Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции

Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции

Учебное пособие

Екатеринбург, 2013 г.

Рекомендовано учебно-методическим советом

Уральской государственной юридической академии


ст. преподаватель Н.А. Гробова,

доцент Т.А. Русинова,

доцент Е.В. Тросклер,

к.п.н., доцент М.А. Югова,

к.п.н., доцент Н.В. Ялаева.

Ответственный редактор

доктор педагогических наук профессор

К.М. Левитан


кандидат педагогических наук, доцент,

заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков

Уральского юридического института МВД

А.Х. Закирьянова

Содержит адаптированные аутентичные профессионально-ориентированные тексты из современной учебной англоязычной литературы по юриспруденции, а также упражнения по различным грамматическим темам, тексты и диалоги по коммуникативным ситуациям, предусмотренным действующим госстандартом и рабочей программой дисциплины. Работа с данным пособием позволяет научиться читать и понимать специальную литературу, вести беседу на английском языке, а также приобрести навыки юридического перевода. В приложении представлены тексты и упражнения для дополнительного чтения. Пособие предназначено для студентов I курса бакалавриата.




The Law and Judiciary in Great Britain………………………………….8


The Court System of the Russian Federation…………………………….24


The Legal Careers in Great Britain……………………………………….39


The Legal Careers in Russia………………………………………………54




Criminal Justice……………………………………………………………87


Legal Forms of Organization……………………………………………..101


Civil Justice………………………………………………………………...110


Basic Factors and Ideas in International Business……….……………………………………………………………120

Additional Texts…………………………………………………………...128


Настоящее учебное пособие «Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции» предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 030900 юриспруденция (квалификация (степень) "бакалавр"). Оно также может быть использовано широким кругом лиц, желающих самостоятельно совершенствовать практическое владение иностранным языком в сфере юриспруденции.

Цель учебного пособия - содействовать овладению общекультурными и профессиональными компетенциями через последовательное и взаимосвязанное развитие навыков и умений в таких видах речевой деятельности как чтение, говорение и письмо (в рамках юридической тематики).

Актуальность данного пособия обусловлена переходом на двухуровневую систему высшего профессионального образования и внедрением нового ФГОС ВПО по направлению подготовки 030900 юриспруденция (квалификация(степень) "бакалавр"). В связи с этими нововведениями возникла острая необходимость в создании пособия, направленного на формирование общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС.

Настоящее пособие отличается от подобных изданий тем, что предполагает обучение иностранному языку в сфере профессиональной коммуникации студентов с уровнем от elementary до pre-intermediate.

Структура учебного пособия.

Учебное пособие состоит из 9 разделов, построенных по тематическому принципу: Legal system of Great Britain , Legal system of Russia, Legal career in Great Britain, Legal career in Russia, Employment, Criminal justice, Civil Justice, Legal forms of organization, International business.

Каждый раздел состоит из 5 частей, имеющих единую структуру: задания по развитию навыков чтения, говорения, письма, материалы для самостоятельной работы, задания по грамматике и развитию лексических навыков, глоссарий. Каждый раздел заканчивается заданием по проектной деятельности. Таким образом, структура каждого раздела способствует реализации целей учебного пособия, а именно, развиваются навыки мышления: анализ, оценка; умение задавать вопросы, комментировать выступления и действия других людей, планировать ход диалога, умение объективно, убедительно и ясно излагать свои мысли; прорабатывается знание грамматических, фонетических и орфографических норм.

Данное пособие построено на использовании современных аутентичных иностранных юридических текстов государств системы общего и гражданского права, что способствует развитию навыков сравнительно-правового толкования, дающего представление о том, как решаются сходные проблемы в государствах с различными правовыми системами.

Карта пособия подробно отражает структуру данного пособия.

Методические указания.

Учебное пособие рассчитано на 176 часов: 72 аудиторных часа и 104 часа самостоятельной работы.

Учебный материал пособия рекомендуется прорабатывать в той последовательности, которую предлагают авторы. Это облегчает планирование занятий. Каждое последующее упражнение внутри того или иного подраздела пособия является «ступенькой» к развитию соответствующего навыка, что позволяет преподавателю сконцентрироваться на проведении занятия. Хотя, отводимые для работы над разделом часы преподаватель (обучающийся) может распределить по своему усмотрению (в зависимости от уровня владения языком) между частями конкретного раздела.

