
Many big ports today are containerized, for example, in Britain Tilbury (London) and Southampton can handle containers. The handling of containers has many advantages over conventional cargo.

It takes fewer men to handle containers than to load and unload conventional cargoes because it’s quicker. A hundred men take about three weeks to unload and load a conventional ship, so it takes only fifteen men about four days to unload and load a container ship. Also there is special loading equipment. There are special container carriers in all kinds of transport: road-trailers, special railway wagons, and container ships. There are also containers specially designed to fit in airplanes. At his place of business the exporter packs the goods into a container which is not opened until it arrives at its destination. On the other hand fewer goods are stolen and fewer goods are damaged when they are sent in containers.

A shipping container is a container with strength suitable to withstand shipment, storage, and handling. Shipping containers range from large reusable steel boxes used for intermodal shipments to the ubiquitous corrugated boxes.

Corrugated box:Corrugated boxes are commonly used as shipping containers. They are made of corrugated fiberboard which is light weight, recyclable, and strong enough to ship a variety of products.

Crate: It is a large container, often made of wood, used to transport large, heavy or awkward items. A crate has a self-supporting structure, with or without sheathing.

Drum:Drums are cylindrical shipping containers made of steel, plastic or fiber. They are often used for liquids and granular materials.

Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container (FIBC): It is abig bag, bulk bag, or super sack is a standardized container in large dimensions for storing and transporting and storing granular products. It is often made of a woven synthetic material.

Insulated shipping containers:They are a type of packaging used to ship temperature sensitive products such as foods, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals. They are used as part of a cold chain to help maintain product freshness and efficacy.

Intermediate bulk shipping container, a typical IBC:It is a container used for transport and storage of fluids and bulk materials. The construction may be plastic, composite, steel, stainless steel, etc. Some are foldable (collapsable).

Intermodal freight containers:A spine car with a 20 ft tanktainer and an open-top 20 ft container with canvas cover. Freight containers are a reusable transport and storage unit for moving products and raw materials between locations or countries. There are approximately seventeen million intermodal containers in the world and a large proportion of the world's long distance freight generated by international trade is transported inside shipping containers.

Specialized shipping containers:These are the custom containers used for shipments of products such as weapons and aviation components. Often, these shipping containers are reusable.

Transit and Flight Case:Flight cases and transit cases are usually custom designed for shipping and carrying fragile equipment: audio visual, camera, instruments, etc. Although generally light in construction, they tend to have reinforced edges and corners.

Unit Load Device: ULD is a container used to cargo on commercial aircraft. It allows a large quantity of cargo to be bundled into a single unit. Each ULD has its own packing list, manifest, or tracking identification to improve control and tracking of contents.

6. Give English equivalents for the words and phrases given below:

габариты; жидкость; коммерческий самолет, контейнер в форме цилиндра; лекарственные препараты; международная торговля; нержавеющая сталь; обеспечивать сохранность и свежесть продукта; обеспечивать тарой; перевозка и транзит; погрузить контейнер на судно; прослеживание перемещения товара; специальный погрузочный контейнер; список комплектующихся товаров; тара из гофрированной фибры; упаковывать груз в контейнер; хрупкий груз.

7. Complete the sentence using words and expressions given below:

wooden boxes; an intermediate bulk container (IBC); drums; a ULD; liquids and granular materials; reusable; unemployment; a shipping container; corrugated box; government or military shipments.

1. ………............1 are often used for shipping heavy and dense products.

2. ………………..2 is a container used for transport and storage of fluids and bulk materials.

3. ……………3 are cylindrical shipping containers made of steel, plastic or fiber.

4. ….……….4 can be a pallet or container used to load luggage, freight, and mail on wide-body aircraft and specific narrow-body aircraft.

5. Drums are often used for ………......5.

6. Often, specialized shipping containers are …………..6.

7. When many people have no jobs, this is called ……………....7.

8. ………………8 is a container with strength suitable to withstand shipment, storage, and handling.

9. ………………9 is made of corrugated fiberboard which is light weight, recyclable, and strong enough to ship a variety of products.

10. Wooden box is sometimes specified for shipments of ……………….10.

8. Answer the questions:

1. What are the advantages of shipping goods in containers over conventional cargo?

2. What does shipping container mean?

3. What are the characteristics of containers, boxes, crates and drums? In what way are they different?

4. What container is suitable for carrying nearly all kinds of products?

5. What containers are used for transporting: foods, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals; large and heavy item; raw materials; liquids and granular materials; weapons and aviation components; fluids and bulk materials; audio visual equipment?

9. Translate the sentences using the text “Containerization”:

Существует огромное количество погрузочных машин для различного вида транспорта: дорожный прицеп, специальный железнодорожный вагон, контейнерное судно.

Для погрузки груза в самолет существуют специальные контейнеры.

Специальная техника для погрузки контейнеров довольно дорога, и многие порты до сих пор еще не готовы к владению таким оборудованием.

В мире существует около 17 миллионов интермодальных контейнеров.

Ящик из гофрированной фибры легок на подъем, выдерживает большое количество килограммов, к тому же он пригоден для повторного использования.

Решетчатая клеть – это огромный контейнер, часто сделанный из дерева и используемый для транспортировки громоздких и тяжелых грузов.

Тара обычного образца используется для погрузки оружия и военного арсенала.

Ящики для перевозки и транзита используются для перевозки и погрузки хрупких грузов: фотоаппаратов, инструментов и т.д.; они легки в сборке, и имеют укрепленные края и углы.

При перевозке в контейнерах любой груз может разбиться, также его могут похитить.

Choose the right positive, comparative or superlative forms (See Language Notes):

1. Was it .......... to send containers by sea? a) reliable b) more reliable c) the most reliable.

2. We believe delivering this important paper by plane would be the……..solution. a) good b) best c) better

3. Insulated shipping containers are environmentally……………… for transporting pharmaceuticals and chemicals than intermediate bulk shipping containers. a) safest b) safer c) more safe d) the safest e) the most safest

4. Shipping cargo across the continents and the sea is………… the intermodal freight containers. a) the quickest b) more quicker c) quicker

5. Delivering weapons in the specialized shipping containers is the……………….way. a) more fast b) fastest c) faster d) the most fastest

6. The delivery of audio visual, camera, instruments in the transit and flight case is the………………way. a) preferable b) more preferable c) preferable d) most preferable

7. It is the………….decision to have this consignment shipped through the river this season.

a) bad b) worse c) worst

8. It is ………… send these urgent goods as airfreight. a) suitably b) the most suitable c) more suitable

9. Shipping the consignment by intermodal transport is ……….than transporting only on the roads. a) likeable b) more likeable c) the most likeable

Retell the text “Containerization” according to the plan:

A. The phenomenon of containerization.

B. The main purpose of container-carriers.

C. Intermodal freight container.

D. The difference between corrugated box, wooden box, drum, and bulk box.

E. Insulated shipping container and ULD.

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