Answer the questions using the example.

When did she meet Helen? (walk along the street) - She met Helen when she was walkingalong the street.

1. When did you catch that cold? (trace the criminal).

2. When did he write his report? (have a holiday).

3. When did she learn the language? (live in England).

4. When did she hear that version? (listen to the people in a crowd).

5. When did you buy that book? (read up for my exams)

6. When did the boy hurt himself? (ride the bicycle)

7. When did Philip lose his camera? (walk about the city).

8. When did he ring you up last? (leave for a holiday).

Change the sentences using the example.

Are you going to visit him tomorrow? Will you be visiting him tomorrow?


to be going to do smth – собираться что-либо сделать

1. When are you going to take your exam in the Civil Law?

2. Are you going to visit the Court this week?

3. How long are they going to work on probation here?

4. When is the suspect going to arrive at this town?

5. Are you going to use this evidence for your report?

6. Where is he going to spend his holidays?

7. When are gangsters going to return to that place?

8. Is she going to stay at the crime scene for a long time?

9. Are you going to examine the crime scene today?

10. Is he going to do imprisonment tomorrow?



Grammar: Perfect Tenses


When I left school I understood that the time to choose my future profession came. It was not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the jobs. I have chosen the profession of a lawyer. I've entered St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior. I'd like to be a detective and serve in militia. My dream is to work as an inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department. I know that the work of a detective is very difficult and dangerous. But I think that this work is necessary and important while crime exists in our country.

The main aim of our detective activity is crime prevention. At our university we master special means, methods and forms of crime prevention. We study many special subjects: Detective Activity, Criminalistics, Crime Psychology, various branches of law and many other special subjects.

It is not easy to investigate crimes, it is difficult to trace and locate criminals. To be a good detective we must have many professional skills. That is why we study how to examine a crime scene, to take fingerprints, to interrogate criminals, to talk to witnesses.

In the future we'll have to detect criminals, to conduct search discovery and apprehend suspects. At the University we learn different methods of fighting crime. Investigation is an art and science. Quick and accurate crime scene investigation is very important for a crime solution. When the investigator arrives at the crime scene he examines the scene very carefully. He takes pictures, makes a plan of the investigation. It's necessary to collect all the evidence at the crime scene and preserve it for court presentation.

Detecting the offender means locating and apprehending him. Sometimes it's a very complicated task. The proper presentation of a case in court involves the discovery and identification of witnesses. That is why we must know how to interview witnesses.

At present there is a great deal of economic crimes. The task of an officer of Economic Crimes Department is to reveal the criminal, who tries to profit at the expense of the state and to provide his punishment.

Our future work is noble and necessary. Our objective is to protect life and property of our people.


the Criminal Investigation Department отдел уголовного розыска
the Economic Crimes Department отдел по борьбе с эконом. преступностью
at the expense of за счет кого-либо


accurate a точный, правильный; тщательный
apprehend v задерживать, арестовывать
choice n выбор
choose v выбирать
court n суд
crime n ~ prevention ~ solution a ~ scene to fight ~s преступление предотвращение преступности раскрытие преступления место преступления бороться с преступностью
detect v обнаруживать
evidence n улика; свидетельское показание
exist v существовать
fingerprint n to take ~s дактилоскопический отпечаток снимать отпечатки пальцев
interrogate v допрашивать
investigate v расследовать
investigator n следователь
locate v определять местонахождение
objective n цель
offender n правонарушитель, преступник
punish v наказывать
punishment n наказание
property n собственность
protect v защищать
reveal v разоблачать, обнаруживать
search n обыск; исследование
trace v, n следить, выследить; след


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