Работу с каждым разделом следует начинать с фонетических упражнений, которые дают возможность повторить правила чтения слов из текстов раздела. Затем идет основной тематический текст, который сопровождается системой дотекстовых и послетекстовых упражнений. Грамматические задания снабжены таблицами, а их лексическая составляющая частично отражает материал изучаемой темы. Второй текст и прилагающиеся к нему упражнения расширяют полученные знания студентов по теме раздела.

Много внимания уделяется развитию лексических навыков речи. Юридическая лексика вводится тематически, по разделам, и закрепляется в различных видах упражнений, построенных по принципу «от простого к сложному». В части «Говорение» отрабатываются навыки применять информацию в новых контекстах, формулировать и анализировать проблемы, сопоставлять и сравнивать полученную информацию. Все это реализуется через задания, связанные с описанием явлений и проведением презентаций.

Развитие навыков письма – важный аспект обучения иностранному языку, поскольку письмо является одним из способов использования полученных знаний на практике. В ходе занятий обучающиеся знакомятся с новой терминологией, учатся общаться посредством письма, излагать мысли письменно в соответствии с общепринятыми правилами стран изучаемого языка. Эта часть включает в себя составление резюме и аннотации, написание эссе.

Часть с дополнительными текстами (на усмотрение преподавателя) может использоваться для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы или развития навыков письменного перевода.

Работая с данным пособием, студент сможет использовать свои знания, на уровне материальных правовых норм. Полученные в ходе работы профессиональные навыки студент будет применять в своей профессиональной деятельности.

Студентам юридических направлений подготовки при работе с данным пособием рекомендуется использовать наряду с общими словарями также и специальные словари, а именно:

· Андрианов С. Н., Берсон А. С., Никифоров А. С. Англо-русский юридический словарь. М.: Русский язык, 1993, либо более поздние издания;

· Кузнецов А. Практический русско-английский юридический словарь. М.: Avers, 1995;

· электронные словари MULTILEX, LINGVO;

· онлайновые словари MULTITRAN (www.multitran.ru), Find Law for Legal Professionals (www.dictionary.lp.findlaw.com).

Карта пособия

Topic Hours Reading Grammar Vocabulary Speaking Writing
1. Legal system of Great Britain 12/12 1.Sources of law in Great Britain 2.Judicial system of Great Britain Past Perfect (1) Future Perfect (2) Sequence of tenses (3) Word formation Definitions Topic vocabulary Comparison and contrast 1.Compare & contrast   Summary
2. Legal system of Russia 10/10 1.Court system in Russia 2.Courts   Participles (4) Reported speech (5)   Word formation definitions Topic vocabulary   1.Compare & contrast 2.Description of a system 3.Presentation Summary
3. Legal career in Great Britain 8/12 1.Who is who in the law 2.The British police 3. Barristers and Solicitors     Complex Subject (6) Word formation definitions Topic vocabulary Job responsibilities 1.Compare & contrast 2.Description of jobs in law   Summary Job description
4. Legal career in Russia 4/10 1. The legal careers in Russia 2.Legal profession in Russia   Modal verbs revision (7) Complex Object (8)   Word formation Definitions Topic vocabulary   Presentation Compare & contrast Summary
5. Employment 6/12 1.Employment 2.Contract of employment   Revision Past Simple vs Present Perfect (9) Word formation Definitions Topic vocabulary   Job description Role play: Job interview CV Letter of application
6. Criminal justice 8/12 1.What happens during the trial 2.Criminal trial   Conditionals II, III (10) Word formation Definitions Topic vocabulary   Description of crimes Essay (180 words)
7. Civil Justice 8/12 1.Civil procedure 2.Civil cases Conditionals revision (11) Word formation Definitions Definitions Topic vocabulary   Compare & contrast Essay (180words)
8. Legal forms of organisation 8/12 1.Legal forms of organization (part 1) 2. Legal forms of organization (part 2) Conditionals II (11) Passive voice (10) Revision Word formation Definitions Topic vocabulary   Compare & contrast Description of types of firms Essay (180 words)
9. International business 8/12 1.Basic factors & ideas in international business (part 1) 2. Basic factors & ideas in international business (part 2)   Conditionals III (12) Word formation Definitions Topic vocabulary   Presentation of global companies advantages& disadvantages of globalization Essay on globalization (180 words)


Section I

Sources of Law

Exercise 1

Pronunciation practice

Practise saying the words.

