Теория и философия государства и права

4381) Актуальные проблемы современной юридической науки

4382) Алексеев Н.Н.Общее учение о праве

4383) АренсД.Г. Юридическая энциклопедия

4384) Баранов П.П., Банов В.М. Общая теория права

4385) Бержель Ж-Л. Общая теория права

4386) Виноградов П.Г. Очерки по теории права

4387) Виноградов П.Г. Очерки теории права

4388) Витте С.Ю.Очерки по Теории права

4389) Гримм Д. Энциклопедия права

4390) Жилин А.А. Энциклопедия права

4391) Залеский В.Ф. Лекции по энциклопедии права

4392) Ильин И.А. Теория права и государства

4393) Иоффе О.С., Шаргородский М.Д. Вопросы теории права

4394) Капустин М.Н. Юридическая энциклопедия

4395) Конторович Я. Женщина в праве

4396) Коркунов Н.М. Общее учение о праве. Право и закон

4397) Коркунов Н.П. Лекции по общей теории права

4398) Лебедев В.И. Общая теория права

4399) Меркель Р. Юридическая энциклопедия

4400) Мордовцев А. Ю. Российская государственность в ментально-правовом измерении.

4401) Петражицкий Л.И. Повторительный курс по Энциклопедии права

4402) Поляков А.В. Общая теория государства и права

4403) Регельсбергер Ф. Общее учение о праве

4404) Ренненкампф Н.К. Энциклопедия права

4405) Сандевуар П. Введение в право

4406) Суворов Н.С. Лекции по энциклопедии права

4407) Суворов Н.С. Энциклопедия права

4408) Тарановский Ф.В.Учебник энциклопедии права

4409) Томашевич В.А.Учебник законоведения для гимназий и реальных училищ

4410) Трубецкой Е.Н. Энциклопедия права

4411) Хлебников Н.Право и государства в их обоюдных отношениях

4412) Шершеневич Г.Ф. Общая теория права

4413) BerkowitzD. LegalTransplant

4414) Broom, H. A Selection of Legal Maxims

4415) Cандевуар П. Введение в право

4416) Ralf Michaels, The functional method of comparative method

4417) Summers R. Form and Function in a Legal System. A General Study

4418) GinsburgTom. Legal Reform in Korea

4419) Waldron. J. Transcendental Nonsense and system in the law

4420) Watson A. Legal Transplants. An Approach to Comparative Law

4421) Берман Гарольд Дж.. Западная традиция права эпоха формирования

4422) Вышинский А.Я. Вопросы теории государства и права

4423) ВышинскийА.Я. О некоторых вопросах теории права

4424) Иноземцев В.Л. Постиндустриальное общество

4425) Курс правоведения по Народной энциклопедии изд.1911 г. Том 1. Общественно-юридические науки

4426) Курс правоведения по Народной энциклопедии изд.1911 г. Том 2. Общественно-юридические науки

4427) Мартесон А. Что такое так называемое право и наука о нем - правоведение или юриспруденция

4428) Марченко М. Н. Теория государства и права

4429) Морозова Л. А. Теория государства и права

4430) Новгородцев П.И. Из лекций по общей теории права

4431) Палиенко Н.И. К учению о существе права и правовой связанности государства

4432) Поляков А.В. Российский правовой дискурс и идея коммуникации

4433) Регельсбергер. Общее учение о праве

4434) Савинов В. И. Теоретические и практические вопросы становления и развития публичной власти

4435) Суворов Н.С. О западном влиянии на русское право

4436) ТарановскийО.Ф. Сравнительное правоведение

4437) Тихомиров Л. В., Тихомиров М. Ю. Юридическая энциклопедия

4438) Тихомиров Л.В. Курс сравнительного правоведения

4439) Трайнин А. Н. Избранные труды

4440) Фаткуллин Ф. Н. Проблемы теории государства и права

4441) Хвостов В.М. Общая Теория права

4442) Хропанюк В. Н. Теория государства и права

4443) Цыганков А. П. Современные политические режимы

4444) Черданцев А. Ф. Теория государства и права

4445) Шарце М. Г. Теория государства и права

4446) Шульга А. М. Теория государства и права

4447) Явич Л. С. Общая теория права

4448) Гессен В.М.Общее учение о государстве

4449) Зверев Н.Основания классификации государств

4450) Котляревский С.А. Власть и право. Правовое государство

4451) Новгородцев П.И. Покровский И.А. О праве на существование

4452) Новоторжский Г. Что такое правовое государство

4453) Орлов Г.И.Новое учение о Государстве

4454) Ященко А.С. Очерки науки о государстве

4455) Hamburger P. Separation of Church and State

4456) Nasr S. Islamic Leviathan

4457) Vogenauer S. Empire of light. Learning and lawmaking in Germany today

4458) Zimmermann R. The present state in European private law

4459) Иванов В.В. Вопросы теории государственного устройства

4460) Ротбард М. Власть и рынок

4461) Тихомиров Ю. А. Конституция. Закон. Подзаконный акт

4462) Тихомиров Ю. А., Сухарев А. Я., Демидов И. Ф. Законность в РФ

4463) Bernman H. Западная традиция права

4464) Булгатов В.В. Концепция справедливости в праве.

4465) Васильев А.М. Правовые категории.

4466) Герваген Л.Л. Обязанность как основание правапетражицкий

4467) Гойман. Действие права

4468) Гриценко Г.Д. Право как социокультурное явление.

4469) Демченко И.В. Идея права

4470) Елистратов А.И.Понятие о публичном субъективном праве

4471) Зайцева С.Г. Злоупотребление правом

4472) Ильин И.А.Основы законоведения. Понятие права и силы

4473) Катков В.П. Методология права

4474) Лазарев В.В. Основы права

4475) Лукич. Метод права

4476) Мотовиловкер Е.Я. Теория регулятивного и охранительного права

4477) Муромцев С.А. Догма права

4478) Овчинников А. И. Правовое мышление.

