Задания а7-а13

Вы услышите беседу инструктора по каноэ Майка Ферроу с туристами. В заданиях А7-А13 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Mike: Good morning, my name’s Mike Ferrow. I’m a member of the camp staff responsible for teaching canoeing. I’ve come to the office today to give you full information about the trip, training and accommodation in the camp. I’m sure you’ve already looked at the programme and studied the routes. So I’m ready to take any questions you’d like to ask.

Woman: Excuse me, I haven’t decided whether to go on a trip or not yet. I’m not sure I am prepared well enough for canoeing. I’m not a sporty person, you know, and I am an absolute beginner. From your booklet I learnt how the tour is organized, and that the local guides are competent, but still I don’t have a clear picture of what canoeing actually is.

Mike: Well, canoeing is traveling on rapid rivers with waterfalls in a long narrow boat.

Woman: Do you give instruction in canoeing?

Mike: Yes. As a rule people who have no experience at all take a four-day basic course in the camp. First, the river guides train them in small shallow pools. Later, when they are finally ready, the guides take them out on the river. They usually use gentler parts of the river which are suitable for beginners. Even after the course is finished the beginners are not allowed to canoe on winding streams and waterfalls.

Woman: I see. Can tourists use a camp car to go to town? Of course, if they pay for it.

Mike: Well, it’s usually used by the camp staff only. But sometimes we transport holidaymakers to hospital, if necessary. I am afraid you can’t use it as a taxi.

Woman: Okay. Are we going to spend nights camping outside on the ground? That alone would make the trip unpleasant for me. I don’t think I’d enjoy the romance of sleeping on the ground even in such a beautiful place. It’s a bit unreasonable, isn’t it?

Mike: Oh! Don’t worry. The accommodation is fantastic! A private cabin, a lounge and an excellent café with great food.

Woman: Oh, that part of the trip sounds great. But still… I am not sure. I think the instruction is too short and there’s not enough practice. I am afraid, I won’t feel secure moving through unknown waters.

Mike:I’m sorry, you feel this way, madam. We do our best to avoid risk and always use the best equipment to protect tourists. Besides it’s a rule with us to accompany beginners on their first tours on the river.

Woman: Emm… I think I will have a try.

Mike: I’m sure you won’t be disappointed, madam.

You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds.)

Now you will hear the text again. (Repeat.)

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