T e x t 1

The Sources Of British Law

Complete the sentences.

1. There are……sources of law in Great Britain.

2. Statute law includes … .

3. Common law consists of … .

4. Case law or judge-made law … .

5. Equity law is … .

6. European law is … .

Exercise 8

Answer the following questions to Text 1:

1. How many sources of law have been enumerated in the text?

2. What are they?

3. What is the main category of Statute Law?

4. What is the basis of Common Law?

5. What is the difference between Common Law and Equity Law?

6. What is the basis of European Law?

Exercise 9

Fill in the gaps with the suitable words

Precedent contracts legal issues case previous precedents courts common law parties

Case law

British law is based on the principle of (1)…………….., meaning that if a court has already ruled on a given legal issue and another case arises with the same legal issue, the holding in the previous case will be applied to the new (2)…………. The use of precedents helps to promote stability in the (3) ……, as all parties are given notice as to the current state of the law.

Precedents also have a role to play when new (4)…….. are presented to courts. (5)…… for both sides of a case look to cases that have been decided in the past that support their current arguments. When deciding new legal issues, sometimes courts expand (6)…………...

Through reliance upon precedent established in prior cases the (7)……… has resolved many legal issues and brought stability into many areas of the law, such as the law of….(8).

Exercise 10

Section 2

Text 2

Complete the sentences.

Model : The structure of the court system in Britain is … .

e.g. The structure of the court system in Britain is many-layered.

  1. The courts in Great Britain are divided …
  2. The tribunals are …
  3. Criminal courts are …
  4. Civil courts include …
  5. The highest court in the country is …
  6. According to the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 …

Exercise 18

Exercise 20

Exercise 21

Exercise 22


1. appeal (n.)- the judicial review by a superior court of the decision of a lower tribunal, a request for such review.

e.g. You are supposed to start your appeal within 28 days of conviction.

2. Appellate Committee of the House of Lords (n.) - the upper house of the British parliament, which is responsible for analyzing legislation and hearing cases which have been referred to it by lower courts.


Section 1

The Russian Court System

Exercise 1

Pronunciation practice

Practise saying the words.

a) [ɔ:] law; source

[(j)u:] supreme; review; newly-discovered; include; rulings; adjudicate; dispute

[dʒ] major; majority; jurisdiction; judicial; regional, general; legislative

[ʌ] judgment; justice; subject; function; govern; government

[ʃ] constitution; constitutional; commercial; federation; initial

[ai] trial; crime; highest; binding; final

[s] peace; civil; instance; circumstance; practice

[k] courts; claim;circumstance; constituent; component; contradict

[ʒ] decision; supervision

[i]within; business; entity; written; legal

[tʃ] chamber

[u:] group

b)Mind the stress:

inde´pendent; a´ppellate; ad´ministrative;com´ponent

c)Practise saying the words:

Courts of General Jurisdiction; Commercial Courts; the Russian Federation Constitutional Court, Justices of peace; district courts; regional courts; the Supreme Court; the highest judicial body; trial courts; appellate courts; military courts; the Military Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Text 1


Pre-reading tasks:

a) Answer the following questions using your background knowledge:

What sources of law do you know?

What do you think is the primary source of law in Russia?

Are there criminal and civil courts in our country?

Are there any specialized courts in our country? What cases do they consider?

b) Skim the text and divide it into the logical parts. Entitle them.

Russia belongs to the continental legal system, and a written law is the main legal source. So, the supreme law in Russia is the Constitution. Other major legal sources include federal constitutional laws and federal laws. Any law cannot contradictthe Constitution.

The Russian court system is composed of three independent parts. They are

(1) the Courts of General Jurisdiction;

(2) the Commercial (Arbitrazh) Courts;

(3) the Russian Federation Constitutional Court.

The Courts of General Jurisdiction include Justices of the peace, District courts, Regional courts and the Supreme Court.

Justices of the peace resolvesmall claims at the local level.

District (rayon) courts function as courts of first instance and courts of appeals for decisions of justices of the peace. These courts make initial decisions in the majority of criminal and civil cases.

Regional (oblast) courts serve as trial courts in more serious crimes and civil matters, and as appellate courts reviewing district court’s judgments.

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body within the courts of general jurisdiction. It hears civil, administrative, criminal, and other cases by way of supervision and for newly discovered circumstances. The Supreme Court may issue explanations on questions concerning judicial practice.