4479) Першина И. В. Интерес в праве.

4480) Рене Давид. Основные правовые системы современности

4481) Справочник. Правовые системы мира

4482) Тарановский О.В. Интерес и нравственный долг в праве

4483) Тихомиров Ю.А. Интерес в публичном и частном прве.

4484) Шмелева Г.Г. Конкретные нормы

4485) Шпак А.В. Политико-институционный анализ силы права

4486) Юридический словарь

4487) A.Critical.Introduction.to.Law.and.Literature.

4488) Alexander L., Sherwin E. Deceptive Nature of Rules

4489) An.Introduction.to.Law.

4490) Chinas.Long.March.Toward.Rule.of.Law.

4491) Constable M. The Limits and Possibilities of Modern Law

4492) Continuity.and.Change.in.Islamic.Law.

4493) Coskun Deniz. Law as Symbolic Form

4494) Dolin Kieran. A Critical Introduction to Law and Literature.

4495) Duguit L. Objective law

4496) Farnsworth E.A. Law is a sometime autonomous discipline

4497) Fiss O.M. Death of law

4498) Fiss O.M. Law regained

4499) Fon V. On the Optimal Specificity of Legal Rules

4500) Fuller L .Law as an insrument of social control

4501) Fuller L. Legal fictions

4502) Fuller. Law as an instrument of social control

4503) Garner. The Elements of Legal Style

4504) Gruen Lori. Sex, Morality, and the Law

4505) Haplin A. Ideology and Law

4506) Harris Phil. An Introduction to Law.

4507) IheringR. Law as a Means to an End

4508) Kelsen H. The law as a specific social technique

4509) Kessle. Theoritical basement of law

4510) Law.and.Representation.in.Early.Modern.Drama.

4511) Law.as.a.Means.to.an.End.Threat.to.the.Rule.of.Law.

4512) Maksymilian Del Mar. Law as Institutional Normative Order

4513) Menkel-Meadow C. Taking Law and Really Seciosly Before. During and afte the law

4514) Wolfson Elliot R.Venturing Beyond_Law and Morality in Kabbalistic Mysticism

4515) Natural.Law.in.Jurisprudence.and.Politics.

4516) Objectivity.and.the.Rule.of.Law.

4517) Oliphant H. Study of the operation of rules of law

4518) Parisi F. On the optimal Specificity of legal rules.

4519) PeczenikA. On Law And Reason

4520) Plunder. When the Rule of Law is Illegal

4521) Radin M. The Goal of Law

4522) Radin M. The method of Law

4523) Rappaport A. Justifying jurisprudence_Reflections on the purpose and method of legal theory.

4524) Ras J. About morality and the nature of law

4525) Ras J. Legal principles and the Limits of Law

4526) Ras J. The problem about the Nature of Law

4527) Raz J. About morality and the nature of law

4528) Raz J. Practical Reason and Norms

4529) Rubin E. Law and methodology of law

4530) Rudden B. Jus cogens, jus dispositivum

4531) Ruller. Reasom and fiat in case law

4532) chauer F.Plain meaning

4533) Sacco R. Legal formats: a dynamic approach to comparative law

4534) Schauer F. Statutory construction

4535) Schauer, F. Rules and the rule of law

4536) Schlag P. Cognitive approach to law

4537) Shapiro D. Statutory interpretation

4538) The.Origins.and.Evolution.of.Islamic.Law.

4539) The.Sovereignty.of.Law.The.European.Way.

4540) Tunc A. Methodology of law in france

4541) Tushnet M.V. Following the rules following the rules laid down

4542) Uhman N. Law as a social system

4543) William A. Edmundson. An Introduction to Rights

4544) Zimmermann R. Legal Change in a Codified System

4545) Алексеев С.С. О материалистическом подходе к системе права

4546) Алексеев C.С. Структура советского права

4547) Алексеев С.С. Правовые запреты в структуре советского права

4548) Андреев Б.В., Вагонова Е.А. Право и интернет

4549) Анисимов П.В., Лазарев В.М. Метод правозащитного регулирования

4550) Бабаев В.К. Презумпции в советском праве

4551) Баранов В.М. Истинность норм права

4552) Бережнов А. Г. Права личности_некоторые вопросы теории

4553) Власова А.В. Структура субъективного права

4554) Волькенштейн О.А. Право и произвол

4555) Гамбаров Ю.С. Право в основных моментах

4556) Герваген Л.Л. Обязанности как основание права.

4557) Гойман В.И. Действие права

4558) Гримм, Источник обязательности юридических норм

4559) Гримм, Соотношение между правовыми институтами и конкретными отношениями

4560) Ковлер А.И. Антропология права и правовой плюрализм

4561) Муромцев С.А. Разделение права

4562) Муромцев С.А. Определение и основное разделение права

4563) Муромцев С.А. Что такое догма права

4564) Потапов С.М. Научные основы права

4565) Правоведение

4566) Правовые системы стран мира

4567) Романов А. К. Правовая система Англии

4568) Сухарев А. Я. Правовые системы стран мира

4569) Тарановский В.В. Интерес и нравственный долг в праве.

