Упр. 505. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы must, to have to или to be to

1. Мне предстоит сделать много работы сегод­ня. 2. Мне пришлось идти туда самому. 3. Вам придется немного подождать. 4. Когда он дол­жен прийти? (как вы договорились?) 5. Поезд должен был прибыть через несколько минут. 6. Должно быть, он очень умен. 7. Должно быть, он вас узнал. 8. Ему предстояло пойти к директору и объяснить свое поведение. 9. Вам придет­ся поговорить с ней. 10. Им пришлось очень долго идти пешком. 11. Ему не придется переписывать сочинение. 12. Должно быть, он пишет ее порт­рет. 13. Вероятно, они уже ушли. 14. Ему пред­стояло совершить удивительное открытие.

Обратите внимание, что в вопросительных предложениях глагол CAN может выражать недоумение (неужели ...?) ,

Can she have spent all the money? —

Неужели она истратила все деньги?

Упр. 506. Произнесите вслух все возможные предложения, используя приведенные ниже под­становочные таблицы. (Упражнение на выработ­ку автоматизации речи)

Переведите каждое предложение на русский язык.

Can he   know your sister? be busy? be ill? be tired? be hungry?    
Can he be   sleeping? working hard? watching TV? having dinner? playing football?  

Can he have forgotten your address? lost your book? missed the train? caught cold? fallen ill? left the country? sold his piano? bought a car?

Упр. 507. Перепишите сначала предложения, 'в которых модальный глагол сап выражает воз­можность, затем предложения, в которых он вы­ражает вежливую просьбу, затем предложения, в которых он выражает недоумение, и, наконец, предложения, в которых модальный глагол can't имеет значение «не может быть.» Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. She can't come tomorrow because they will be working the whole day. 2.1 simply could not refuse: they would have been hurt. 3. He was not old. He couldn't have been more than forty. 4. Could you leave the boy here for half an hour? I want him to help me. 5. "Oh!" she cried in surprise, "it's im­possible! You can't have done it!" 6. The island can be reached by boat or even on foot when the tide is low. 7. "But they can't be as bad as he!" 8. Can you tell me the way to the nearest post-office? 9. A little bit of boiled fish can't hurt you, you know. 10. Could you help me with the translation of this article? I am afraid I cannot do it alone. 11. He shut himself up in the study for the whole day, and I could see through the window that he was writing busily. 12. Can she have been waiting for us all this time?

Упр. 508. Скажите, что, на ваш взгляд, эти события не могли произойти.

E.g. Yesterday I saw Pete in the assembly-ball. You can't have seenPete in the assembly-hall yesterday.

1. Boris was in the canteen five minutes ago. 2. Robert took two bags with him. 3. That was Ann who plugged in the tape-recorder. 4. Nick has been doing the recording for two hours al­ready. 5. It was Mary who rewound the tape. 6. The teacher let me take the tape home. 7. The teacher permitted us to use the dictionary. 8. Nick got up at seven and did his morning exercises. 9. It was Kate who aired the room. 10. There were a lot of pupils in the library yesterday. 11. It was John who broke the radio-set. 12. I saw Ann in the library yesterday.

Упр. 509. Скажите, что, на ваш взгляд, эти события не могли произойти.

E.g. This old bracelet was found in Africa.

This old bracelet can't have been foundin Africa.

1. This tower was built in the 9th century. 2. This book was written by a very good writer. 3. This film was made by a very good director. 4. This play was written by a very clever play­wright. 5. This film has been shot in a fortnight. 6. This book was translated into Russian in the 19th century. 7. This castle was built in the 15th century. 8. This picture was painted by an Italian artist. 9. This refrigerator was produced ten years ago. 10. This car was built twenty years ago. 11. These photographs were taken in the north. 12. This tape-recording was done last week.

13. James was given an excellent mark in history. 14. Ann was given an excellent mark for her ge­ometry test. 15. This house was built at the begin­ning of this century.

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