Match the following English expressions with their Russian


1. legal activities a. законные права
2. legal address b. законный владелец
3. legal advice c. имеющий законную силу
4. legal age d. использовать свое законное право
5. legal costs e. история права
6. legal decision f. консультация юриста
7. legal document g. правовая защита
8. legal entity h. правовой документ
9. legal ethics i. правовой статус
10. legal expert j. правомерная законная деятельность
11. legal history k. профессиональная этика юриста
12. legal language l. решение суда
13. legal owner m. совершеннолетие
14. legal procedure n. стать юристом
15. legal protection o. судебные издержки
16. legal rights p. судопроизводство
17. legal status q. юридическая терминология
18. of legal force r. юридический адрес
19. to enjoy one’s legal rights s. юридическое лицо
20. to enter the legal profession t. юрисконсульт; юридический советник

IV. Insert the following words and word combinations into the text below:

lawgiver; .prosperity; eligible; attributed; a concept of law; drew up; . comprehensive; enslaving; religious beliefs; .offences; measures; appeal; retained; draconian; trial by jury; contributed

The ancient Greeks were among the first to develop … that

separated everyday law from … . Before the Greeks most civiliza-

tions … their laws to their gods or goddesses. Instead the Greeks believed that laws were made for the … of the people. In the seventh century B.C. Draco … Greece’s first … written code of laws. Under Draco’s code death was the punishment for most … . Thus the term … usually applies to extremely harsh … .

Several decades passed before Solon – poet, military hero, and ultimately Athen’s … - devised a new code of laws. …, an ancient Greek tradition was …, but … debtors was prohibited as were most of the harsh punishments of Draco’s code. Under Solon’s law citizens of Athens were … to serve in the assembly and courts were established in which they could … government decisions.

What Greeks may have … to the Romans was the concept of «natural law».


I. Read and translate the text. Sum up the information you’ve learned from it:


In 1215, the English barons forced the English King John I to sign and adopt the Magna Carta, which provided for them certain guarantees and protection against unreasonable acts of the king. Later, the Magna Carta was revised, and other documents, such as the English Bill of Rights (1689), were adopted. When the thirteen American colonies broke away form Greta Britain after the Revolutionary War, the colonists adopted the principles of the Magna Carta and the common law. These principles became the foundation of the legal system of US federal government and of all the states. Today, the two great systems of law in the Western world are the Common law of the English-speaking world and the Roman civil law found on the continent of Europe. Both systems have the same objectives, but they differ in origins and methods. The Roman civil law originated in codes (systematic collections of written rules of law) imposed on the people by the emperors of ancient Rome. In contrast, the English common law originated in decisions of judges based on widely held customs of the people. Also, English common law uniquely provides for trial by a jury of one’s peers (equals). The English colonies in America recognized the English common law as governing until July 4, 1776. After that date, existing rules were retained, but further changes in the law were made in the courts of the newly formed American country. The Common Law, with its emphasis on judges making rules of law, continues to serve well till now.

Vocabulary notes:

the Magna Carta -Великая Хартия Вольностей to provide for -предусматривать
to force –заставлять, вынуждать Common law – общее право
to break away –отделиться Roman civil law –римское гражданское право
Bill of rights– Билль о правах peer –равный, ровня
unreasonable –неразумный, необдуманный trial–судебное разбирательство; судебный процесс, суд
objective –цель emphasis –акцент
in contrast-в противоположность to adopt –принимать (закон, резолюцию)

II. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the Magna Carta adopted??

2. What did the Magna Carta provide?

3. What principles of law did first American states adopt after they broke away from Great Britain?

4. How do the two great systems of law, Common law and the Roman civil law, differ?

III. The word GOVERNMENT has the following meanings in Russian:

Государственная власть

executive government – исполнительная власть

judicial government – судебная власть

legislative government – законодательная власть

Управление, руководство

to carry out the government of a state – осуществлять

управление государством

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