История государства и права. Проблемы современности

11.1.1 Российское право

Александров М.М. Государство, бюрократия и абсолютизм в истории России

Батыр К.И., Исаев И.А., Кнопов Г.С. История государства и права

Беляев И.Д. История русского законодательства

БурбанкД. Правовая реформа и правовая культура (волостные суды)

Владимирский-Буданов М.Ф. Обзор истории русского права

Вормс А.Э. Реформа крестьянского землевладения и гражданское право

Все начиналось с десятины

Гроссман С.М. Местные законы Бессарабии

Дарест Р. Исследования по истории права

Добротворский Н. Крестьянские обычаи. Обязательства

Дореволюционные нормативные правовые акты

· Закон о старообрядческих общинах

· О браке и разводе, о детях внебрачных

· О преобразовании местного суда

· Проект положения о поводах к разводу

· Проект статей об авторском праве

· Устав гражданского судопроизводства

· Устав о банкротстве

Дювернуа Н.Л.Источники права в суде в Древней Руси

Кассо Л. Византийское право в Бессарабии

Латкин В.Н.Учебник истории русского права

Малиносвкий И. Лекции по истории русского права

Миллер Д. Очерки из истории и юридического быта старой Малороссии

Михайлов Н.Н. История русского права

Никонов С.П. Круговая порука

Первый съезд русских юристов

Покровский И.А. Перуново проклятье

Рейц А. История русского права

Самоквасов Д.Я.К вопросу о государственных цветах древней России

Самоквасов Д.Я. Курс истории русского права

Сборник Государственных Знаний

Свод Законов Российской Империи

Судебные Уставы с рассуждениями на которых они основаны

Тесля А.А. .Источники дореволлюционного права

Титов Ю.П. Хрестоматия по ИГП России 1

Титов Ю.П. Хрестоматия по ИГП России 2

Чичерин Б.Н. Опыт по истории русского права

Эверс Ф.Г. Древнейшеерусскоеправо


Баталина В. В. Краткий курс по истории государства и права России

Беляев И.Д. Лекции по истории русского законодательств

Блок. Феодальноеобщество

Васецкий Н.А. Российское законодательство на современном этапе

Гуляев А.М. Право общее и местное

Духовный регламент

Иллюстров Т. Юридические пословицы и поговорки русского народа

Исаев И. А. История государства и права России

Калачов Н. Архив исторических сведений. Книга 1

Капустин М. История права

Кассо Л.А. Общие и местные гражданские законы

Котляревский С.А. Юридические предпосылки русских основных законов

Манифест 19.02.1961

Мрочек-Дроздовский П. Памятники русского права

Общее положение о крестьянах 1961

Пахман С. В. Сборник народных юридических обычаев

Пахман С.В. Обычное ГП России

Положение Об устройстве дворовых людей, вышедших из крепостной зависимости 1861

Положение по крестьянам 1861

Сборник Владимирского-Буданова

Сергеевич В. Лекции и исследования по древней истории русского права.

Соборное Уложение 1649 года

Тесля А. А. История законодательства о праве поземельной собственности в России с IX по начало XX века

Тесля А. А. Источники (формальные) гражданского права Российской Империи в XIX начале XX века.

Титов Ю. П. История государства и права России

Титов Ю. П., Чистяков О. И. Хрестоматия по истории государства и права СССР. Дооктябрьский период

Тихомиров М. Н. Списки и происхождение редакций Русской Правды

Фалалеева И. Н. Политико-правовая система Древней Руси IX - XI веках

Черепнин Л. В. Образование русского централизованного государства в XIV - XV веках

Чистяков О. И. Хрестоматия по истории отечественного государства и права СССР_послеоктябрьский период

