The Court System in England and Wales

The law in England and Wales is divided into criminal law and civil law. Criminal law involves the rules laid down by the state for citizens, while civil law governs the relationships and transactions between citizens. Administrative law is a special sort of civil law that concerns the interactions of citizens with the state. Administrative law cases are mostly heard in tribunals, while civil and criminal cases are heard in the main court system.

Most minor criminal cases, called offences, are heard in local magistrates' courts. The magistrates' court is the most common type of law court in England and Wales. There are 700 magistrates' courts and about 30,000 magistrates. More serious criminal cases then go to the Crown Court, which has 90 branches in different towns and cities. Civil cases (for example, divorce or bankruptcy cases) are dealt with in County courts. Appeals are heard by higher courts. For example, appeals from magistrates' courts are heard in the Crown Court, unless they are appeals on points of law. There are 78 Crown Court centres throughout England and Wales.

The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is the House of Lords. (Scotland has its own High Court in Edinburgh, which hears all appeals from Scottish courts.) Certain cases may be referred to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. In addition, individuals have made the British Government change its practices in a number of areas as a result of petitions to the European Court of Human Rights. The legal system also includes juvenile courts (which deal with offenders under seventeen) and coroners' courts (which investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths). There are administrative tribunals which make quick, cheap and fair decisions with much less formality. Tribunals deal with professional standards, disputes between individuals, and disputes between individuals and government departments (for example, over taxation).

Ex.7. Find in the text English equivalents for the words below:

1. уголовное право;

2. гражданское право;

3. мировой судья;

4. Суд короны;

5. гражданское дело;

6. суды графств;

7. Европейский суд по правам человека;

8. правовая система;

9. суд по делам несовершеннолетних;

10. правонарушение;

11. правонарушитель;

12. насильственная смерть;

13. развод;

14. налогообложение;

15. банкротство.

Ex. 8. Use the information from the text and answer the following questions.

1. What two types of law exist in England and Wales?

2. In the United Kingdom, what is the difference between criminal and civil law?

3. What is the most common type of law court in England and Wales?

4. What cases are heard in magistrates' courts?

5. What are the other types of British courts?

6. What courts deal with serious criminal cases?

7. What courts deal with civil cases?

8. What is the highest court of appeal in England and Wales?

9. What cases do coroners’ courts and juvenile courts investigate?

10. What cases do tribunals deal with?

Ex. 9. Decide if the following sentences are True or False

2. The law in England and Wales is divided into criminal law and civil law

3. Criminal law governs the relationships and transactions between citizens.

4. Administrative law cases are mostly heard in magistrates’ courts.

5. The magistrates' court is not common in England and Wales.

6. Minor criminal cases are heard in local magistrates' courts.

7. More serious criminal cases then go the County court.

8. Appeals are heard by lower courts.

9. There are 30 000 magistrates' courts and about 700 magistrates.

10. The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is the House of Lords

11. The legal system doesn’t include administrative tribunals

12. Tribunals deal with disputes between individuals, and disputes between individuals and government departments

13. Coroners’ courts deal with offenders under 17.

Ex. 10. Develop the sentences:

1. The law in England and Wales is…

2. Criminal law involves…

3. Civil law governs…

4. Administrative law is…

5. The most common type of law court in England and Wales is…

6. Offences are heard in…

7. More serious criminal cases go to…

8. Civil cases are dealt with…

9. Appeals are heard by…

10. The highest court of appeal is…

11. The legal system also includes…

12. Juvenile courts deal with…and coroners' courts investigate…

13. Tribunals deal with…

Ex.11. Dwell on the functions of…

Magistrates’ courts The Crown court County courts The House of Lords Tribunals Juvenile courts Coroners’ courts     hear(s) deal(s) with investigate(s)    

Ex 12. Which courts do you think deal with:

1. a bank robbery?

2. a divorce case?

3. a burglary committed by a fifteen-year-old?

4. a drowning?

5. a case of driving too fast?

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