Listen to a conversation between two officers.

a) Mark the statements as true(T)or false(F).

1. SWAT will gain additional officers.

2. Property crime is going down.

3. K-9 will have fewer officers.

b) Listen again and complete the conversation.

Officer 1: Due to the recent increase in property crime, he wants more officers 1________ _________ ________ _________ .

Officer 2: I 2_______ __________ ________. That would result in fewer property crimes.

Officer 1: I'd think so.

Officer 2: But that 3_________ _________ _________ of us in Special


Officer 1: Right, so we have to think carefully about who we transfer.

Officer 2: I hope you aren’t thinking about cutting the SWAT team.

Officer 1: 4_________ _________ ________. We'd be ineffective in a serious terrorism or hostage situation.

Officer 2: So the cuts will have to come from 5__________ and the Bomb Squad.

Officer 1: Exactly. We'll transfer 6________ _________ from each.

21. Use the conversation in Task 20 to write a summary of a transfer of officers. Talk about:

· why officers are being transferred

· how many

· from what departments

Make a report on law enforcement agencies in your country.

Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1. How do citizens and law officers work together to prevent crime in your country?

2. What should someone do if they fall victim to a crime?

Read and listen to the crime prevention pamphlet for tourists.

Crime Prevention Guideof Trenton Police

Crime prevention requires the cooperation of our city’s residents, visitors, and police.

Here's how you can help:

• discourage criminals by always being alert

• anticipate crimes before they happen and react accordingly

• recognize suspiciouspersons behavior and avoid them

• appraise taxi cabs for safety and licensure before entering

Some actions make it easier for crimes to occur.

Do not:

• initiate conversation with suspicious persons

• leave vehicle or hotel rooms unlocked

• reveal large amounts of money in the presence of strangers

• accept an opened beverage from someone you do not know

• make yourself a vulnerable target by becoming over-intoxicated

Regardless of prevention efforts, crimes still occur.

If you should become the witness or victim of a crime:

• notify the police immediately

• wait at a safe location away from the crime until police secure the area

• provide what information you can to the investigation

Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. Tourists should check if taxi drivers are licensed.

2. Trenton Police recommend confronting suspicious people.

3. Witnesses should wait at crime scenes.

Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).

1 initiate 2 secure 3 appraise 4 recognize 5 anticipate 6 notify   A to expect something will happen B to evaluate the quality of something C to make sure a place is free of danger D to start something E to identify something as previously seen F to inform someone about something

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank.

unlocked // discourage // presence // prevention // cooperation  

1. A dog can __________ criminals from entering.

2. No need for a key. The door is ____________.

3. Crimes are rare in the ____________ of police.

4. Reducing crimes requires ______________ between citizens and police.

5. Crime ____________ is an important part of keeping the community safe.

Listen and read thepamphlet again. What should a victim do until the police make the area where a crime happened safe?

Listen to a conversation between an officer and a tourist.

a)Choose the correct answers.

1. Why is the tourist speaking to the officer?

A to report a stolen item

B to find a missing person

C to describe an attempted theft

D to notify her of a suspicious person

2. What will the tourist likely do next?

A make a phone call

B identify the suspect

C recover his backpack

D describe his wife's clothing

b) Listen again and complete the conversation.

Officer:Did he 1_______ _________ __________ the backpack?

Tourist: Yes, he tried. But I ran up and 2__________ ________ _______from him. He was surprised.

Officer: What did the suspect do then?

Tourist: He ran off that way, through the 3_____________.

Officer: 4___________ __________ ___________ what he looked like? What was he wearing?

Tourist: He was about 5'6'. He had dark hair, a pale complexionand a mustache. He was wearing a green raincoat.

Officer:It sounds like 5________ _________ _________ __________ _________. Could you identify him if you saw him?

Tourist: Probably.

Officer: We're going to ask you to do so 6________ _______ _________ _______. We'll put this guy away with your help.

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