Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Для студентов заочного отделения

I Variant

1. Write the plural form of the nouns.

Window, club, knife, brush, place, driver, son-in-law, potato, tooth, box, play, copy.

2. Change the following word combinations using possessive case.

The address of this man, the name of his sister-in-law, the room of our parents, the wedding of Jack and Mary, the house of the Browns, the table of my elder brother Jim.

3. Write the degrees of comparison of the following words.

Big, pretty, curious, experienced, lazy, fresh, nice, light, weak, much.

4. Open the brackets using the right form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) We already (see) Tom this morning.

2) They (go) to the South next month.

3) Our grandmother (not/hear) this song for ages.

4) Ken is in his room, he (read) a book.

5) The river Amazon (flow) into the Atlantic Ocean.

6) The bed was very comfortable and I (sleep) very well.

7) There (be) a very big piano in the sitting-room.

8) There (be) some beautiful pictures on the wall.

9) The tasty apple pie (be/bake) by my mother yesterday.

5. Write the numerals.

Pattern: 210—two hundred and ten.

789, 13456, 2002, 678015, 14782530.

6. Translate these sentences from Russian into English, make them interrogative and negative.

1) Мой друг очень хорошо говорит по-французски.

2) Она сошьет новое платье на свой день рождения.

3) Его дядя купил новую машину месяц тому назад.

4) Мэри уже открыла окно.

5) Они смотрят интересный детектив сейчас.

6) Я никогда не был в этом городе.

7) Выставка будет открыта через две недели.

8) Эти газеты были напечатаны в Великобритании.

7. Fill in the necessary modal verb (can, may, must), translate the sentences into Russian.

1) Every child … know traffic rules.

2) You … ask any questions, I am ready to answer.

3) … I do anything for you?

TEXT.Translate into Russian (in the written form).


The age of democracy has not produced any significant revolutionary movement in Britain. The monarchy survives but has no power and does not want any Parliament to establish its rights.

Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the power of the Queen is limited by the Parliament. But the real power is concentrated in the hands of the great trusts and bancs and the tiny section of rich property owners. They control the land, industry, finance, trade, armed forces, police, judiciary and mass media. The Monarchy is used by the ruling class as an ideological weapon of maintaining the stability of the regime.

The Queen Elizabeth II was born in London on April 21, 1926. She was crowned at Westminster on the 2nd of June in 1953. She was the sixth Queen Regnant of Britain and second of her name. She reigns but does not rule, although the Queen is the third richest woman in the world. The powers of the Queen are nowhere exactly defined.

Theoretically every act of the state is done in her name; every letter sent out by any government department is posted in an envelope marked “On Her Majesty’s Service”. All ministers in the Government are appointed by her. Nobody but the Queen can summon Parliament, or dissolve it. In the law the Queen is the Head of the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary. Laws passed by two Houses do not become affective until she has signed them. But in reality everything that she does is done “on advice of her ministers”.

Today the Queen is not only the head of the United Kingdom, but also the head of the Commonwealth. She is temporal head of the Church of England. The Queen is the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces of the Crown. She is also an important symbol of national unity.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Для студентов заочного отделения

II Variant

1. Write the plural form of the nouns.

Show, poem, leaf, watch, face, sailor, sister-in-law, tomato, foot, fox, day, city.

2. Change the following word combinations using possessive case.

The toys of his nephew, the flat of his mother-in-law, the car of my parents, the surname of Tom and Kate, the address of the Smiths, the birthday of my best friend Nick.

3. Write the degrees of comparison of the following words.

Sad, heavy, difficult, interested, funny, smart, rich, large, great, bad.

4. Open the brackets using the right form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) I was very tired, so I (go) to bed early.

2) She just (have) lunch at the canteen.

3) We (graduate) from the institute in 3 years.

4) My mother (not/meet) her friend since 1995.

5) Please don’t make so much noise, I (work).

6) Everything (wake) up in spring.

7) There (be) some pillows on the sofa.

8) There (be) a little coffee-table in the middle of the room.

9) This church (be/built) by the famous architect in the fifteenth century.

5. Write the numerals.

Pattern: 210- two hundred and ten.

456, 18765, 2003, 740321, 59840367.

6. Translate these sentences from Russian into English, make them interrogative and negative.

1) Их родители навестят вас в следующий выходной.

2) Мы ходим в театр два раза в месяц.

3) В прошлом году мой отец научил меня водить автомобиль.

4) Брауны уже переехали в новую квартиру.

5) Майкл ищет новую работу сейчас.

6) Она никогда не видела этого человека раньше.

7) Диктант напишут через неделю.

8) Магазины обычно закрывают в 7 часов вечера.

7. Fill in the necessary modal verb (can, may, must), translate the sentences into Russian.

1) We … see the lake from our bedroom window.

2) I am late, I … hurry to catch the bus.

3) Don’t touch the vase: yon … break it.

TEXT. Translate into Russian (in the written form).


The Fourth of July is the biggest national holiday of the US. It is celebrated as the birthday of the country with the parades, picnics, and fireworks. On July 4, 1776, when 13 British colonies were fighting against Great Britain, the Continental Congress adopted a resolution, which has come to be known as the Declaration of Independence. These 13 colonies became the first states of the United States of America.

The resolution was written by Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). He was the bearer of advanced views that have not lost their significance for the social struggle in modern America. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was a letter from the Continental Congress to the king of Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote to the king that the people in America did not want to pay taxes if they were not allowed to decide how to spend them.

The letter declared that the people in America wanted to be free and independent of England from that time on. So the letter was called the Declaration of Independence.

But the Declaration was just a letter; it did not make the American people independent of England. The people had to fight for their independence. The Declaration is one of the most important political documents in the western world. It had a decisive influence on the development of the American Revolution.

The United States Constitution was written in 1787, but it came into use in 1789. The Constitution established the country’s political system. The Constitution is the basis of all government and laws. The United States has experienced enormous growth and change. Yet the Constitution works as well today as when it was written. One reason is that the Constitution can be amended, or changed.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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