Timeshare holidays for a lifetime

Timesharing is the new way to plan and enjoy your holidays – this year, next year and on into the future. This is how the scheme works.

Just choose your favourite holiday destination. You’re sure to find a number of timeshare schemes operating there. Most timeshares are private flats, apartments, cottages or villas. You don’t buy the property or rent it. You buy the right to use it for a certain period of time each year- for ever!

But what happens when, after five years, you’re tired of staying in the same apartment in Portugal and want to go somewhere else? Simple. You join a timeshare exchange club which will arrange, for a small fee, to find someone to stay in your apartment while you go off for two weeks to Austria, Andorra or Alaska!

One word of warning, however. Don’t believe the salesman when he tells you what a good investment timeshares are. It isn’t always easy to find someone who wants to spend two weeks in November on the Costa del Sol for the rest of their life!

The return on your investment is not financial. It’s the opportunity you have to visit places all over the world and stay in high- quality private accommodation wherever you go.

Are these statements about timeshare true or false?

1. Under a timeshare agreement you don’t buy the apartment or villa.

2. A timeshare exchange club will sell your timeshare to some one else.

3. It costs nothing to belong to a timeshare exchange club.

4. Investing in a timeshare is a good way to make money in the future.


1. В нашем отеле шторы, ковер и покрывало одного цвета.

2. Если вы хотите получить дополнительную информацию о нашем отеле

полистайте информацию об отеле.

3. Если вы хотите покурить в комнате, пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь пепельницей.

4. Я хотел бы заказать номер на двоих с большой кроватью на 3 ночи.

5. Мое имя Дюран. На мое имя забронирован одиночный номер с душем и туалетом. Могу я расплатится кредитной карточкой?

6. В вашей комнате есть телевизор с пультом управления и телефон.

7. Если вы хотите позвонить из гостиницы, попросите администратора сделать это для вас.

8. Если вы захотели пить то для вас в комнате есть бар с напитками.

9. На прикроватном столике есть журнал и лампа.

10. В номере с большой кроватью есть две подушки под голову и одна диванная.

Unit 7. On the telephone.

Words and expressions:

1. to hold the line

2. to hang up

3. to call smb/ring smb/ make a call/ (tele)phone smb

4. to call back

5. to pick up the telephone

6. to put through

7. to go ahead

8. a bad line

9. to speak up

10. a switchboard (to transfer smb back to switchboard)

11. a call box

12. an engaged (busy-AmE ) line

13. phone-book/ directory (telephone book-AmE )

14. the number is ex-directory( unlisted-AmE )

15. Directory Enquiries (information-AmE )

16. a reverse charge/transfer call (collect call-AmE )

17. a message pad (to leave a message for smb)

18. a dialing tone

19. to dial the number

20. a long distance line

21. extension number

22. to be on the other line

23. international / country code

24. area / city code

25. a wrong number (extension)

There are some differences between speaking to a person face-to-face and speaking to a person on the telephone. For a example , on the telephone:

- You can’t write things and show them to the other person.

- You can’t see, or use, gestures.

- The quality of sound is often bad.

- You can’t see the other person’s face.

- You cannot use diagrams or charts.

- There are special expressions which we only use on the phone.

- The two people speaking are in the different places.

- Conversations are sometimes interrupted by technical problems.

Here are nine useful questions. Put the words in the correct order.

Follow the example:

Please / you / again / that / could / say? Could you say it again, please?

1. could / name / give / me / you / your?

2. that / could / spell / you?

3. little / speak / more / could / you / slowly / a?

4. could / you / me / your / address / give?

5. number / your / phone / give / could / me / you?

6. I’m / you / say / sorry / did / what?

7. fax / what’s / number / your?

8. six / seven / say / or / did / you / sorry / I’m?

9. sorry / a / little / could / speak / up / you / I’m?

Put the sentences in the right order to make a telephone conversation:


1. Goodbye

2. And your number?

3. One moment… I’m afraid he’s in a meeting. Can I take a message?

4. How do you spell that?

5. Hawker Robins. Good morning. Can I help you?

6. Certainly. Could I have your name, please?

7. I’ll see that he gets your message.


a. L-E-B-L-I-Q-U-E.

b. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

c. Could I speak to Phil Allison, please?

d. Yes, Could you ask him to call me before four o’clock? I’m ringing about the AJK proposal.

e. John Leblique.

f. 453 2121.


1. Снимите трубку, послушайте гудок, наберите номер и говорите.

2. Чтобы сделать международный звонок, нужно знать код страны и код


3. Если номер отсутствует в телефонном справочнике, позвоните в

справочную службу.

4. Если у вас нет денег, вы можете сделать звонок за счет абонента.

5. Линия очень плохая, говорите громче.

6. Он на другой линии, не могли бы вы перезвонить позже?

7. Извините, я ошибся добавочным номером, не могли бы вы переадресовать

мой звонок на коммутатор?

8. Не вешайте трубку, я вас соединяю.

9. Пожалуйста, повесьте трубку, я сейчас вам перезвоню.

10.Директор - на собрании, вы можете оставить для него сообщение.

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