Render the content of the article using the following expressions and phrases.

to be arrested on suspicion of drug possession and driving while intoxicated, Police Sgt. John Edmundson, to share the information until the end of the investigation, physical checks, the double Oscar winner, to conduct a large-scale campaign against drunk driving, at every check- point set up for the Memorial Day weekend, police pulled over Stone and searched his Mercedes, the director posted a $15.000 bond and was released, the day of the hearing, to be arrested on alcohol and drug charges, as a part of a plea bargain agreed to enter a rehabilitation program, high-class lawyers, to reduce the punishment to a suspended sentence, to be ordered into a rehab program, “Platoon”, Born on the Fourth of July”, “Midnight Express” script, famous for, “JFK”, “Natural Born Killers”, “Alexander’.

Оливер Стоун попался на наркотиках.

Известный американский кинорежиссер Оливер Стоун арестован за хранение наркотических веществ и вождение автомобиля в состоянии опьянения.

Сержант полиции Джон Эдмундсон вчера на пресс-конференции отказался обнародовать детали инцидента, включая результаты медицинской проверки, вид и количество обнаруженных наркотиков. Он заявил, что не будет разглашать эту информацию до конца расследования.

Двукратного лауреата премии «Оскар» задержала в пятницу вечером полиция Беверли-Хиллз, штат Калифорния. Он попался случайно: в эти дни накануне Дня Поминовения в штате проходит полицейская кампания по борьбе с вождением в пьяном виде. На каждом временно организованном пропускном пункте останавливают наугад 9 машин. Полицейские заподозрили, что он управлял автомобилем в нетрезвом виде, и обыскали его «Мерседес». В субботу утром Стоуна освободили под залог в 15 тысяч долларов. Какое наказание за указанное правонарушение может последовать и когда состоится суд, пока не сообщается.

В 1999 году режиссера уже арестовывали за управление транспортным средством в состоянии опьянения и хранение наркотиков. Тогда он признал свою вину и избежал заключения, согласившись пройти курс реабилитации в наркологической клинике.

Как отмечают наблюдатели, группа высококлассных адвокатов при хорошей защите сможет «снизить» наказание до условного срока и принудительного лечения в наркологической клинике.

Стоун получил «Оскаров» за картины «Взвод» в 1986 году и «Рожденные 4 июля» в 1989 году, а также за сценарий драмы «Полуночный экспресс» в 1978 году. Кроме того, режиссер известен своими фильмами «JFK», «Прирожденные убийцы» и «Александр».

Exam practice.

Read and translate the text.

Teen crime statistics.

Crime statistics show that approximately one-third of all victims of violent crime are teenagers, between the ages of 12 and 19. Today, homicide is the second-leading cause of death for young adults, after car accidents. Each year, more than 1,500 murder victims are children and teens. While many people think that crime doesn't regularly befall children, as it's part of living in a "grown up" world, the statistics show that this is clearly not the case.

Teens are not only the victims of violent crime, but sometimes the perpetrators, too. Almost half of all violent crimes are committed by perpetrators under 25 years old. In 2006, 15% of all arrests were made on people under the age of 18, while more than 1,100 homicide suspects were under the age of 18. Children and teens regularly become both the victims and the perpetrators of violent crimes. When watching the nightly news, it's not uncommon to hear about the shooting death of a teen, or of a group of teens who are accused of assault.

Those who watch the news every night or read the daily newspaper front to back might notice that teens who choose to do positive things for the community almost never ends up as the leading story or on the front page news. Such news simply does not sell.

Many news shows, not to mention politicians, are obsessed with the teen crime rate. We hear in the news daily how crime is increasing dramatically in this age group. While these statistics may certainly be shocking, in actuality they have not changed dramatically over the past decades. In fact, crime statistics show that in reality, the youth of today are not any more criminally inclined than the generations before them. In fact, some crime statistics show that today's youth are even less likely to commit certain crimes, although the FBI statistics show that the teen crime rate is rising across some categories.

With that being said, the statistics certainly do show that all too often, teens are the perpetrators of both violent and non-violent crimes. Psychologists know that adolescents' brains are undeveloped, and too often, unsupervised kids are left to their own devices and make poor choices. Most teens' risky behavior, including not only criminal behaviors but also drinking, smoking, and other poor choices, tends to peak between the hours of 3:00 and 8:00pm. With no supervision or constructive activities during this time, the U.S. Attorney's General's Office says, "we reap a massive dose of juvenile crime."

What can you do about the potential for teen crime? If you're the parent of a teen or preteen, practice "defensive parenting" by taking an approach that is both preventative and proactive. Keep teens occupied after school, and model good behavior. At the same time, recognize that they may also become the victim of a violent crime. Prepare them with pepper spray, personal alarms, and other devices, especially if you know they'll be out without adult supervision, such as at the mall or the skate park.  

Read and retell the text.

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