The military courts are included into the system of courts of general jurisdiction. They include garrison, district (navy) courts and the Military Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

The Commercial Courts adjudicate commercial and economic disputes between business entities. These courts are organized at the level of constituent components of the Russian Federation.

The RF Constitutional Court adjudicates matters governed by the RF Constitution. Rulingsof the Constitutional Court are binding and final. Some subjects of the Russian Federation have their own "subject" constitutional courts (14 courts) and also charter courts (4 courts).

Exercise 4

Exercise 13

Exercise 14

Dialogue focus. Presentations.

Make a presentation to describe the court system in Russia according to the plan:

1. Sources of law in the Russian Federation.

2. The main groups of courts in the RF.

3. The Courts of General Jurisdiction (structure and competence).

4. The Commercial Courts (structure and competence).

5. The Russian Federation Constitutional Courts (structure and competence).

Section 2


Exercise 15

Pronunciation practice.

Practise saying the words:

[æ] in´valid; e´xamine; handle

[ai] comprise; higher; compliance; by

[ə:] certain; commercial; first; interpret; third

[ɛə] declare; there


[ʃ] cassation; relation; issue; officially; session; initiate

[tʃ] structure; such

[ð] within; other; with; whether

[s]proceeding; council

[gz] e´xecutive; e´xamine

Exercise 16

a) Match the English word combinations with their Russian equivalents.

1. constituent entities a. кассационная инстанция
2. to handle cases (or appeals) b. субъекты Федерации
3. appeals against the decisions c. проверять законы
4. instance of cassation d. апелляции на решения (судов)
5. to examine laws e. в рамках своей подведомственности
6. within the jurisdiction f. рассматривать дела (или апелляции)

b) Fill in the gaps with the word-combinations from part a).

1. There are eighty three……. ….. in the Russian Federation.

2. …… ….. …… of the first instance court are handled by appellate courts.

3. The Constitutional Court can …… …….. at the federal level as to their compliance with the constitution.

4. Commercial courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation ….. …… as trial courts.


Exercise 18

Find in the text all the derivatives of the words below and translate them into Russian:

to comply, to relate, to supervise, high, region, official.

Exercise 19

Find a word or a phrase in the text which is similar in the meaning to the following:

main, subjects, judicial body, to try (cases), to stipulate, to state (officially), to explain

Exercise 20

Find a word or a phrase in the text which is opposite in the meaning to the following:

contradiction, valid, informally, lower court, inessential

Exercise 21

Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the main idea of the text?

a. The Constitutional Court is the only body that officially interprets the Constitution.

b. The structure of the courts of general jurisdiction is provided by the Law on Court Organisation of 1996.

c. The court system of the Russian Federation consists of the three independent groups of courts.

d. The highest level of commercial court is the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation.

2. Which statement corresponds to the text?

a. At present, there are 20 Federal Territorial Commercial Courts.

b. The military courts are included into the system of courts of general jurisdiction.

c. The main function of the RF Constitutional Court is to make sure that laws and legal acts comply with the constitution.

d. The Supreme Commercial Court is located in Moscow.

Exercise 22

a) Look at the diagram and describe the system of commercial courts. For more information about the courts, go to http://www.arbitr.ru/eng/.

Use the words:

to consist of; to handle cases (appeals); court of first instance; appellate courts; to review; an instance of cassation; lower courts; by way of supervision

Commercial courts

the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation

(the Plenum, the Presidium, the Department of Civil Cases, and the Department of Administrative Cases)

Federal Territorial Commercial Courts (10 )

appellate commercial courts (20)

commercial courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (81)

specialised commercial courts (e.g. courts for intellectual property since June 2013)

Exercise 23

Make a diagram to describe the work of the Constitutional court. Read the text below. For additional information go to http://www.ksrf.ru/en/Info/Pages/default.aspx

Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is a judicial body of constitutional review. The rules of the operation of the Constitutional Court are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

The Constitutional Court consists of 19 judges. They are appointed by the Federation Council upon nomination by the President of the Russian Federation. The court is presided by the President and two Vice-presidents. The Constitutional Court performs its functions if no less than three quarters of the total number of Judges are in office.

The proceeding before the constitutional court can be initiated by the president, parliament or a group of members of parliament comprising a fifth of all members of the State Duma or the Council of the Federation, the Government, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Commercial Court, legislative and executive bodies of the Subjects of the Federation.