Щапов Я. Н. Древне-русские княжеские уставы XI - XV веков

11.1.2 Зарубежное право Общая литература

Жидков О.А., Крашенниникова Н.А. История государства и права зарубежных стран

Капустин М. Очерк истории права в Западной Европе

Никофорова Н. А. История государства и права зарубежных стран

Никуличев Ю.В. СНГ. Очерк современной истории

Черниловсий З.М. Всеобщая история государства и права

Черниловский З. М. Всеобщая история государства и права

Черниловский З. М. Всеобщая история государства и права

Древнееправо и правоСредневековья

Gibbon. History of The Decline And Fall of The Roman Empire

Maine Henry Sumner.AncientLaw

Азаревич Д. Византийское право

Брайс Дж. Священная Римская империя

Гальперин С.Д. Первобытное право

Источники Древнеиндусского Права

Источники Мессопотамского Права

Морошкин Ф. Права древнейших народов

Рязановский. Монгольское право


Византийский Земледельческий закон


Ковалевский М. Первобытное право. Том 1

Кутюмы Бовези

Лампрехт К. История германского народа

Мэн Г.С. Древнее право

Салическая правда Современноеправо Общееправо. ПравоАнглии

HaleM.The History of the Common Law of England

HolmesO.The Common Law

Jenks. Edward Plantagenet (Edward I.) the English Justinian

Pollock F.,Maitland W. The History Of English Law

Reeves J. History of the English Law

Siltala R. A Theory of Precedent

Arrunada B., Andonova, V. Common law and civil law as pro-market adaptations

Blackstone W. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Vol. 1, 2

Blackstone W. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Vol. 3, 4

Brudner. The Unity of the Common Law

Burton J.H. Manual of the Law of Scotland


Companies Act 1985

Curry W. The commentaries of Sir William Blackstone on the Laws and Constitution of England.

Edlin Douglas E. Common Law Theory


Fuller L.L. Reason and fiat in case law

Funken K. Convergence of civil and common law

Funken K. The best of both worlds the trend towards convergence of civil and common law

Jenks E. A short history of English law, from the earliest times to the end of the year

Markesinis B. Five days in the House of Lords. Some comparative reflections on Wite v. Jones.

MurrayM. Property and 'Patriarchy' in English History

Pollock F. A first book of jurisprudence for students of the common law

Rubin P. Common law and statute law

Test for understanding academic passages in English

Zetzel James E.G. On the Commonwealth and on the Laws.

Zimmermann R. Statutes and common law

Марченко М.Н. О понятии общее право

Фридман М. Основы американского права

Austin Raymond Darrel. Navajo Courts and Navajo Common Law

Davis Donald R. The Spirit of Hindu Law


Mackeldey F. Compendium of Modern Civil Law

Markesisnis B. Two hundred years of a famous code

Neocleous A. Introduction to Cyprus Law

Peller G. The metaphysics of American law

Van der Linden, Institutes of the Laws of Holland

van Vliet. Iusta Causa Traditionis and its History in European Private Law

Wolfe D.J. Debtor and Creditor Law. Documents

Тимохов Ю. А. Иностранное право в судебной практике

11.2 Legal English

Blacks Law Dictionary 9 ed. 2009

Brieger Nick. Test Your Professional English. Law

Brown Gillian D. Cambridge Professional English in Use. Law

English Grammar in Use 3rd Edition



International legal English

MartinE. Oxford Dictionary of Law

Martin Elizabeth A.. A Dictionary of Law

Martin Elizabeth. Dictionary of Law

Oran Danirl. Oran`s Dictionary of the Law

Professional English law

Roberts Mark. EnglishforModernPolicing

Мамулян А. С., Кашкин С. Ю. Англо-русский полный юридический словарь



12.1 Arabic and otherEasternlanguages

Lane Arabic English Lexicon

Davidson A.B. Introductory Hebrew grammar syntax

Gesenius Hebrew Chaldee Lexicon

Jastrow. Dictionary of the Targumim

McLoughlin L. Colloquial Arabic

Owens J. LinguisticHistoryofArabic

Payne Smith. Syriac Dictionary

Rosenthal F. A Grammar Of Biblical Aramaic

Sattar H. Fundamentals of Classic Arabic

Wightwick J. Gaafar - Arabic Verbs and Essentials of Grammar


12.2 English

American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language

Broderick J. Modern English linguistics

Brutt-Griffler J. World English

Burchfield R. The New Fowler's Modern English Usage

Dalzell T. Victor (eds) - Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English