4570) Чечот Д.М. Субъективное право и формы его защиты

4571) Штампе Э. Проблемы каузы в праве

Бабушкин В.У. Философия духа

Бошко В.И. Правовая мысль

Владимиров Л. Философия права

Гамбаров Ю.С. Свобода и ее гарантии

Материалы из Википедии

· Adorno.Th. W. Wikipedia

· Christopher Columbus Langdell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· critical legal studies

· Frankfurt School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· John Finnis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· Natural law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· Retributive justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· Theodor W_ Adorno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

· Антонио Грамши

· Антонио Грамши_теория гегемонии

· Википедия_О юридическом шаманизме

· Википедия_Теория Справедливости (выдержка)

· ФОМ Понятие Справедливость

· Хайрулин В.И._Одна из классических концепций категории справедливости

Михайловский И.Очерки философии права

Новгородцев Н. Введение в философию права

Харт Г. Философия права

Чичерин Б.Н. Философия права

Шершеневич Г.Ф. История философии права

19th century German legal theories

Cahn S.M. The Philosophy of Law

Comparative Legal Philosophy

David Cay Johnston. Perfectly Legal

De Soto Hernando interview

Fouillee A. Modern French Legal Philosophy

Golding M. The Guide to Philosophy of Law

MacCormick N. Contemporary legal philosophy

Memon Amina. Psychology and Law


Tebbit Mark. Philosophy of Law


Алекси Р., Булыгин Е.Правопонимание

Лейст О.Э. История политических и правовых учений

Нерсесянц В.С. История правовых учений

Экономический анализ права

Posner Richard

PosnerR. Aneconomicanalysisofcopyright

Posner R. Law and Economics is Moral

Posner R. Legal scholarship today

Posner R. Let us never blame contract breaker

Posner R. Past dependency, pragmatism and critique of history in adjudication

Posner R. The decline of law as an autonomous discipline

Posner R. The law and Economics of Contract Interpretation

Posner R. The problematics of moral and legal theory

Posner R. Utilitarianism, Economics, and Legal Theory

Posner R. Wealth Maximization Revisted

Posner R.A. Justice Breyer Throws Down the Gauntlet

Posner R.A. Antitrust in the new economy

Posner R.A. Hayek, Law and Cognition

Posner R.A. Legal scholarship today

Posner R.A. Orwell versus Huxley Economics, Technology, Privacy and Satire

Posner R.A. Pragmatic adjudication

Posner R.A. The Role of Judge in the 21st Century

Posner R.A. The value of wealth Comment on Dworkin

Posner R.A. Landes W.M. The economics of presidential pardons and commutations

Posner R.A., Landes W.M.Rational judicial behavior a statistical study

Pozner R. Influence of economics on law a quantative study

Pozner R. Jurisprudence of skepticism

Pozner R. Justice breyer throws down the Gauntlet

Pozner R. Legal formalism, legal realism and the interpretation of statutes and constitution

Pozner R. Rational choice, behavioral economics and the law

Pozner R. Some uses and abuses of law and economics

Pozner R. Statutory interpretation

Pozner R. The ethics of weath maximization reply to Malloy

Pozner R. The independent judiciary in an interest group perspective

Pozner R. Tribute to Ronald Dworkin

Summers R. Judge R. Posner's jurisprudence

William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner. The Political Economy of Intellectual Property Law

Posner Eric

Eric A. Posner, Cass R. Sunstein. Law and Happiness

Posner E. Economic analysis of contract law

Posner E. Law and the emotions. University of Chigago L&E working paper

Posner E. Law, economics and inefficient norms

Posner E.A. Contract law in the Welfare state

Posner E.A. Contractual interpretation

Korobkin R

Korobkin R. Law and behavioral science

Korobkin R. Libertarian Welfarizm

Korobkin R. Traditional and Behavioral Law and Economics Analysis

Korobkin R.B., Ulen T.S. Law and Behavioral science

Ulen Th

Ulen Th. Rational choice theory in law and economics.Abstract

Ulen Th.S. Courts. Legislatures and the General Theory of Second best in law and economics

Ulen Th.S. Rational choice and rhe economic analysis of law

Ulen Th.S. The market for legal innnovation_law and economics in Europe

Ulen Th.S. Unexpected guest. Law and economics

Essers P., Bont G., Kemmeren E. The Compatibility of Anti-Abuse Provisions

Acemoglu В., Robinson J. Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy

Ackerman B.A. Law and economics

Acorn A.E. Morality and wealth maximization

Allen D.W. Transaction costs

Ayres I. Valuing Modern Contract Scholarship

Ayres I. Filling Gaps in incomplete contract_an economic theory of default rules

Backhaus J. The Elgar Companion to Law And Economics

Baird D. Future of law and economics

Barner-Barry C. Contemporary Paganism

Barnett R.E. Consent Theory of Contract

Bebchuk K.A. Precontractual reliance (economic analysis)

Bebchuk L.A. Corporate Law and Economic Analysis, Cambridge

Becker G. Uncommon Sense. Economic Insights, from Marriage to Terrorism

Benson P. The Theory of Contract Law. New Essays

Berkowitz D., Pistor K., Richad J-F. Economic Development, legality and the transplant effect.

Bernhard A. Koch - Economic Loss Caused by Genetically Modified Organisms

Bernstein A. Watever happеned to Law and Economics

Bhandari J.S., Weiss, L.A. Corporate Bankruptcy. Economic and Legal Perspectives

Binmore K. Does Game Theory Work

Birmingham R.J. Damage Measures and Economic Rationality The Geometry of Contract Law

Block W. Austrian Law and economics

Boland L. Critical Economic Methodology

BownChad P.. The Law, Economics and Politics of Retaliation in WTO Dispute Settlement

Bridgeman C. Liberalism and freedom from the promise theory of contract

Broome J. Ethics out of Economics

Brown L. Religion and State. The Muslim Approach to Politics

Buchanan J.M. Good Economics Bad Law

Calabresi G. Transaction Costs

Calabresi G. Pointlessness of Pareto

Cambridge University Press. The Economics of Contracts - Theories and Applications

