Answer the following questions using the information from the text.

1. What are the most important subjects in the field of electrical engineering?

2. What important developments appeared in the field of electric power and machinery?

3. What is much of the research in electronics directed to?

4. What are major developments in the field of communication and control?

5. What major developments in the field of computer engineering do you know?

6. What does aeronautics deals with?

7. What is aerospace engineering concerned with?

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Электротехника — область техники, связанная с получением, распределением, преобразованием и использованием электрической энергии.

2. В электротехнике основной задачей является передача электрической энергии, а в электронике — информации.

3. Энергомашиностроение – это отрасль промышленности, производящая машины и оборудование для энергетики.

4. Основная продукция энергомашиностроения - паровые, гидравлические и газовые турбины, оборудование для атомных и геотермальных электростанций, двигатели внутреннего сгорания, паровые котлы и др.

5. Электроника - наука о взаимодействии электронов с электромагнитными полями и методах создания электронных приборов и устройств для преобразования электромагнитной энергии, в основном для приёма, передачи, обработки и хранения информации.

Unit 3

How materials react to external forces.

1. In pairs answer the following questions:

1. Do you know how materials react to external forces?

2. What are the results of external forces?

Read the following words and pay attention to their correct pronunciation.

force [fɔːs]
volume ['vɔljuːm]
to cause [kɔːz]
deformation [ˌdiːfɔː'meɪʃ(ə)n]

Learn new words and phrases.

to fabricate ['fæbrɪkeɪt] изготовлять, производить
to respond [rɪ'spɔnd] отвечать, отзываться, реагировать
external [ɪk'stɜːn(ə)l ], [ek'stɜːn(ə)l] внешний, наружный
elastic [ɪ'læstɪk] упругий, эластичный
to subject [səb'ʤekt] подвергать
to eliminate [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt ], [ə'lɪmɪneɪt] устранять
bar [bɑː] брусок, прут
compression [kəm'preʃ(ə)n] сжатие
creep [kriːp] ползучесть
cross- sectional aria [krɔs ['sekʃ(ə)n(ə)l 'ɑːrɪə] площадь поперечного сечения
cyclic stress ['saɪklɪk(əl) stres] циклическое напряжение
elastic limit [ɪ'læstɪk 'lɪmɪt]] предел упругости
fatigue [fə'tiːg] усталость
fracture ['frækʧə] излом, перелом
loosen ['luːs(ə)n] ослаблять, расшатывать
shear [ʃɪə] срез
tension ['ten(t)ʃ(ə)n] напряжение, растягивающее усилие, растяжение
to bend [bend] гнуть, согнуть
torsion ['tɔːʃ(ə)n] кручение
twisting ['twɪstɪŋ] закручивание
rupture ['rʌpʧə] разрыв, разрушение

Translate the following words and phrases into Russian.

completely [kəm'pliːtlɪ]
simultaneously [ˌsɪm(ə)l'teɪnɪəslɪ]
to propagate ['prɔpəgeɪt]
to occur [ə'kɜː]
to extend [ɪk'stend ], [ek'stend]
to stretch [streʧ]

5. Translate the following sentences using the words and phrases from tasks 2, 3 and 4:

1. Goods are fabricated at the factory.

2. Materials respond to external forces in different ways

3. Force of gravity is different on the Poles and on the Equator.

4. Rubber is the most commonly used elastic material.

5. Permanent magnets are used in loudspeakers.

6. The volume of the container is 100 cubic meters.

7. External forces are the cause of deformation.

8. The speed in towns should not exceed 60 km per hour.

9. Digital recording of sound eliminates noises from the musical records.

10. All materials respond to these forces by elastic deformation.

11. The materials may also have permanent deformation or they may fracture.

12. The results of external forces are creep and fatigue.

13. Tension is a pulling force.

14. Fatigue is the growth of cracks under stress.

15. Creep is a slow, permanent deformation that results from a steady force acting on a material.

Read the following words and guess the meanings of these words.

laboratory material
maximum bolt
energy defect
synthetic polymer
parallel perpendicular
coefficient equator

A. Find in the right column Russian equivalents of the following word combinations.

B. Find in the left column English equivalents of the following word combinations.

cause внешний
elastic исчезать
external объём
force оставаться
to decrease подвергать
to disappear поддерживать
to eliminate превышать
to exceed причина
to increase реагировать
to remain сила
to respond способ
to subject увеличивать
to support уменьшать
volume упругий
way устранять

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