Decisions of the Constitutional Court are obligatory throughout the territory of the Russian Federation for all representative, executive and judicial bodies of state power, local self-government, enterprises, organizations, public officials, citizens and their associations.

Exercise 24


1.adjudicate (v.) - to make a formal judgement on a disputed matter

e.g. The case was adjudicated in the High Court.

2.appoint(v.) – to choose formally for a job or an official position.

e.g. The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister.

3.comply with (v.) — to act in accordance with what is required

e.g. We are unable to comply with your request.

4.contradict(v.) — to be in conflict with

e.g. The result seems to contradict a major U.S. study reported last November.

5.court of appeals (n.)— court to which appeals are taken in a federal circuit or a state

e.g. The Court of Appeal has clarified its position.

6.court of first instance (n.)— a court in which legal proceedings are begun or first heard

e.g. Unusual for Russian patent disputes, the court of first instance did not follow the conclusions of the forensic examination.

7.determine(v.) — to ascertain or establish exactly

e.g. The point of our study was to determine what is true, not what is practicable.

8.dispute (n.) — an argument or disagreement between people or groups.e.g. Negotiators failed to resolve the dispute between the European Community and the United States.

9.experience (n.) — the knowledge or skill acquired by such means over time, especially that gained in a particular profession

e.g. He has also had managerial experience on every level.

10. general jurisdiction (adj.+n.) – the court's authority to hear all kinds of cases, which arise within its geographic area.

e.g. A court of general jurisdiction is one that can hear different types of cases like a tort case, a contracts law case, or any number of other related cases.

11. govern(v.) — conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people)

e.g. He was incapable of governing the country.

12. harm (n.) - the damage done to someone.

e.g. The newspaper report has done a lot of harm to the firm's reputation

13. hear (a case) (v.) – to listen to a case officially in order to make a decision about it

e.g. He had to wait months before his case was heard.

14. interpret (v.) – to explain the meaning of (information or actions)

e.g. The evidence is difficult to interpret.

15. invalid (adj.) — not legally recognized and therefore void because contravening a regulation or law

e.g. The vote was declared invalid due to a technicality.

16. issue (n.) - subject of a dispute.

e.g. Issue arises from a plea in a criminal court.

17. issue (v.) - to put out or to give out.

e.g. The government issued a report on London's traffic.

18. judgment(n.) —a decision of a court or judge

e.g. The Court is expected to give its judgement within the next ten days.

19. judicial (adj.) – relating to the legal system and to judgements made in a court of law

e.g. There are many officers of the court, including jurors, but the Prosecutor General remains the most powerful component of the Russian judicial system.

20. judiciary (n.) – the judicial branch of government, the court system, or judges collectively

e.g. The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.

21. nomination(n.) – an official suggestion of someone as a candidate in an election or for a job.

e.g. Women's groups opposed the nomination of the judge.

22. obligatory (adj.) — having binding force

e.g. These laws are obligatory

23 proceedings (n.) — legal action taken against someone

e.g. Criminal proceedings were brought against him

24. protect (v.) - to defend something against harm.

e.g. The workers are protected from unfair dismissal by government legislation.

25. prosecutor(n.) – a person, esp. a public official, who institutes legal proceedings against someone

e.g. The prosecutor is the chief legal representative of the prosecution in countries with the civil law inquisitorial system.

26. provide(v.) – to state

e.g. The Act provides that only the parents of a child have a responsibility for that child's financial support.

27. punish (v.) - to make someone suffer for a crime which he has committed.

e.g. You will be punished for hitting the policeman.

28. resolve(v.) – to make a decision by a formal vote

e.g. Who has the power to resolve disputes between states?

29. review (cases) (v.) – to submit (a case, etc.) for reconsideration by a higher court or authority

e.g. The Attorney General asked the court to review the sentence.

30. rule of law (n.) – a) a situation in which the people in a society obey its laws and enable it to function properly

e.g. I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.

b) a legal principle

e.g. The European Court has thus established an important legal principle.

31. supervision (n.) – the observing and directing of the execution of (a task or activity)

e.g. First-time license holders have to work under supervision.

32. supreme court (n.) – the highest court in the country

e.g. The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the United States.

33. trial court (n.) — a court of law where cases are tried in the first place, as opposed to an appeal court

e.g. A trial court or court of first instance is a court in which trials take place.