Darragh G. A Guide To The Differences Between British And American English

Goldbort R. Writing for Science

Herzog D. Webster Essential Vocabulary

Hogg R. An Introduction to Old English

Horobin C. An Introduction to Middle English

Hough C. Beginning Old English

Longman Phrasal Verbs Dictionary

Lovinger P. Penguin Dictionary of American English Usage and Style

Miller J. An introduction to English syntax

Mugglestone L. The Oxford History of English

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

Oxford Thesaurus - Dictionary Of Synonyms

Partridge E. Origins - An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English

Spears R. McGraw-Hills.Dictionary.of.American.Idioms.and.Phrasal.Verbs

Spears R. NTC American Idioms Dictionary

Spears R. NTC Dictionary Of American Slang And Colloquial Expressions

Spears R. NTC Dictionary.Of.Words.And.Phrases

Strohm P. Middle English

Stuart-Hamilton I. Dictionary of Everyday Expressions

Swan M. Practical-English-usage

Walter (ed). Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms

12.3 German

Dodd B. Modern German Grammar

Donaldson D. German An Essential Grammar

Dreyer – Schmitt. Practice Grammar of German

Miell A. Intermediate German

Schenke. Basic German

12.4 Hungarian

Hungarian-English Pocket Dictionary

Rounds C. Hungarian essential grammar

12.5 Latin, Greek & Sanskrit

Du Cange

A Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Adams J. Bilingualism and the Latin Language

Bennett C. A Latin Grammar

Clackson C. History Of The Latin Language

Green S. A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek

Greenough Let al (eds). New Latin Grammar

Lampe G. A Patristic Greek Lexicon

Lewis & Short Latin Dictionary

Liddel H. A Greek-English Lexicon

Maigne dArmis

Oxford Latin

Ramshorn L. Latin-synonyms

Smyth H. Greek Grammar

Stone J. Dictionary of Latin Quotations

Walde L. Lateinisches etymologisches worterbuch

Wilson H. An Introduction to the Grammar of Sanskrit

Woodard R. The Ancient Languages Of Europe

12.6 Spanish

Bradley P. Spanish An essential grammar

Davies M. A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

Faingold E. Development of Grammar in Spanish

Kattan-Ibarra J. Modern Spanish grammar


Blackwell Companions (History)

Bloch M- Feudal Society

Bogucki P- Crabtree - Ancient Europe

Cambridge History of Japan

Jewish Encyclopedia (2007, PDF) People - Culture – History

Oxford Very Short Introductions (History)

Skinner Q- Visions of Politics vol 1-3

The Cambridge History of Russia Vol 1-3

Ahmed A. Discovering.Islam

Allsen T. Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia

Archibald E. Incest and the Medieval Imagination

Backman C. The Worlds of Medieval Europe

Baehr P. Dictatorship in History and Theory

Bailey M. Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft

Bard K. Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt

Bauer B. Gamboas History Of The Incas

Beattie J. Policing and Punishment in London 1660-1750

Beck R. A Brief History of Ancient Astrology

Benjamin (ed). Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism

Berend N. At the gate of Christendom

Birley A. Marcus Aurelius

Bonner M. Jihad in Islamic History

Bonney R. Jihad

Bressler A. The Universalist Movement in America 1770–1880

Brock R. Alternatives to Athens

Bryce T. Life and Society in the Hittite World

Buckler,.Beck.CentralGreecePoliticsofPower 4th century

Buell P. Historical Dictionary of the Mongol World Empire

Bunson M. FOF Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire

Butler J. New World Faiths

Cameron. The Byzantines

Chaniotis A. War in the hellenistic world

Coleman J. A History Of Political Thought

Cornell P. Encounters materialities confrontations

Crabtree (ed). Medieval Archaeology Encyclopedia

Creveld. The Rise and Decline of the State

Crouzet F. A History of the European Economy

Curran J. Pagan City And Christian Capital

Deacy. Athena

Diakonoff. The Paths Of History

Dixon-Kennedy M. Encyclopedia of Greco-Roman Mythology

Dowd D. Capitalism And Its Economics A Critical History

Drews R. The End Of The Bronze Age

Duby G. The three orders

Duffy C. The Fortress (Siege Warfare)

