores? 4. What kinds of luminofores do you know? 5. How are luminofores used in the production of luminescent lamps? 6. What radiation may be discovered and observed by means of luminofores? 7. Does luminescence find any application in medicine? 8. What is the most widely used method of generating light? 9. What is called

Interesting facts about canals

1. The best examples of canals used for draining land are to be found in Holland, where much of the country is below sea level. Dams are used to prevent flooding and since 1932 over 300,000 acres of land have been drained. In winter the Dutch people use the frozen canals for ice-skating. 2. In a hot dry country such as Egypt water is scarce, and to prevent the land from becoming dry long canals are built from dams.