I. Vocabulary and grammar tasks. 1. Study the following words and expressions:
1. Study the following words and expressions:
ash - зола, пепел, останки, прах / the soft grey or black powder that is left after a substance, especially tobacco, coal or wood, has burnt:
cigarette ash
buoyant - плавучий; способный держаться на поверхности; бодрый, жизнерадостный / able to keep afloat.; cheerful and optimistic.
topees = topi - тропический шлем / a tropical sun hat
cadaverous - трупный, подобный трупу; бледный как мертвец / esembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony
cheroot - сорт сигар с обрезанными концами / a short thin cigar with both ends cut flat
ruffian - бандит, головорез, негодяй, хулиган / a violent, wild and unpleasant person, usually a man
gasp - затрудненное дыхание, удушье; дышать с трудом, задыхаться; ловить воздух \ to take a short quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain or shock
din - шум, грохот, гудение, гул \ a loud unpleasant confused noise which lasts for a long time
bundle - узел, связка, пачка, вязанка \ a number of things that have been fastened or are held together
lapel - отворот, лацкан (пиджака и т. п.) \ a strip of cloth which is part of the front of a jacket or coat. It is joined to the collar and folded back onto the chest
scoundrel - негодяй, мерзавец, подлец \ a person, especially a man, who treats other people very badly and has no moral principles
prudent - благоразумный, предусмотрительный, разумный, рассудительный; сдержанный, скромный \ avoiding risks and uncertainties; careful
culprit - обвиняемый, подсудимый; преступник; виновный, правонарушитель \ someone who has done something wrong
apt - годный, подходящий; склонный, подверженный \ suitable or right for a particular situation
chink - трещинка, разрез, щель, излом \ a small narrow crack or opening
guttural - гортанный, горловой; задненебный, велярный; гуттуральный звук \ (of speech sounds) produced at the back of the throat and therefore deep
fetid - вонючий, зловонный \ smelling extremely bad and stale
jovial - относящийся к Юпитеру, подобный Юпитеру; величественный; веселый; общительный \ friendly and in a good mood, or (of a situation) enjoyable because of being friendly and pleasant
remorse - угрызение совести; раскаяние; сожаление \ a strong feeling of guilt and regret about something you have done
wry - кривой, перекошенный; неправильный; противоречивый; искаженный \ showing that you find a bad or difficult situation slightly amusing
2. Do the following tasks:
Guess what word has the following definition:
1) Help or support
2) continuing without pause or interruption, never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way
3) a thing of little value or importance
4) a person, especially a man, who treats other people very badly and has no moral principles
5) savagely fierce, cruel, or violent
Fill in the required word:
1. Tanah Merah was for long the busiest …… of the Middle East and its ……. was crowded with shipping when the clipper and the junk still sailed the China seas.
2. He was a great big …….., very hearty, with a loud …… and a …….. laugh, beefy, you know, and a fine athlete.
Give Russian equivalents to the following words:
scrap-heap, god-send, knock-kneed
Give synonyms to the following words:
fuss - возражение, протест, несогласие
neat - четкий, ясный, точный
ghastly - наводящий ужас, жуткий, страшный
fiction - выдумка, домысел, фантазия
vague - неопределенный, неясный, смутный; неуловимый
Give Russian equivalent to the following proverb:
to look for a needle in a bundle of hay
II. Reading Comprehension
1. Answer the following questions:
Where did this story begin? Give the description of the place.
How did the author meet the Cartwrights for the first time?
What impression did they make on him? Describe the Cartwrights family.
What was the real story of the Cartwrights told to the author by Mr.Gaze – the head of the police?
Describe Mrs.Cartwright when she was young. Who was her first husband?
Who was Mr.Cartwright? How did he become a very close friend of the Bronsons family and move to their house?
Describe how Mr.Bronson was murdered. What was his wife’s reaction?
Describe the investigation conducted by inspector Gaze. What evidence did he find one year after the murder near the scene of crime?
Who appeared to be the murderer?
What were the motives of the murderer?