Duffy C. Medieval_Ireland

Dunsworth H. Human Origins

Eck W. The Age of Augustus

Emsley J. The Elements of Murder

Endress G. Islam Historical Introduction

Etherington N. Missions and Empire

Fahlander F. Oestigaard - The Materiality of Death

Faroqhi S. The Ottoman Empire and the World Around it

Forster M. Catholic revival

Fredrickson G. Racism A short History

Fremont-Barnes G. Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Revolutions

Freund B. African City History

Gaddis J. The Landscape of History

Garland L. Byzantine Empresses

Gregory T. History of Byzantium [Blackwell]

Halecki O. Borderlands Of Western Civilization

Harding A. Medieval Law and the Foundations of the State

Helle. History of Scandinavia until 1520

Hodge C. Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism

Hoffman E. Late Antique and Medieval Art

Holman K. Historical Dictionary of the Vikings

Holt. French Wars Religion

Housley N. Religious Warefare in Europe, 1400-1536

Humfress C. Orthodoxy.And.The.Courts.In.Late.Antiquity

Hummer H. Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe

Hunt E. Christianity in 2nd century

Ilahiane H. Historical Dictionary Berbers

Innes M. State and Society in the Early Middle Ages

Jaques T. Dictionary of Battles and sieges

Johnstone N. The Devil and Demonism in Early Modern England

Jones G. An End To Poverty - A Historical Debate

Kaeuper R. Chivalry and Violence in Medieval Europe

Kantorowicz E. The kings two bodies

Kenez P. A History of the Soviet Union

Kenny K. Ireland and the British Empire

Keppie L. Understanding Roman inscriptions

Kesselring K. Northern rebellion 1569

Khan A. Historical Dictionary of MedievalIndia

Kidd T. The Protestant Interest

Kipfer B. Dictionary of Artifacts

Lachmann R. Capitalists in Spite of Themselves

Laiou A Morrison. Byzantine Economy

Larson J. Ancient.Greek.Cults.A.Guide

Laughlin G. Fifty major cities in the Bible

Laurence R. Roman Pompeii

Lawson R. Science in the Ancient World

Le Goff J. Medieval Civilization

Le Goff J. The Birth of Europe

Le Goff J. The birth of purgatory

Le Goff J. Your money or your life

Leick G. AncientEasternArchitecture

Lewis B. The Arabs in History

Lewis. Ancient Tyranny

Loomba A. RaceEarly Modern England

Macinnis P. Bittersweet story of sugar

Mackay A. Atlas of Medieval Europe

Maier C. Crusade Propaganda And Ideology

Mannion G. Companion to the Christian Church

Margolis E. Creations Of The Mind

Meri J. The.Cult.of.Saints

Money N. Triumph of the Fungi

Morford M. Classical Mythology

Morley N. Trade in classical antiquity

Mullholland M. The Longest War

Murray T. Milestones In Archeology

Nauert C. Historical Dictionary of the Renaissance

Neff S. War and the law of nations

Nolan C. The Age of Wars of Religion

Orser C. Encyclopedia of Historical Archaeology

Osborne R. Classical Greece

Penslar D. Israel in History

Perry M. Antisemitism

Peters R. Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law

Philips D. Athenian Political Oratory

Pirenne H. Mohammed and Charlemagne

Plant R. Politics Theology and History

Plowright J. Routledge Dictionary of Modern British History

Landman S. NAPA Bulletin, Applied Anthropologist and Public Servant

Pressman P. Fifty Major Economists

Price D. Ancient economic thought

Quataert P. The Ottoman Empire 1700-1922

Rahe P. Against Throne and Altar

Raymond S. Bradley. Paleoclimatology - Reconstructing climates of the quaternary

Rhodes J. Greek City States

Riley-Smith J. The Oxford History of the Crusades

Rilley-Smith J. The First Crusade

Rupke J. A Companion to Roman Religion

Saunders J. History of medieval Islam

Sawday J. Engines of the Imagination

Schrenk F. Neanderthals

Shaw L. A Dictionary of Archaeology

SollorsW. Interracialism

Spalinger A. War In Ancient Egypt

Speake J. FOF Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

Stark M. Archaeology of Asia

Stearns P. Western Civilization in World History

Stearns P. Encyclopedia of European Social History

Stockstad M. Medieval Castles

Super J. Religion in World History

Takacs S. Construction of Authority

Talbert R. Atlas of Classical History

Tattersall I. The World from Beginnings to 4000 BCE

Taylor P. Munitions of the mind


Thomas C. Alexander the Great

