II. Особенности употребления

а) Глагол to be (is, are, was, were, will be) согласуется с последующим именем


б) в отрицательных предложениях перед much и many и числительным вместо “nо” употребляет­ся “not”.


Наиболее типичные способы образования Past Indefinite и Participle II

Таблица 2.8

Infinitive Past Indefinite Participle II Participle I
to meet met met meeting
to get got got getting
to begin began begun beginning
to write wrote written writing
to take took taken taking
to speak spoke spoken speaking
to sell sold sold selling
to tell told told telling
to keep kept kept keeping
to build built built building
to spend spent spent spending
to send sent sent sending
to let let let letting
to put put put putting
to cost cost cost costing
to go went gone going
to be was, were been being
to have had had having
to make made made making
to do did done doing
to show showed shown showing
to say said said saying
to pay paid paid paying


to be + Participle I

Таблица 2.9.

  Present (действия, происходящие в данный момент) Past (действия, происходящие в определенный момент в прошлом) Future (действия, которые будут происходить в определенный момент в будущем)
  now, at the time, at this moment at 6 o’clock yesterday, at that time, the whole day yesterday, while, then, when he came at 6 o’clock tomorrow, at this time tomorrow, the whole day tomorrow, when he comes
Утвердительная форма I am translating a text on comput­ers now. He/she is translating a text on computers now. We/you/they are translating a text on computers now. Я перевожу ... сейчас. I/he/she was translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock yesterday. We/you/they were translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock yesterday. Я переводил ... в 6 часов вчера. I/we/ he/she/you/they will be translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock tomorrow. Я буду переводить ... в 6 часов завтра.
Вопросительная форма Am I translating a text on com­puters now? Is he/she translating a text on computers now? Are we/you/they translating a text on computers now? Was I/he/she translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock yesterday? Were we/you/they translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock yesterday? Will he/she/you/they/ I/we be translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock tomorrow?
Отрицательная форма I am not translating a text on computers now. He/she is not translating a text on computers now. We/you/they are not translating a text on computers now. I/he/she was not translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock yesterday. We/you/they were not translating a text on computers at 6 o’clock yesterday. He/she/you/they/ I/we will not be translat­ing a text on computers at 6 o’clock tomorrow.


Have + Participle II

Таблица 2.10.

  Present (законченные действия) Past (действия, которые начались в прошлом и завершились до определенного момента в прошлом) Future (действия, которые завершатся к определенному моменту в будущем)
  already, just, ever, never, yet, today, lately, this week/year, for, since by 6 o’clock yesterday, by that time, by the end of last year, before he came by 6 o’clock tomorrow, by this time tomorrow, by the end of next year, before he comes
Утвердительная форма I/we/you/they have translated a text on space research already. He/she has translated a text on space research already. Я перевел ... уже I/he/she/ we/you/they had translated a text on space research before the lesson began. Я перевел ... до того, как начался урок. He/she/you/they/ I/we will have translated a text on space research by 6 o’clock tomorrow.   Я переведу ... к 6 часам  
Вопросительная форма Have I/we/you/they translated a text on space research already? Has he/she translated a text on space research already? HadI/he/she/ we/you/they translated a text on space research before the lesson began? Will I/we/ he/she/you/they have translated a text on space research by 6 o’clock tomorrow?
Отрицательная форма I/we/you/they have not translated a text on space research yet. He/she has not translated a text on space research yet. I/he/she/we/you/they had not translated a text on before the lesson be­gan. He/she/you/they/ I/we will not have trans­lated a text on space research by 6 o’clock tomorrow.


Таблица 2.11.

  Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present has risen Russia has now risen to first place in the world in mineral fertilizer production. Производство минеральных удобрений в России так выросло,что страна вышла на первое место в мире. have been rising For several years now the wages have been rising con­tinually in our country. В течение последних лет за­работная плата в нашей стране неуклонно растет.
Past had risen It was officially stated that the living standards of Belarusian people had risen as a result of „the fulfillment of the five-year-plan targets. Как официально сообщалось, жизненный уровень белорусского народа возросв ре­зультате выполнения зада­ний пятилетнего плана. had been rising Since the beginning of the GPW the guerilla movement had been rising on the occupied territories numbering hun­dreds of thousands by Decem­ber, 1942. С самого начала Великой Оте­чественной войны рослопар­тизанское движение на ок­купированной территории, к декабрю 1942 года в нем участвовали сотни тысяч человек.

2.11. ГЛАГОЛ - TO DO-

Таблица 2.12.


смысловой глагол

The teaching staff at Belarusian higher school establishments does lot of research work. Преподаватели белорусских высших учебных заведений ведут большую исследовательскую работу.

вспомога­тельный глагол

Post-graduate students do not receive state allowances in the West.

Аспиранты не получают государ­ственную стипендию на Западе.

слово - заместитель

The United States plays a considerably smaller role industrially than it did after World War II. Соединенные Штаты играют ныне значительно меньшую роль в промышленном отношений, чем в период сразу после 2-ой мировой войны.

выполняет эмоционально-усилительную функцию

The report pointed out that CIS countries do in fact work together on a number of projects. В докладе указывалось, что страны СНГ весьма успешно ведут совместную работу по ряду проектов.


Таблица 2.13.


Смысловой глагол

to have + существительное

Our plant has modern equipment. Наш завод имеетновое оборудова­ние.

вспомога­тельный глагол

to have + 3-я форма глагола (Per­fect Tenses)

They have concluded a long-term contract. Они заключилидолгосрочное согла­шение.

Модальный глагол

to have + инфинитив с to

Extra-mural students have to com­bine study and work. Студенты-заочники должнысоче­тать учебу с работой.


Таблица 2.14.


Смысловой глагол

to be + предлог + существитель­ное

а) находиться, приходиться

The bulk of Belarusian foreign trade is with CIS countries. Основная часть белорусской внешней торговли приходится на страны СНГ.

б) иметь, представлять

The development of foreign trade is of great economic significance for Belarus. Развитие внешней торговли имеет огромное экономическое значение для Беларуси.

вспомога­тельный глагол

а) to be + ing-форма (Continuous Tenses)

Russia is givingeconom­ic assistance to its neighbours. Россия оказывает

эконо­мическую помощь своим соседям.

б) to be + 3-я форма глагола (Pas­sive Voice)

Our trade with CIS countries is based on long-term agreements. Наша торговля со странами СНГ базируется на долгосрочных со­глашениях.

Наши рекомендации