I. Vocabulary and grammar tasks

1. Study the following words and expressions:

Mellifluous- сладкозвучный

Mentally deficient- слабоумный

Waylay - подстерегать, устраивать засаду

Sluice - обливать

Half-caste - человек смешанной расы

Callous – бессердечный

Brat - ребёнок(пренебреж.), отродье

Dense - густой, плотный

Matting - циновка

Chaff - подшучивать, поддразнивать

Tummy - живот(ик) разговорное

Breezily - весело

Scuffle – драка

Loiter - медлить, слоняться без дела

Pester - докучать

Blighter - весельчак

Tether - Предел, граница

To wring one’s hand - заламывать руки

Nuisance - досада, неприятность

Nausea - тошнота, морская болезнь

Beseech - умолять

Overwhelming - несметный, подавляющий

Kingfisher - зимородок

to take aback - застигнуть врасплох

duck - душка (разг.)

Match the verb and its definition

1 to waylay

2 to sluice

3 to chaff

4 to loiter

5 to pester

6 to wring

7 to beseech

8 to cope

a) to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation

b) to wash something with a lot of water

c) to play a trick on somebody

d) to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something

e) to stand or wait somewhere, especially in a public place, without any clear reason

f) to rub and twist something because you are worried and upset

g) to stop a person when he is going somewhere, for example to attack his or talk to him

h) to eagerly and anxiously ask someone for something

Complete the sentences using the words from the box

mellifluous, tummy, callous, tether, brat, dense, nuisance, nausea, matting, overwhelming  

1) He was up all night with………….. ache.

2) She felt an………………. desire to call him.

3) And again she heard that loud and…………….. song.

4) It was the last ………………… of my patience!

5) A narrow track wound steeply up through…………. forest.

6) The dogs next door are a real ……………….

7) ……………..is strong material, used for making mats.

8) We were shocked at the…………… disregard for human life.

9) Just think if those two little………… were yours.

10) A feeling of ……………. suddenly came over me.

Make up 10 sentences, using the given words and expressions

-Mentally deficient

- to wring one’s hand

- to exacerbate

- native


- to take aback

- to dismiss

- blinds

- duck

- ominous

Correct the spelling mistakes in the following sentences

1) I have a strange feelling that somebody always waylyas me.

2) Your voice is a melliflous sound for my eers.

3) Scufflies broke out between rival suppoters during the match.

4) She was taken abask by his unexpectd arrival.

5) He behafes as mentally deficent.

Explain the meaning of the words in English and give a synonym and an antonym for each one

- callous

- blighter

- nuisance

- dense

- breezily

II. Reading Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions and do the tasks:

What did the main characters do on the Malay Archipelago?

Describe Guy. What sort of man did he seem to be?

What did Doris think about half-caste children?

Describe the native woman.

Why did Guy change his behavior? When did it happen?

Retell the Guy’s story.

Why did he break off the relationships with the native woman?

Why did Doris decide to leave Guy?

What future will the main characters have?

What is the main idea of this story?

Study Appendix and characterize the main personages

Flotsam and Jetsam

I. Vocabulary and grammar tasks

1. Study the following words and expressions:

prahu - лодка

landing-stage - причал

to stand aside - отходить в сторону

kit - снаряжение

to butt in - вмешиваться

slop – второй сорт

loading - крыша

to seek - искать

to treat - наслаждаться

starvation - истощение

bang - хлопок

pathetic - трогательный

abruptly - резко

hostile - враждебный

conversion - превращение

host - хозяин

reference - заметка

particular - особый

huddle - толпа

flotsam - бродяга

Do the following tasks

1. Insert the correct preposition:

There were half a dozen novels by authors he had never heard __, and a glance told him they were slop; these must be Mrs. Granges, and then there was a Boswell’s Johnson, Borrow’s Lavengro, and Lamb’s Essays.

2. Choose the correct form of the sentence:

A) I will not be sorry

B) I won’t be sorry

C) I shan’t be sorry

D) I shall not be sorry.

3. Find the correct definition for following word: cupidity

A) willing to give help or support, esp. more than is usual or expected, or larger than usual or expected;

B) greed for money or possession;

C) eagerness for increase of possession deluges the soul, and we sink into the gulfs of insatiability;

E) having a strong wish or desire for something, feeling hunger, having a keen appetite.

4. Insert the correct word:

Norman had had the dressing- table made for her soon after they were married. It had been made by a native ______, of course, and they had had the mirror sent from Singapore, but it was made to her own design, of the exact size and shape she wanted, with plenty of room for all her toilet things and her make-up.

A) planter;

B) carpenter;

C) sanitary technician;

D) packer.

5. Choose the correct variant of sentence:

A) I shall go over tomorrow morning and get the things he promised to bring me.

B) I shall go away tomorrow morning and get the things he promised to bring me.

C) I shall go out tomorrow morning and get the things he promised to bring me.

D) I shall go off tomorrow morning and get the things he promised to bring me.

II. Reading Comprehension

1. Answer the following questions:

Who was Norman Grange?

Where was Mr. Grange born?

What was the relationship between Mr. Grange and his wife?

How did Mr. Grange explain why they had not been to England for 16 years?

What was Mrs. Grange scared most of all?

What was the colour of Mrs. Grange’s dress?

What did Mrs. Grange decide to show to Skelton?

Why did Skelton hate Norman Grange?

Why did Mrs. Grange show those photos to Skelton?

Did Norman Grange know about conversation between his wife and Skelton?

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