Carmichael F. A guide to game theory

Carpenter K., Katual S., Riley A. In defense of property

Chafe. The Achievement of American Liberalism

Choi S.J. Behavioral economics

Christine J. A behavioral approach to law and economics

Clarke P. Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought

Colin P.H. Dictionary of Politics And Government

Cooper B. New Political Religions

Cooter R. Law and Unified Social Theory

Cottam. Introduction.to.Political.Psychology

Cotter T. Legal pragmetism and the Law and economics

Cramer D. The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics

Craswell R. Contract law, default rules and the philosophy of promising

Craswell R. Contract Remedies, renegotiation and the theory of efficient breach

Crespi G.S. Empirical analysis of contract law discurse

Crespi G.S. Exploring the complicationist Gambit an Austrian Approach to the Economic Analysis of law

Crespi G.S. The influence of two Decades of contract law scholarship on judicial rulings an empirical analysis

Cserne P. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law

Cserne P. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law a law and economics perspective

Cserne P. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law a law and economics perspective2

Curtis L. Damage Measurements for Bad Faith Breach of Contract An Economic Analysis

Cutler B. Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law

Dalton C. An Essay in the Deconstruction of contract doctrine

Dane N. A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law. Vol. 1. Contracts

Davis J. The Elgar Companion to Social Economics

Davis J. The Mediation of Power

Dawson J. Economic duress

Decker C. Economics and the Enforcement of European Competition Law

De Geest G. Penalty clause- economics analysisDevlin R. Breach of Contract

The New Economy, Access to Justice and the Ethical Responsibilities of the Legal Prof

Dirk Van Gerven. Common Legal Framework for Takeover Bids in Europe

Dodge Y. The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics

Donohue J.J. Law and economics and second best theory

Dorff M. Why welfare depends on fairness a reply to Kaplow & Shavell

Dryzek. Handbook of Political Theory

Dunn R. International Economics

Ecclickson R. Law and economics discovers social norms

Economic Elements of contract law




EgerTh. Economic analysis of law in China

Eisenberg M.Ф. The limits of cognition and the limits of contract

Ellen Frankel Paul. Liberalism Old and New

Epstein R. In defence of the contract at will

Epstein R. Law and economics its glorious past and cloudy future

Farber D. Parady lost_paradigms regained

Farrow F. Positive law theory of contract

Feinman J. The significance of contract theory

Finkelman P. Religion and American Law

Friedman D. Law's Order. What Economics Has to Do With Law and Why It Matters

Frisch H. Radical Islam and International Security

Geist G. Economics and Context for Contract Law

Gerrard B. The Economics of Rationality

Gill A. The Political Origins of Religious Liberty

Goetz C. Enforcing promises

Goodin R. Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis

Gopin M. Holy War, Holy Peace

Gordley J. Morality and Contract

Gordley J. The philosophical origins of modern contract doctrine

Сotter T. Legal pragmatism and the law and economics movement Grechenig K. American Law and economics vs German doctrinalism

Grechenig K. The transatlantic divergence in legal thought American law and economics vs German doctrinalism

Greenberg. The Radical Face of the Ancient Constitution

Grundmann S. Information, party autonomy and economic agents in European contract law

Guelke A. Terrorism and Global Disorder

Handler M. Restraint of trade and the restatement (second) of contracts

Hargreaves Heap Sh.P., Varoufakis, Y. Game Theory Critical Introduction

Hart Oliver. Firms, Contracts, and Financial Structure

Hastedt. FOF Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy

Hatzis A. The anti-theoretical nature of civil law contract scholarship and the need for an economic theory

Hatzis A. Civil contract law and economic reasoning

Haupt H. An Economic Analysis of Consumer Protection in Contract Law

Hermalin B. Chapter on the law and economics of contracts

Hoffman J. A Glossary of Political Theory

Hogan J. Story on the Law of Contract

Hovencamp H. Rationality in Law and Economics

Johnson B. Damages--Breach of Contract--Accounting Analysis

Johnston J. Strategic bargaining and the economic theory of contract default rules

Jolls C. Behavioral economics analysis of redistributive legal rules

Jolls C. Behavioral law and economics

Jolls Ch. Behavioral Law and Economics

Kaplow L. Fairness versus Welfare notes on the Pareto principle, preferences, and distributive justice

Kelman M. Misunderstanding social life a critique of the core premises

Kennedy D. Law and Economics

Kimel D. From Promise to Contract - Towards a Liberal Theory of Contract

Kirstein R. Law and economics in Germany

Kitcher P. Science_Truth and Democracy

Klick J. Government regulation of irrationality moral and cognitive Hazards

Kordana K., Tabachnick H. Rawls and contract law

Kostritsky J. Culpa in contrahendo - economic analysis

Kouloridas A. The Law and Economics of Takeovers. An Acquirer's Perspective.

Kreche E. The nihilism of the economic analysis of law

Kronman A. Paternalism in contract law

Kronman A. Contract law and the state of nature

Kronman A. Contract law and the distributive justice

Lando O. Culture and contract law

Law and economics from the perspective of critical legal studies. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics of law ed by Peter Newman

Looney J. Adhesion contracts, bad faith and economically faulty contracts

LoPucki L. Contract bankruptcy a reply to Alan Schwartz

Lurger B. The social side of contract law and the new principle of regard and fairness

Macey J. The pervasive influence of economic analysis on legal decisionmaking

Mackaay E. History of law and economics

Mahoney P. The common law and economic growth Hayek might be right

Markovits R. Critique of law and economics

Markovits R. Second best theory and the obligations of academics

Markovits R. Second-best theory and law and economics

Martintek M. Contract law theory in the social welfare state in Germany - developments and dangers

Mathis K. Searching for the Philosophical Foundations of the Economic Analysis of Law

