D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F).

e) Which similarities have you faced / may occur in the lives of the twins? Read the similarities in the lives of Jim Springer and Jim Lewis from Ohio in the USA. What surprised you most?

D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru

VI. a) Would you like to be brought up in a large or a small family? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these families? Discuss this question in pairs or in groups of three / four.

B) Put the words into the certain gaps in the text.

a) older sisters; b) disadvantages; c) a nun; d) four girls; e) married; f) hand-me-down clothes; g) four generations; h) ninety-three; i) relationship; j) a big family reunion; k) get on; l) big sister; m) ‘the others’; n) advantage.

c) D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru Listen and check your answers:


I – Interviewer, L – Louisa

L I’m the youngest of seven children. My oldest sister is still alive, age 1) …, and there are sixteen years between us. There were 2) …, two boys, and then me.

I Seven children! Wow! How did you 3) …together?

L Amazingly well. Being the youngest, my two brothers and I called our sisters 4) …, because they were either 5) … or working by the time we were born. But the seven of us all got along very well. But it’s different now, of course.

IReally? How?

L Well, when we were small, my 6) … often took care of us. Now my brothers and I are busy taking care of them.

I Tell me about your 7) …Julia. How has your relationship with her changed over the years?

L Julia was the sister who used to … on her holidays… used to take me for walks and so on. But then she became 8) … and went to Africa for twenty-three years. We wrote to one another and I was still her little sister. When she came back, it was shortly after my husband died we became very close and our whole 9) … changed and we became great friends.

I What do you see as the main 10) … and disadvantage of coming from such a large family?

L Hmm. I think it was very difficult sometimes to have 11) … , especially for a little girl like me. And I was sad that we didn’t go away on holiday like some other children. But the advantages overweighed 12) … enormously, there’s no doubt about that.

I Six out of the seven of you are still alive. How closely have you kept in touch over the years?

L Very closely. Of course we still phone each other all the time and see each other whenever we can. And we have 13) … every year. My granddaughter’s just had twins. That means we’ll have 14) … there this year. How marvelous!


D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru Start-up

I. Tongue twisters to be remembered:



c) D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru Listen:

d) Give appropriate translation to the proverbs and remember them:

  D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru

e)* Make up a small proverbs-based dialogue.

II. D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru a) Write down the time and dates you hear.

B) Listen to the conversations. Write down the numbers you hear.


III. D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru a) Practice the conversations with your partner on the situations given:

D) Ask five types of questions to the paragraphs (A-F). - student2.ru

IV. a) Read, memorize the conversation and practice it with a partner (column A):

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