Сравните названия городов и областей Италии и их жителей и запомните их: Alto Adige - altesino, Ancona - anconitano, Bergamo - bergamasco, Cagliari - cagliaritano, Cremona - cremonese, La Spesia -spezzino, Marche - marchigiano, Mantova - mantovano, Modena -modenese, Padova - padovano, Palermo - palermitano, Pavia - pa- .223 УРОК 21 vese,
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ГРАММАТИКАИмя существительное (The Noun) Имя существительное – это часть речи, которая обозначает предмет, явление. Предметом в грамматике называют то, о чем можно спросить: who is this? кто это? или what is this? что это? Имена существительные
1._________ Jenny at home? 2._________ you happy? 3._________ your brother married? 4._________ your parents on holidays? 5._________ I tired? I think it is a silly question. 4. Дополните предложения, используя there is/there are. 1. _____ thirty students in my class. 2. _____ some books in my bag. 3. _____ some computers in the library. 4. _____ a blackboard in the classroom. 5. _____ a
МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕПО ГРАММАТИКЕ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКАPRACTICAL GRAMMAR FOR DISTANT TRAINING Для студентов I курса Составитель: ст. преподаватель каф. ин. языков Бубнова Ю. В. Составитель ст. преподаватель каф. ин. яз. Бубнова Ю. В. Рецензент зав.
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫКПрактикум для самостоятельной работы студентов АНГЛИЙСКИЙ АЛФАВИТ(The English Alphabet) Печатные буквы Название буквы Печатные буквы Название буквы Aa Nn Bb Oo Cc Pp Dd
Мы употребляем Past Indefiniteдля выражениядействия, которое произошло в прошлом в указанное время. А также для выражения действия, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом. Past Indefinite + ? - S +V(2) / V (ed) Did + S + V? S + did not (didn’t) + V Слова,
Er erklärte uns die theoretischen Grundlagen des Experements. Der Fahrer verlor die Herrschaft über das Steuer. Die künstlichen Diamanten werden in der Forschung und Industrie große Perspektiven in der Zukunft haben. Das Wetter war für den Straßenbau nicht günstig. Der neue Baustoff hat gute Eigenschaften. III. Выпишите из упражнений 1 и 2
1. Let us ask mother. She ... know his address 2. You ... drink cold water if you don't want to fall ill. 3. ... you help me? - I am afraid not. 4. You ... interrupt me when I am speaking. 5. Pupils ... talk during the lesson. 6. It ... rain, take your raincoat. 7. My father ... be at his office now as it is 8 o'clock already. 8. ... I switch on the radio?-Yes, you ... .9 ... I smoke here? - No, you ... . 10. You
If I see him, I (give) him that document.The table will collapse if you (stand) on it.If he (eat) all these apples, he will be ill.If I find your wallet, I (telephone) you at once.The police (arrest) the criminal if they catch him.If he (read) in bad light, he will ruin his eyes.7. What will happen if they (not bring) us that parcel? 8. If he (be) late, we’ll go without him.She will be absolutely furious if she
to take off my jacket, to go through the mail, to send the price-list, to fill in the declaration. Did you have to translate the letters into Russian? to find out the address, to buy another suit-case, to make another appointment, to stay at home. He didn’t have to take a taxi to get to the airport. to wait for … long, to fill in any form, to phone the secretary, to get any other instructions. 5. Put questions
America, it may be news to the learned, is a part of the humancondition and within its borders there is still a vast variety of interest, amusement, goodness, evil, humor, absurdity, and all the other human attributes.” (Alistair Cooke) There at least two generalizations that can be made about Americans. First, Americans tend to be trend-setters in lifestyles. They value their individualismquite highly. They place
The lives of most Americans revolve around their homes. The percentage of Americans owning the house, or apartment, they live in is the highest among western nations. Most Americans still live in “single-family dwellings,” that is, houses which usually have a front and backyard. Contrary to a common belief, only about 5 percent of all Americans live in mobile homes. Most of America has a more or less four-season
1. Which is (large): the United States or Canada? 2. What is the name of the (big) port in the United States? 3. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia. 4. The London underground is the (old) in the world. 5. This task is … (difficult) than that one. 6. He is … (old) student in the group. 7. His brother is … (young) than me. 8. This book is … (interesting) than that one. 9. This is … (narrow) street in the
A: Good evening, Mr. Edwards! How was your day? B: Good evening, Mr. Forester. Very good, thank you, and how are you? A: Fine, thank you. Let me introduce my deputy, Mr. Bradford, Martin Bradford to you. C: Nice to meet you, Mr. Edwards. B: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Bradford. A: Do you mind if he joins us, Mr. Edwards? B: Oh, no, certainly not. A: A table in “La Strada” is waiting for us then. C: Is this your
Часть речи Суф-фиксы Значение Примеры Существи-тельное -ance (-ence) в отвлечённых существи-тельных, обозначающих действие, состояние, качество assistance – по-мощь, содействие; performance– посту-пок, выполнение -er (-or) действующее
The outstanding Russian mathematician, Sophia Kovalevskaya, lived and worked in the second half of the 19th century. It was the period of Russia's most remarkable advancement in science and culture. Sophia was born in Moscow on January 15, 1850 in a well-off family of an-artillery general, Korvin-Krukovsky. Her father, a well educated person himself, insisted that his children – two daughters and a son – should
Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и словосочетания и запомните их русские эквиваленты. guide the саг — управлять автомобилем means of turning — средство поворота front wheels - передние колеса steering wheel — рулевое колесо steering column — рулевая колонка for this
There are eighty parks in London, large and small. Three of them are in the centre of the city: Hyde Park, Regent`s Park and St. James`s Park. The others are in different parts of London. London is a very green city. In the south-west London, near the river Thames there is a fantastic park of Great Britain – the Kew Gardens. It is a botanical garden. All year round you see lots of flowers there because Kew gets
HOME READING III LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770–1827) Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 6. What was Ludwig Van Beethoven? 7. When and where was he born? 8. Where did he live? 9. How do you think what kind of character he had? 10. What facts of his life do you know? Ex. 2. Read and translate the text about Ludwig Van Beethoven: Ludwig van Beethoven was one of .he greatest composers of all time. Much of his music