Mattei U. Efficiency as equity

Mattei U. The comparative law and economics of penalty clauses in contracts

Mayer D. The myth of laissez-faire constitutionalism liberty of contract

Mayer D.N. The Myth of Laissez-Faire

McAdams R. Game theory and Law

McQueen Rob. A Social History of Company Law

Miceli T.J. Economics of the Law

Michida S. Cancellation of Contract

Mitchell G. Why Law and economics perfect rationality should not be traded for behavioral law and economics equal incompetence

Montague L. Law and economics in France

Mosey D. Early Contractor Involvement in Building Procurement

Newman P. Law and Economics

Neyers J. Exploring Contract Law

Nicholas Leonidas Georgakopoulos. Principles and Methods of Law and Economics

Nozick R. Anarchy, state, and utopia

Nyer D. Withholding performance for breach in international transactions

Parisi F. The law and economics of irrational behavior an introduction

Paul E. Freedom of contract and political economy


Polinsky A. Handbook of Law and Economics. Volume 1

Pomar F. Europeanisation of contract law_a law and economics

Presantation_BNA financial risks in Russia

Presantation_BNA_ financial risks in Russia


Rizzo M. The mirage of efficiency

Rosenfield M. Contract and justice_a relation between classical contract law and

Rowley C. Encyclopedia of public choice

Rutgers J. The European economic constituttion, freedom of contract and the DCFR

Sage Y. Economic consequences of the cancellation of a contract in French law

Sagoff M. The Economy of the Earth

Salanie B. The Economics of Contracts_A Primer

Salomons A. On the Economics of Good Faith Acquisition Protection in the DCFR

Schartz A., Scott, R.E. Contract theory and the limits of contract law

Schwartz A. Default rule paradigm and the limits of contract law

Schwartzstein L. Austrian economics

Scott R. A rational theory on default rules for commercial contracts

Scott R. The death of contract law

Scott R.E., Kraus, J.S. Contract Law Theory

Scwartz A. Contract Theory and the limits of contract law

Sechrest L.J. Praxeology, economics, and law issues and implications

Shavell S. Economic analysis of contract law

Sher H. Reciprocity in contract

Simpson A.W.B. The Horwitz Thesis and the History of Contracts

Simsion G. Data Modeling Essentials

Singer J. Player and the cards_ Nihilism and legal theory

Smith L.A. Future freedom and Freedom of contract

Stephen J. Behavioral economics

Storme M. Freedom of contract

Sunstein C. A Behavioral Approach to Law and Economics

Sunstein C. Foreword_On academic fads and fashions

Sunstein C. Behavioral approach to law and economics

Thayer J. Laesio enormis



Thomas E. Economic analys of law of China

Trakman. L.E. Winner takes some_loss sharing and commercial impracticability

Trebilcock M. Freedom of contract

Trubek David M., Santos Alvaro. The New Law and Economic Development. A Critical Appraisal.

Univercity of Virginia working paper. Common law and economical groth_Hayek might be right

Vallentyne P. Contractarianism and Rational Choice. Essays on Gauthier's Morals by Agreement

van Boom W.H. Pure economic loss

Veljanovski Cento. Economic Principles of Law

Victor David G. The Political Economy of Power Sector Reform

Voigt S. Are international merchants stupid_Their choice of law sheds doubt on the legal origin theory

Weigel W. Economics of the Law

Weinrib E.J. Utilitarianism, economics and legal theory

White A.M. Behavior and contract

Whitman Glen. Against the New Paternalism Internalities and the Economics of Self-Control

Wilhelmsson T. Harmonizing unfair commercial practices law_The cultural and social dimensions

William M. Handbook on the Economics of Discrimination

Williamson O.E. Transaction-cost economics

Williston S. Dependency of Mutual Promises in the Civil Law

Winkler V. Economic analysis of law in Germany

Wonnell C. Contract law and the Austrian school of economics

Аникина Н.Ю. Цивилистическое исследов эконом анализа права

Бальсевич. История эконом анализа права

Бальсевич. Экономический анализ права

Беккер Г. Выбор партнера в брачных отношениях

Беккер Г. Человеческое поведение и экономика

Беккер Г.С. Человеческое поведение. Экономический подход

Блайндер A. Экономическая Теория Чистки Зубов

Грехениг К. Laesio enormis

де Сото Эрнандо. Иной путь

Коуз H. Фирма, рынок и право.

Коуз Р. Фирма рынок и право

Поллак Р. Трансакционный подход к изучению семьи и домашнего хозяйства

Степанов Д. Конкуренция в области правового регулирования

Шпак А.В. Политико-институциональный анализ силы права

Шульц Т. Ценность детей

Экономическая теория прав собственности

Наука и преподавание права. Профессия юриста

Amos S. Systematic View of Jurisprudence

Goodenow J. Historical Sketches of the Principles and Maxims of American Jurisprudence

Гамбаров Ю.С. Задачи современного правоведения

Хохлов Е. Б. Юридические химеры

ХохфельдВ. Основные юридические концепции

Шершеневич Г.Ф. Задачи и метод правоведения

Appleman L.The rise of the modern American law school

Austin John. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined.

Bennett W. The Lawyer's Myth

Bodine P. Perfect Phrasesf or Law School Acceptance

BorchardE.M. Guide to German legal literature

Borchard E.M. Guide to German legal culture

David B.Globalisation and the Western Legal Tradition

Edawards H. Disjunction between legal education and legal profession

Ellickson R. Trends in legal scholarship

Finnis J.M. On Critical Legal Studies Movement

Halpin A. The Methodolofy of Jurisprudence

Lindley N. An introductiontothestudyofjurisprudence

Macdonell J. Great Jurists of the World

McGraw. Resumes for Law Careers

Mertz E. The Language of Law School

Parker C., Evans A. Inside Lawyers' Ethics.

