Answer the following questions using the words in brackets as in the example.

When did you last break the law? (for two yeas). I haven't broken the law for two years.

1. When did they last patrol the streets? (since Sunday)

2. When did he last drive? (for six months)

3. When did they last collect evidence? (since June)

4. When did they last take fingerprints? (never)

5. When did he last interrogate criminals? (for three days)

6. When did they last examine the crime scene? (since last Friday)

7. When did they last locate criminals? (for a long time)

Give the corresponding passive constructions of Perfect Tenses as in the example. (Table 13)

I haven't seen Tom in the past few days. Tom hasn't been seen in the past few days.

1. I haven't told them about the accident yet.

2. We have met a lot of famous detectives at the conference in the last two days.

3. British courts have always safeguarded the rights of the citizens.

4. The American people have repeatedly amended the US Constitution.

5. The police have never patrolled this district.

Translate the following sentences using the words from the box.

recently, since, already, yet, for a long time

1. Я недавно встретил его в суде.

2. Мы не виделись уже 2 года.

3. Этот закон действует с 1996 года.

4. Его допрашивали сегодня уже три раза, но он молчал.

5. За последние три года он совершил несколько краж.

6. Этих свидетелей еще не вызывали в суд.

7. Мы ничего не знали об этом преступлении долгое время.



Grammar: Gerund and Gerundial Constructions


The territory of London is being policed by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) except for the City of London, which has its own Police Service.

The “modern” police forces of the UK began with the establishment of London Metropolitan Police in 1829. Following its establishment, other cities and towns and eventually the rural areas, were establishing police forces appropriate to local needs.

In cooperation with other agencies, the police of the UK are responsible for crime prevention and investigation and for initial legal proceedings for criminal offences.

The police officers in Britain fulfil a wide variety of duties but all of them have common purposes and common tasks. The purposes of the police are to uphold the law, to detect and prevent crime, to pursue and bring to justice those who break the law, to apprehend suspected criminals, to help and protect citizens. Policemen also have other jobs, such as traffic control, keeping large crowds in order preventing unlawful street trading, betting, selling of intoxicants after licensed hours or preventing car parking on public roads.

A man (or woman) when arrested must be taken to a police station. There, if the officer in charge decides that the arrested man must be charged as an offender, he may be kept in a cell or allowed to leave "on bail". The work of the British policemen is regulated by the Discipline Code, which demands of the police officers to be fair, impartial and honest.

The police constables do not need to do lots of paperwork. All police stations are being equipped with new computers.

UK police officers are normally unarmed except for a short wooden truncheon (or stick) which is carried out of sight. They are responsible to the people they are serving and the law applicable to the individual country.

The UK doesn’t have a national police force though there are some functions carried out nationally in addition to the considerable cooperation between the forces.


to leave "on bail" выпустить под залог
after licensed hours после разрешенного часа


applicable a применимый
apprehend v арестовывать
appropriate a подходящий, соответствующий
betting n азартные игры
charge n, v be in ~ обязанность, ответственность; обвинять командовать, быть за старшего
considerable a значительный
demand n, v требование; требовать
detain v ~ a suspect задерживать задерживать подозреваемого
establishment n учреждение
equip (with) v оборудовать, оснащать
fair a порядочный, справедливый
fulfil v выполнять
honest a честный
impartial a беспристрастный
initial a первоначальный
intoxicant n опьяняющий напиток
justice n bring to ~ справедливость, правосудие привлечь к судебной ответственности, отдать под суд
pursue v преследовать
rural a сельский
trial n судебный процесс
truncheon n дубинка, резиновая палка


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