Thompson P. The Voice of the Past Oral History

Toman R. The High Middle Ages in Germany

Tomlinson R. From Mycenae to Constantinople

Vaage L. Religious Rivalries

Walker D. Historical Dictionary of Marxism

Ward K. A history global Anglicanism

Wasserstein B. Barbarism and Civilization

Webb A. Companion to Central and Eastern Europe since 1919

Weiss A. Food in Medieval Times

Wigham C. FOF Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations

Wilkinson T. Early Dynastic Egypt

Young D. A Brief History Of The Olympic Games

Ziegler J. Medicine and Religion

Zirpolo L. Historical Dictionary Renaissance Art


Pendergast S. Reference Guide to World Literature

Quirk T. American History Through Literature

Andrew M. The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Chaucer

Armstrong I. Victorian Poetry - Poetry Poetics and Politics

Attridge D. The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce

Bloom H. The Anxiety of Influence

Carter R. History Of Literature In English Britain And Ireland

Culler J. Literary Theory - A Very Short Introduction

Danielson D. The Cambridge Companion to Milton

Delahunty A. The Oxford Dictionary of Allusions

Eagleton. Literary Theory

Easthope. Literary into Cultural Studies

Ferber M. A Dictionary of Literary Symbols

Goldie M. Middle_English_Literature

Gross (ed) J. The New Oxford Book Of Literary Anecdotes

Phillips J. Marquis de Sade - A Very Short Introduction

Robrtson R. Kafka. A Very Short Introduction

Russian Literature. A Very Short Introduction

Shakespeare William. Complete Works

Taplin O. Literature In The Greek And Roman Worlds

Todorov T. Literature and Its Theorists


Akmajian A. Linguistics

Bell R. Translation and translating-theory and practice

Brown. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics

Chao Y. Language and symbolic systems

Cruse A. A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics

Dalby A. Dictionary of Languages

Davies A. The.Handbook.of.Applied.Linguistics

Evans V. Cognitive Linguistics - An Introduction

Finch G. How to study linguistics

Gauker C. Words Without Meaning

Harbert W. The Germanic Languages

Hengeveld K. Functional discourse grammar

Holmes J. Meyerhoff - The Handbook Of Language And Gender

Janson T. Speak A short history of languages

Ludlow P. Semantics Tense and Time

Manusov V. The Sourcebook of Nonverbal Measures

Robinson D. Becoming A Translator An Introduction

Samuelsson-Brown G. A Practical Guide for Translators


Booth W. The Rhetoric Of rhetoric

Cutting J. Pragmatics and Discourse - A Resource Book for Students

Fahnestock J. A.rhetoric.of.argument

GivenL. The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods

Goldrei D. Propositional_and_predicate_calculus

Hancock E. Ideas.Into.Words Mastering.the.Craft.of.Science.Writing

Kane T. The Oxford Essential Guide To Writing

Kee. The Art of Argument

Kitchin R. The Academics Guide to Publishing

Knowles E. Resistance and Persuasion

Mack P. Elizabethan Rhetoric

Salkie R. Text and Discourse Analysis

Schiffrin. The handbook of discourse analysis

Walton D. Fundamentals of Critical Argumentation

Walton D. Relevance in Argumentation

Wooffitt R. Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis

ИвинА.А. Логика-учебник

ХоменкоІ. В. Еристикамистецтвополеміки

ШиловС. Е.Риторика



17.1 BlackwellSeries

17.1.1 The Blackwell Companions (Philosophy)

The Blackwell Companion to Judaism

17.1.2 The Blackwell Guides

The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics

The Blackwell Guide to Ancient Philosophy

The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy

The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language

The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Religion

The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Science

The Blackwell Guide to Theology and Popular Culture

17.1.3 The Blackwell Anthology of Epistemology

17.1.4 The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy

17.2 Cambridge Series

17.2.1 Cambridge Studies in Philosophy

Davis W- Meaning Expression and Thought

Driver R- Uneasy Virtue

Heal R- Mind, Reason and Imagination

Joyce R- The Myth of Morality

17.2.2 Contemporary Philosophy in Focus

Ben-Menahem Y. Hilary Putnam

Ludwig K. Donald Davidson