Pue W. Lawyers and vampires

Reinmann M. Ninteenth century German legal science

Rubin E. Creating legal doctrine

Salmond. Jurisprudence

Schauer F. Jurisprudence of reasons

Shapiro F. Most-cited legal scholars

Shiffrin J. A Practical Jurisprudence of Values

Thalacker. The New Lawyer's Handbook

The Jurisprudence of Interests Book


Unger R.M. The Critical Legal Studies Movement

Ursula Furi-Perry. Law School Revealed

Voigt S. University of Marburg. Lawshedsdoubt

Борьба за правовую науку

Есипов В.В. О преподавании права

Казанский П. Вопрос о преподавании права в русской печати в 1901 г.

Мейер Д. О юридических вымыслах и предположениях

Муромцев С.А. Творческая сила юриспруденции

Пахман, С.В. О современном движении в науке права

Петражицкий Л.И. Модные лозунги юриспруденции

Петражицкий Л.И. Университет и наука

Радбрух Г. Введение в науку права

Цитович П. Исходные моменты в истории Русского правового наследия

HustonJ. PermanentEstablishmentsaplanningprimer

Бентам И

Бентам И. Введение в основания нравственности и законодательства

Бентам И, Основные начала гражданского кодекса

Bentham J. An Introduction to the Morals

Bentham J. Theory of Legislation

Bentham_principles of the civil code _pt1

Bentham_principles of the civil code _pt3


Статьи и Витгенштейне

Arulanantham A.T. Breaking the rules Wittgenstein and Legal realism

Bix B. The Application Wittgenstein's Rule-Folowing Considerations to Legal Theory

Markell B. Bewitched by language Wittgenstein and the Practice of Law

Morawetz T. Understanding disagreement, the root issue of jurisprudence

Smith G. Wittgenstein and the Sceptical Fallacy

Wittgenstein Rule. Several authors

Zapf Ch., Moglen E.Linguistic Interdeterminacy and the rule of law

Гадамер Г

Gadamer H.G. Truth and Method


ГадамерГ.Г. ИстинаиМетод. ОсновыФилософской Герменетики

Гегель Ф

Гегель Ф. Философия права

Гегель-работы разных лет

Гроций Г. О праве войны и мира

Гухман В

Гухман В.Б. Философская сущность информационного подхода

Гухман В.Б. Философская сущность информационного подхода.


Dworkin R. Why efficiency

Dworkin R. Taking Rights Seriously

Leiter B. Beyond the Hart Dworkin debate the methodology problem in jurisprudence

Leiter B. The End Of Empire Dworkin and jurisprudence in 21 century

Ras J. Professor Dworkin's theory of rights

Ronald Dworkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shaghaf S. The Empire Strikes Back A Critique of Ronald Dworkin's Law's Empire

Shapiro S. The Hart-Dworkin Debate_ A short Guide for the Perplexed

Walters M. Hercules as Legal Humanist_Historicizin Dworkin’s Jurisprudence.2006

Ветютнев Ю.Ю. О правопонимании рональда дворкина

Дворкин Р. О правах всерьез

Дворкин Р. Справедливость права


Domat J. The Civil Law In Its Natural Order

Древняя индийская философия

Дюги Л. Социальное право

Дюринг Е. Социальное спасение

Дюркгейм Э. Разделение общественного труда

Захаров А.В. Б. Н. Чичерин о соотношении права, нравственности и политики

Идея права в философии Вл.С. Соловьева. Речь памяти

Иеринг Р

Азаревич Д. Рудольф фон Иеринг

Иеринг Р. Интерес и право

Иеринг Р. Юридическая техника

Иеринг Р. Борьба за право.

Иеринг Р. Цель в праве.




Ihering R. Law as a Means to an End

Jhering R. In the heaven for legal concepts. Fantasy

Иеринг И. Задачи современной юриспруденции

ИерингИ. Историко-общественные основы этики

Иеринг И. Юриспруденция обыденной жизни

Иеринг И. Задачи и метод истории права

Иеринг И. Исковое требование

Иеринг И. Юриспруденция обыденной жизни

Полетаев Н.А. Шекспир и Иеринг

Ильин В. Теория социального неравенства.

Кельзен Г

KelsenН. Pure Theory of Law

KelsenH. A Dynamic Theory of Natural Law

Kelsen H. Legal studies on the theory of Interpretation

Kelsen H. The Law as a Specific Social Technique

KelsenH. Чистое учение о праве ганса кельзена

KelsenН. Legal theory - final round

KelsenН. On theory of interpretation

KelsenН. The law is a specific social technique

Paulson S. Kelsen's interpretation of statutes

Ras J. Kelsen's theory of the basic norm

Кудрявцев В.Н., РазумовичН.Н. Чистое учение о праве Ганса Кельзена

Кеннеди Д

Kennedy D. Western legal thought and Veber

Kennedy D. Distributive and paternalist motives in contract and tort law

Kennedy D. Form and substance in private law adjudication

Kennedy D. Law and economics from the perspective of critical legal studies

Kennedy D. Legal formality

Kennedy D.American constitutionalism as civil religion Notes of an atheist

Snyder F. Late night thoughts on blogging while reading Duncan Kennedy’s Legal Education and Reproduction of Hierarchy in an Ark

Кесслер Ф

Kessler F. Natural law, justice and democracy

Kessler F. Theoritical bases of law

Кистяковский Б

KистяковскийБ. Cоциология права

Кистяковский Б. Право как социальное явление

Кистяковский Б.А. Философия и социология права

Кистяковский Б. Право как социальное явление

Кистяковский Б. Реальность объективного права

Кистяковский Б. Социальные науки и право


Kohler J. Philosophy of Law

KohlerJ. The mission and objects of philosophy of Law

KohlerJ. Philosophy of Law

КузнецовК.А. К харакетристике исторической школы права

КуницынА. Право естественное

Масловский М.В. Теория бюрократии Макса Вебера и современная политическая социология