34. veto (v.) – to exercise a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body

e.g. The president vetoed the bill.


Section I

The Legal Profession

Exercise 1

Pronunciation Practice

Practice saying the words.

/ [s] before e, i, y (e.g. justice)

a) c

\ [k] in other cases (e.g. case)

criminal evidence
suspect decision
prosecute process
respect solicitor
community advice
court practice
accused sentence

b) Mind the stress changed

noun verb
a súspect to suspéct
a cónduct to condúct
an éxport to expórt
an ímport to impórt
but: a séntence to séntence
a wítness to wítness

Exercise 2

Text 1

Who is Who in the Law?

Section II

The British Police.

Exercise 9

Pronunciation Practice

Practise saying the words:

/ [dʒ] before e, i, y (e.g. judge)


\ [g] in other cases (e.g. got)

general investigate
range legal
dangerous goal
manage organize
college goods
emergency graduate
agency degree
engage govern
budget litigation
knowledge argue
magistrate agreement

Exercise 10

Text 2

Section III

Barristers and Solicitors.

Exercise 14

Pronunciation Practice.

Text 3

Barristers and Solicitors.

Language Focus

Contrasting and comparing

Exercise 19

a) Make up sentences, using the information below:

Functions Solicitor Barrister
dealing with clients directly indirectly (via)
speaking in court inferior superior
forming partnership yes no
representing a party in court defence defence prosecution

b) Compare the rights and duties of barristers and solicitors, using the following models:

like/ unlike + N

in contrast to +N

S+V, but S+V

e.g. Unlike barristers, the solicitors can form partnerships.

Exercise 20


1. admit (v.) - (a) to say that something really happened or is correct;

e.g. He admitted his mistake.

(b) to allow someone to practice as a solicitor.

e.g. He was admitted to practise as a solicitor.

2. advocacy (n.) - skill of pleading a case orally before a court.

e.g. Both barristers and solicitors can do advocacy.

3. advocate (n.) (in Scotland) - barrister; lawyer (in the USA).

4. barrister (n.) - lawyer who can plead or argue a case in one of the higher courts.

e.g. Barristers are instructed only by solicitors and never by members of the public.

5. conveyancing (n.) - drawing up the document which legally transfers a property from a seller to a buyer.

e.g. He speciaizes in conveyancing.

6. counsel (n.) - a barrister

e.g. Queen's Counsel – senior British barrister.

7. defend (v.) - to fight to protect someone or something.

e.g. He hired the best lawyers to defend him.

defence (n.) – protecting someone against attack.

e.g. A defence counsel represents the defendant or the accused.

8. in - house(adj.) - existing within an organization or working for a company.

e.g. He works for our company as an in-house lawyer.

9. instruct (v.) - to tell someone officially to do something; to give information.

e.g. He instructed his lawyer to start legal proceedings on his behalf.

10. liability (n.) - being legally responsible for paying for damages or loss.

e.g. His insurers have admitted liability for damage.

unlimited liability (n.) - situation where a sole trader or each partner is responsible for all the firm's debts.

e.g. He admitted unlimited liability for all his debts.

11. litigation (n.) - bringing of the lawsuit against someone to have a dispute settled.

e.g. He has got into litigation with the county council.

12. opinion (n.) - (a) what people think about something;

(b) piece of expert advice;

e.g. The lawyers gave their opinion.

13. partnership (n.) - a business where two or more people share the risks and profits.

e.g. Working partners are fully liable for all the obligations of the partnership.

14. plaintiff (n.) - person who starts the action against someone in the civil courts.

e.g. Plaintiff and defendant are parties to the suit.

15. plead (v.) - to make or answer a statement (usually in evidence). That something has happened or is true.

e.g. You should get a lawyer to plead your case.

pleading (s) (n.) – documents setting out the claim of the plaintiff or the defence of the defendant.

e.g. Pleadings must be submitted to the court when the action is set down for trail.

16. prosecute (v.) - to speak against the accused person on behalf of the party bringing the charge.

e.g. Mr. Smith is prosecuting, and Mr. Jones is appearing for the defence.

17. representation (n.) - action on behalf of someone.

e.g. The defendant was provided legal representation.

18. right of audience (n.) - right to speak to a court.

e.g. A barrister has right of audience in any court.

19. self – employed (adj.) - working for himself.

e.g. He worked in a bank for 10 years but now is self-employed.