Smith B. John Searle

Thomas A. Bernard Williams

17.2.3 The Cambridge Companions

The Cambridge Companion to Abelard

The Cambridge Companion To Adam Smith

The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas

The Cambridge Companion To Arabic Philosophy

The Cambridge Companion to Atheism

The Cambridge Companion to Augustine

The Cambridge Companion to Berkeley

The Cambridge Companion to Betrand Russell

The Cambridge Companion to Brentano

The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer

The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky

The Cambridge Companion To Critical Theory

The Cambridge Companion to Darwin

The Cambridge Companion to Descartes

The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Theology

The Cambridge Companion to Freud

The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer

The Cambridge Companion To German Idealism

The Cambridge Companion To Habermas

The Cambridge Companion to Hayek

The Cambridge companion to Hegel

The Cambridge Companion To Heidegger

The Cambridge companion to Hume

The Cambridge Companion to Husserl

The Cambridge Companion to Jesus

The Cambridge Companion to Kant

The Cambridge Companion to Keynes

The Cambridge Companion To Kierkegaard

The Cambridge Companion to Lacan

The Cambridge Companion to Levinas

The Cambridge Companion to Locke

The Cambridge Companion To Locke's Essay

The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism

The Cambridge companion to Malebranche

The Cambridge Companion to Martin Luther

The Cambridge companion to Marx

The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy

The Cambridge Companion To Newton

The Cambridge Companion To Ockham

The Cambridge companion to Pascal

The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology

The Cambridge Companion to Quine

The Cambridge Companion to Rawls

The Cambridge Companion to Sartre

The Cambridge Companion To Schleiermacher

The Cambridge Companion to Simone De Beauvoir

The Cambridge Companion To Spinoza

The Cambridge Companion to St.Paul

The Cambridge Companion to Stoics

The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels

The Cambridge Companion to the Quran

The Cambridge Companion to William James

The Cambridge Companion To Wittgenstein

17.3 Copleston History of Philosophy

A History of Philosophy 1

A History of Philosophy 2

A History of Philosophy 3

A History of Philosophy 4

A History of Philosophy 5

A History of Philosophy 6

A History of Philosophy 7

A History of Philosophy 8

A History of Philosophy 9

17.4 Eastern Philosophy

Carr B. Mahalingam. Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy

Clothey F. Religion in India

FOF Encyclopedia Of Buddhism

Harvey P. An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics

Kirkland R. Taoism

Kuppermann J. Classic Asian Philosophy

Leaman O. Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy

Mou B. Routledge History of Chinese Philosophy

Rosen S. Essential Hinduism

Shaw S. Buddhist Meditation

Smith D. Hinduism and Modernity

FoucaultМюThe History of Sexuality

17.5 Holy scriptures

-Greek New Testament 1550



Dead sea scrolls. A study edition 2 vols

Holy Bible. Old & New Testaments (King James)


The noble quran [with recitation]

The noble quran [without recitation]

17.6 Islam

Cook M. Forbidding wrong in Islam

De Boer J. The History Of Philosophy In Islam

Groff P. Islamic Philosophy

Hawting. The Idea Of Idolatry And The Emergence Of Islam

Leaman O. Islam - The Key Concepts

Leaman O. Quran encyclopedia

Nasr S. Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to the Present

Quinn F. Sum of all heresies

Rippin A. Muslims-Religious Beliefs Practices

Saeed A. Interpreting Quran

Sajoo A. Muslim Ethics

Schoeler G. Oral and written in early Islam

Sharfi. A Islam Between Divine Message And History

Waardenburg. Muslim Perceptions of Other Religions

Walzer R. Greek Into Arabic - Essays On Islamic Philosophy

Kenny A. A New History of Western Philosophy vol 1-4

17.7 Oxford Very Short Introductions (Philosophy)

Annas J. Plato. A Very Short Introduction

Beller S. Antisemitism. A Very Short Introduction

Blackmor S. Consciousness. A Very Short Introduction

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