Монтескье Ш

Montesquieu. The Spirit of Laws

Монтескье Ш. О существе законов. Ч.1. 1809

Монтескье Ш. О существе законов. Ч.2. 1810

Монтескье Ш. О существе законов. Ч.3. 1810

Монтескье Ш. О существе законов. Ч.4. 1814

Монтескьё Ш. Одухезаконов


Blumenthal J. Emotional paternalism

Camerer C. Regulation for conservatives

Cserne P. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law

Cserne P. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law2

Cserne P. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law3

Cserne. Paternalism methodological problems of an economic analysis

Glaeser E. Parnelasilm and Psychology

Kronman A. Paternalism and the law of contract

Kronman A.T. Paternalism and the law of contracts

Mitchell G. Libertarian paternalism is an oxymoron

Ogus A. Paternalism – paradoxes

Rachlinski J. The uncertain psychologacal case for paternalism

Rizzo M. The knoweledge problem of new paternalism

Sunstein C. Libertarian paternalismis not an oxymoron

Van Boom. Autonomy and paternalism

Zamir E. Efficiency of paternalism

Паунд Р

Pound R. Administrative Law Its Growth Procedure and Significance

Pound R. Contemporary Juristic Theory

Pound R. The spirit of the common law

Pound R. Interpretation

Pound R. Common law and Legislation

Pound R. Legal Interpretation

Pound R. Liberty of contract

Pound R. An Introduction to Philosophy of Law

Pound R. The ideal element in law

Pound R. Ideal Element in Law

Адыгезалова Г. Правовая концепция американской социологической юриспруденции 20 века

Адыгезалова Г. Правовое учение Роско Паунда

ПергаментМ.Я. Памяти Г. Дернбурга

Петражицкий Л.

Гримм Д. Рецензия на Петражицкого

Петражицкий Л.И. Теория права в связи с теорией нравственности


AtiyahP.S. From Principles to Pragmatism

Baker L.A. Pragmatism and Progressive Social Change

Baker T. On the Genealogy of Moral Hazard

Chow D. Pragmatic model of law

Cotter T. Legal pragmatism and the law and Economics Movement

Easterbrook F.H. Pragmatism's role in interpretation

Farber D. Parody lost pragmatism regained_the ironic history of the coase theorem

Frank J. Modern and ancient legal pragmatism

Frank. A conflict with oblivion some observations on the founders of legal pragmatism

Grey Th.C. Freestanding legal Pragmatism

Haack S. On the legal pragmanism_Where does the parth of the law leads us

HaackS. Legal Pragmatism

Hatzis A. The anti-theoretical nature of civil law

Luban D. What's pragmatic about legal pragmatism

Patterson D. Law's pragmatism

Putnam H. Pragmatism and realism

Rorty R. Pragmatism and law

Siegel M. Pragmatism applied

Sullivan M. Legal Pragmatism

Sullivan M., Solove D. Can pragmatism be radical Richard Posner and legal pragmatism.

Summers R. Pragmatic instrumentalism

Waluchow W. In pursuit of pragmatic legal theory

Wang P. Pragmatism and consequentialism

Zipursky B. Pragmatism, positivism and the conventionalistic fallacy

Джеймс У.Что такое прагматизм

Джемс В. Прагматизм


1. Ллевелин К

Karl N. Llewellyn. The Common Law Tradition - Deciding Appeals

Llewellyn K. Holmes

Llewellyn K. On the Good, the true, the beatiful, in law

Llewellyn K. The theory of legal ''sciense''

Llewellyn K.N. Remarks on the theory of appelate and the rules or canons about how statutes are to be construed

Llewellyn K.N. Some fundamental legal conceptions as applied in judical reasoning

Llewellyn K.N. The mission and objects of philosophy of Law

Llewellyn. The Normative, the legal, and the law jobs the problem of juristic method.

Lllewellyn. A Realistic Jurisprudence the next step

Lllewellyn. On Reading and Using the New Jurisprudence

Schwartz A. Karl Llewellyn and the origins of contract theory

Slnclair M. Llewellyn's Duding canons eight to twelve a critique

Slnclair M. Llewellyn's Duding canons one to seven a critique

Calavita K. Invitation to Law and Society_An Introduction to the Study of Real Law

Carlson D.G. Dworkin in the Desert of the Real

Cohen F. The ethical basis of legal criticism

Cohen F.S. The problems of a functional jurisprudence

Cohen F.S. Transcedental nonsense and the functional approach

Cohen M. Justice Holmes and the nature of law

Cohen. The problems of a functional jurisprudence.

Cohen. Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach.

Cook W. Scientific method and the law

Erlanger H. New legal realism

Frank J. A conflict with oblivion Some observations on the founders of legal pragmatism

Frank J. Legal thinking in three dimensions

Frank J. Modern and ancient legal pragmatism

Frank J. Modern and ancient legal pragmatism

Frank J. Words and music_statutory interpretation

Frank J. Modern and ancient legal pragmatism part

Gismondi Mark D. Ethics, Liberalism and Realism in International Relations

Green M. Legal realism as theory of law

GREEN M. Legal realism as theory of law

Herget J. The German free law movement as the Source of American legal realism

Huncheson J. The Judgment intuitive_The function of the Hunch in judicial decision

Hutcheson J. The principle and price of a living law

Leiter B. American legal realism

Leiter B. Holmes, Neitzsche and classical realism

Leiter B. Introduction from legal realism to naturalized jurisprudence

Levy B. Realist jurisprudence and prospective overruling

Long - American Legal Realism and Pound and Moore and Dewey and 1922 and Frank and Law and the Modern Mind