20. sole trader (n.) - person who runs a business, usually by himself.

e.g. This barrister is a sole trader.

21. solicitor (n.) - lawyer who has a valid certificate to practise and who gives advice to members of the public and acts for them in legal matters.

22. to draw up (v.) - to write a legal document.

e.g. To draw up a contract or an agreement.

23. to plead (v.) - to make or answer a statement (usually in evidence) that some thing has happened or is true.

24. will (n.) - legal document by which a person gives instructions to how his property should be disposed after he dies.

e.g. He wrote his will in 2009.

25. suspect (v.) - to believe that someone has done something.

e.g. He was suspected of committing a crime.

suspect (n.) - a person whom the police think has committed a crime.

e.g. The police are questioning the suspect now.

suspicion (n.) - feeling that a person has when he suspects.

e.g. He was arrested on the suspicion of having stolen the money.

suspicious (adj.) - having, showing or causing suspicion.

e.g. The policemen became suspicious of his movements.

26. accuse (v.) - to say that someone has committed a crime.

e.g. He was accused of murder.

accusation (n.) - act of saying that someone has committed a crime

e.g. He was under an accusation of theft.

27. hire (v.) - to engage someone to work for you.

e.g. We hired the best lawyers to represent us.

28. argue (v.) - to discuss something about which there is disagreement; to give reasons for something.

e.g. The police solicitor argued against granting bail.

argument (n.) - (a) discussing something without agreeing

e.g. They got into an argument with the judge.

(b) reasons for something

e.g. The judge found the defence arguments difficult to follow.

29. rule (v.) - to give an official decision.

e.g. We are waiting for the judge to rule on admissibility of the defence evidence.

rule (n.) - general order of conduct which says how things should be done.

e.g. “Judges' Rules” is the document governing how the police should act in questioning suspects.

ruling (n.) - decision made by a judge.

e.g. According to the ruling of the court, the contract was illegal.

30. guilt (n.) - state of having committed a crime or done some other legal wrong.

e.g. He admitted his guilt.

guilty (adj.) - person who has done something against the law.

e.g. He was found guilty.

plead guilty or not guilty – to say at the beginning of the trial that you did or did not commit the crime.

31. innocent (adj.) - not guilty of a crime.

e.g. The accused was found to be innocent.

32. prevent (v.) - to stop something happening.

e.g. The main task of the police is to prevent crime.

preventive (adj.) - which tries to stop something happening.

e.g. Preventive measures against theft.

prevention (n.) - stopping something taking place.

e.g. Prevention of terrorism.

33. enforce (v.) - to make sure something is done or is obeyed.

e.g. To enforce laws means to make sure that the laws are obeyed.

34. jail=prison (n.) - place where criminals are kept.

e.g. He spent 10 years in jail.

35. reprimand (v.) - to critisize someone officially.

e.g. He was reprimanded by the magistrate.

36. apprehend (v.) - to arrest.

e.g. The suspect was apprehended at the scene of the crime.

37. justice (n.) - (a) fair treatment (in law).

e.g. To administer justice means to make sure that the laws are correctly and fairly applied.

(b) a magistrate.

(c) a senior judge (in the appellate courts)

e.g. Lord Chief Justice is the chief judge of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court.

38. advice (n.) - opinion as to what action should be taken.

e.g. We sent the documents to the police on the advice of the solicitor.

advise (v.) - to suggest to someone what should be done.

e.g. Our lawyers advised us against filing the lawsuit.

adviser (n.) - a person who suggest what should be done.

e.g. He is a company's legal adviser.

advisory (adj.) - as an adviser.

e.g. An advisory board is a group of advisers.



Section I

Exercise 1

Practise saying the words connected with legal careers. Find their Russian equivalents. Divide the words into two groups: law-related jobs and places of work.

the Bar, the organs of the Prosecutor’s Office, companies, judges, notaries, courts, jurisconsults, notary offices, legal advice offices, investigators, organs of tax inspection, organs of police, firms, banks, enterprises, prosecutors, customs officers, traffic officers, law enforcement agencies, advocates

Exercise 2

a) Match the English words to their Russian equivalents.

