
to commit to bring to lose to doubt to prove to win to require an action a crime a case a guilt an evidence a criminal a prosecution

Complete the sentences.

1. Constitutional law regulates...

2. International law regulates...

3. Torts deal with...

4. Probate deals with...

Completetheschemeandretellthe text using it.

Public Law
Civil Law
between citizens & state
among citizens
deals with

Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1. What are some reasons why someone takes legal action against someone else?

2. What are some reasons why courts award money to plaintiffs who win their cases?

Read and listen to this job advertisement for an attorney.

Civil Law Attorney $65,000 per year   The medium-sized city law firm is seeking an attorney with civil law experience. Primary responsibility is handling tort law cases. Most cases involve clients suing for monetary damages because of personal injuries. The attorney assists clients in filing for injunctions when needed. They will also be required to prove liability and establish the negligence of the defendants. Our clients generally require compensation for medical costs, loss of earnings and punitive damages. The attorney may also be involved in other cases, including probate and divorce cases. Please send your resume to the address below: Benson & Cutler Law Firm 1324 Brook Street, Suite 201, Reno, Nevada 89501  

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the attorney's primary responsibility?
A divorce cases

B probate cases

C tort cases

D medical cases

2. Which of the following is NOT part of the job?

A claiming damages

B suing defendants

C proving negligence

D compensating witnesses

3. What can be inferred about most of the clients at Benson and Cutler?

A They are found to be negligent

B They need a last will to be written.

C They are being sued for medical bills.

D They have been injured in an accident.

26. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions(A-E).

1. civil law

2. monetary damages

3. negligence

4. tort law

5. probate

A the branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals or organizations

B a sum paid to compensate for loss or injury

C law dealing with compensation for injury

D the legal act of dealing with dead people's property

E the legal concept of not using a level of care that prevents injuries

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

1. The travel company forgot to book Gayle's hotel, so she got $500 to make up for the wrongdoing.

c___________ s__________

2. Harry decided to make a legal claim for money against his workplace because the machinery was faulty.


3. The company had to pay $3,000 in compensation and $10,000 fees meant as punishment.

p__________ d____________

4. The chemical company was given an official order to stop against dumping chemicals.


5. The attorney was able to prove that the company had responsibility for an incident.


Listen to an interviewer talking to a job candidate.

a) Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. The candidate filed injunctions in his previous position.

2. Nearly three quarters of the candidate's clients have been awarded damages.

3. The candidate has experience in probate cases.

b) Listen again and complete the conversation.

Interviewer: Good morning. Mr. Raymond, please sit down.

Job Candidate: Thank you.

Interviewer: Let's get started, shall we? Do you have any experience with 1_______ _________?

Job Candidate: Yes. At my last job. I filed 2 __________ against companies and initiated lawsuits.

Interviewer: Were you often able to prove 3____________ and establish negligence?

Job Candidate: Yes. My clients were awarded 4 ___________ __________ in about 75 percent of my cases.

Interviewer: And do you have any experience with 5 __________ ?

Job Candidate: I'm 6__________, I don't. Sorry.

29. With a partner, act out the roles below.

Use language such as:

Do you have any experience with...

At my last job I .....

Wereyou often able to ....

Student A:You are an interviewer interviewing a candidate for a job. Ask Student B about: - his/her experience in tort law - his/her experience in probate
Student B:You are a candidate at a job interview. Answer Student's A questions

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