Oliphant H.Current discussions of legal methodology

Oliphant H. Study of the operation of rules of law

Priel D. Were the legal realists legal positivists

Radin M. Legal realism

Radin M. On legal scholarship

Radin M. Realism in Statutory Interpretation and Elsewhere

Radin M. The goal of law

Radin M. The method of law

Radin M. Legal realism

Radin M. A short way with statutes

Rodell F. Legal realists, legal fundamentalists, lawyer schools and policy science

Spaak T. Legal positivism anti-realism, and the interpretation of statutes.2003

Thomas E.W. The Judicial Process - Realism, Pragmatism, Practical Reasoning and Principles

Руссо Ж-Ж. Обобщественномдоговоре


Jolls Ch., Sunstein C. Debiasing through law. Abstract

Sunstein C. Incommensurability and valuation in law

Sunstein C. Foreword on academic fads and fashions

Sunstein C. Legal interferance with private preferences

Sunstein C. Must formalism be defended empirically

Sunstein С. Justice Breyer's Democratic Pragmatism


Spencer H. Person and state

СпенсерГ. Справедливость


Tamanaha B.Z. The realism of the “formalist” age

Tamanaha B.Z. The tensions between legal Insrtumentalism

Tamanaha B. A socio-legal methodology for the internalexternal distinction_Jusidprudential implications.

Tamanaha B. The contemporary relevance of legal positivism

Tamanaha B. The realism of the formalist age


Fish S. There is no textualist position

Ward Ian. Law, Text, Terror

Manning J. Textualism and legislative intent

Molot J. Rise and fall of textualism

Nelson C. What is textualism

Nelson С. Textualism. Response to Professor Manning

ТесляА.А. Опарадигмахюриспруденции

Тесля А.А. О парадигмах юриспруденции (1-2)

Тесля А.А. О парадигмах юриспруденции (2-2)

Фичино М. О моральных добродетелях


Miller M. Contract law, party sophistication and the new formalism

Schauer F. Formalism

Scott R. The case for formalism in relational contract

Summers R. Law is formal

Weinrib. E.J. Legal formalism


Holmes O.W. Collected Legal Papers

Holmes O.W. The path of the law

Holmes O.W. Collected Legal Papers

Holmes O.W. The Path of the Law

Holmes O.W. The Common Law

Шестов-Добро Толстого и Ницше


Stammler R. Fundamentaltendenciesinmodernjurisprudence

ШтаммлерР. Задачи права и правоведения

Objective Law

Chang R. Incommensurability, Incomparability and Practical Reason

Chase O.G. Law, culture, and ritual disputing systems in cross-cultural context

Cooter R. Law and Unified Social Theory

Сurran V. Fear of formalism

Dewey J. The Quest for Certainty

Dorff M.B. The perils of forgetting fairness.

Feldman. American Legal Thought from Premodernism to Postmodernism

Flood John. Socio-Legal Ethnography

Fuller L. Adjudication and rule of law

Fuller L. The forms and limits of adjudication

Funken K. The trend towards convergence. Comparative Legal Essay

Gale S. A very German legal science Savigny and the Historical school

George R. Natural Law Theory. Contemporary Essays

Grey T. Langdell's orthodoxy

Groshut R. The Free scientific search of Francois Geny

Hakim I. Al-Matroudi. The Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah

Heidi Hurd., Moral Combat. The Dilemma of Legal Perspectivalism

Irving. Nolo's Encyclopedia of Everyday Law

Jolls C. Publications

Kant I. The Philosophy of Law

Kant I. The Philosophy of Law

Klink B. Facts and norms. The unfinished debate between Eugen Enrlich and Hans Kelsen

Kohen F. The Ethical Basis of Legal Criticism

Kramer M. Critical Legal Theory and the Challenge of Feminism

Kraus J. Transparance and determinancy in common law adjudication

Leiter B. Objectivity, Morality and Adjudication

Lindsay M. The Law of Internal Armed Conflict.

Manning J. The absurdity doctrine

Matti Hayry. Liberal Utilitarianism and Applied Ethics

Metzger E. Acquisition of Living Things by Specification

Michekman F. Bringing the law to life

Miller K. Direct Democracy and the Courts

Nader L. The Life of the Law_Anthropological Projects


Nelson C. Respense to professor manning

Orbach B. New regulation era. An introduction


Pufendorf. Natural law

Rand Jack. Moral Vision and Professional Decisions

Ras J. The relevance of coherence

Raz J. A critical review of ''Taking rights seriously''

Sanchirico.C. Deconstructing the new efficiency rationale

Schwarhz P. Preemption and privacy

Sen A. Impossibility of paretian liberal

Shalom E. Holtz. Neo-Babylonian Court Procedure

Slawson. Binding promises_reform of contract law

Sullivan - Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Volume 1 – 2004

Sullivan - Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Volume 2 – 2004

Sullivan - Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Volume 3 – 2004


Tyler A.L. Continuity, coherence and the canons

van Klink B. The Unfinished debate between Ehrlich, E. and Kelsen, H.

Warner - 101 Law Forms for Personal Use – 2005

Warner - 101 Law Forms for Personal Use – 2007

Zimmermann R. Savignys legacy legal history, comparative law, and the emergence of a European legal science

АлексеевС.С., Красавчиков О.А. О Б.Б.Черепахине

Гоббс Т. Левиафан

Колер Б. Шекспир с точки зрения права

Локк Дж. Два трактата о правлении

Новгородцев П.И. Историческая школа

Новгородцев П.И. Кризис современного правосознания

Руссо Ж.Ж. Рассуждение о начале и основании неравенства между людьми. 1782

Саймон Г. Pациональность как процесс и продукт мышления

Сперанский М.М. Некоторые работы

Харт Г.Позитивизм и разграничение права и морали

Цицерон. Диалоги о государстве, о законах

Эволюция источников русского права

Наши рекомендации