1. arbitrator a. адвокатура, коллегия адвокатов
2. enterprise b. нотариально засвидетельствовать
3. investigator c. прокурор
4. jurisconsult d. посредничать, выступать в качестве посредника
5. notary e. нотариус
6. prosecutor f. защищать на суде, выступать защитником
7. the Bar a. следователь
8. to accuse of h. обвинить; предъявить официальное обвинение
9. to appoint i. назначать, определять (на должность)
10. to defend j. предприятие
11. to mediate k. юрисконсульт
12. to notarize l. судья арбитражного суда

b)Use some of the words from the box and make 3 word combinations to describe the Russian court system and its work.

Exercise 3

Exercise 6

Grammar focus 7. Modal verbs. Revision.

Complete the sentences with the suitable modals:

can, may, must, should, needn't.

1. You …… go to the notary office and file the documents. I’ll do everything myself.

2. I think you ……. listen to your advocate. He knows what he says.

3. ….. I enter the courtroom when the hearing has already begun?

4. I am your lawyer. I want to know what happened. You …… tell me.

5. This witness doesn’t know English. He ….. speak only Spanish. We need an interpreter for him.

Text 1

The Legal Careers in Russia

Many people consider the profession of a lawyer to be one of the most popular professions in our country.

Training lawyers is the task of different higher schools and the Ural State Law Academy is one of them.

Graduates from higher legal schools are said to have a lot of options where to apply their knowledge. The choice is very wide. Lawyers with the same qualification and professional title may be doing very different kinds of work. The working conditions and pay among members of the legal profession also vary greatly.

Our graduates can work at the Bar, in the organs of the Prosecutor’s Office, in different courts, in notary offices, legal advice offices, in organs of police as well as in different companies, banks, and enterprises. They can work as advocates, judges, notaries, investigators, prosecutors, in-house lawyers, customs officers, and other workers of law enforcement agencies.

Some lawyers may work as judges. Judges preside in the courtroom, conduct legal proceedings, resolve disputes and pass judgments.

As an advocate, a lawyer acts for the client in court and out of court. The advocate’s work can include defending those accused of committing a crime.

A lawyer can work at the Prosecutor’s Office as a prosecutor or a prosecutor’s assistant. He / she should supervise the correct application and observance of the law.

He / she can also be a notary at the notary office and should be able to perform notary actions such as checking the legality of all the documents before notarizing them.

A lawyer can be appointed as an arbitrator at the Commercial court. He / she should be able to settle disputes between legal persons.

Nowadays there are many careers in law enforcement at the Police and the Investigative Committee. The main task of law enforcement is to prevent, investigate and solve crimes.

Some lawyers serve as in-house lawyers and work for companies and enterprises. They inform clients about legal matters, draft contracts and other documents, mediate and negotiate settlements.

Exercise 7

Find in the text all the derivatives from the words below and translate them into Russian:

to train, to defend, to investigate, to check, to prosecute, to notarize, to enforce, to judge

Exercise 8

Section II

Exercise 23

Grammar focus 8. Complex Object. Complex Subject

1) Complex Object

N(1)…V(act) ... Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции - student2.ru

e.g. The attorney expected his client to give true evidence.

2) Complex Subject


N … V (pass) … Inf …

e.g. He is supposed to be a key witness.


N… V (act)… Inf …

e.g. He turns out to be a good advocate.


N … V (to be + adj.) …

e.g. He is unlikely to violate a bail order.



Section I

Exercise 1

Pronunciation Practice.

Practise saying the words:


ire [aiə] qu [kw]
fire qualification
retire question
expire quality
hire queen

b) international words:

curriculum vitae (CV) President
resume finance
personnel profession
recruit company
department detail
position interview
business producer
person contract
agency discipline
service normal
title expert

Text 1


Exercise 6

a) Divide the occupations into 3 groups: manual, professional, skilled

vet architect electrician dressmaker lawyer bank manager cleaner

b) Divide the occupations into 2 groups: jobs in law enforcement and the

legal profession.

civil litigators notaries investigators banking lawyers judges legislative lawyers criminal defense lawyers forensic experts

Exercise 7

Make up sentences matching the professions with the activities and personality traits.

Model 1:The job of a teacher involves/ includes grading exams.

Model 2: A secretary should be organized.

Secretary grading exams to be organized

Speaking. Describe your parents' jobs. Mention their duties, conditions of work, working hours, required skills. Do they work in shifts or are they on flex(i)time? Is their job a nine-to-five job/a job with regular hours/a job with irregular hours? etc.

Exercise 14

Writing. Write a job description without giving the name of a job. Ask other students to guess the job or the position.

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