Hygrometer Documents in Order

We are much obliged for your letter of 17th May, … and apologize for not having replied any sooner.

We are sorry for the inconvenience we caused you with our letter of 10th May … . However, we simply passed on the news we had received from the customers and their bankers. On receipt of your above letter we ascertained that actually a clerk of the bank mistook the Advice of Despatch for the shipping documents14.

In any case the actual shipping documents were duly received in the meantime and customers paid the value of the order to their bankers. Furthermore they took delivery of the Hygrometer yesterday. We visited them to hand over the translation of the operation manual15, and helped them to start work with the instrument.

The directions for measuring the moisture contents of bobbins are very clear16. Unfortunately, however, we are not sure of the correct measuring process when the gauge bobbins is to be used, the material being wool17. Would you, please, send us the necessary technical advice?

We should be glad to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully.

Carrier requesting agent to issue and sign on his behalf amended Bills of Lading.

Dear Sirs.

Re: m.v. Pioner Vyborga, Sailed from18 St. Petersburg Oct. 12, …

Please issue and sign on our behalf19 B/Ls with the following amendments20:

B/L VGA 301

The total number of cars shipped should be 303 unpackages21 instead of 340; VAZ-2108 – should be 80 unpackages 80 000 kgs (instead of 90); VAZ-2109 – should be 43 unpackages, 43 000 kgs (instead of 70).

B/L EC 309

The total number of empty containers22 shipped per this B/L should be 83.

B/L C 315

Please introduce the following corrections into Container Nos and Seals23: SZDV3458049, Seal No: B-89364

MMMV8960022, Seal No: B-89365

MMMV3141492, Seal No: VAZ-216

Many thanks in advance and best regards.

Faithfully yours.

Foreign port authority advising Russian carrier about new requirements in shipping documents.

For the Attention of

The BSC Commercial Director,

Manager of the Cargo Documentation Department24,

Manager of the B/L Department

of the St. Petersburg Port.

Dear Sirs.

Re: New Regulations Concerning Documents for the Port of Brazil

In line with the new port legislation25 which is being introduced now in Brazil and is going to come into force beginning with September 1 … , we would like to inform you of the following new rules26 concerning cargo documentation of all ships calling in the ports27 of Brazil.

The B/L Numeration.

The numbers of all B/Ls should now consist of five digits28, the first digit showing the type of cargo, i.e. 50000 – autotechnique, 30000 – normal cargo in containers, 70000 – consolidated cargo in containers29, 20000 – dangerous cargo, in containers or otherwise30.

The numeration of the B/Ls should not necessarily be through31 from the first to the last B/L for the same port. This is the matter to be decided by yourselves, and you may well continue the old practice of introducing the new count of B/Ls for each type of cargo32, e.g. 50001, 50002, etc., then 30001, 30002, etc. This will not hamper33 the work of the new National Computer Cargo System which is being introduced in all ports of Brazil. However, it would be convenient for us and indeed speed up the handling of the vessels34, if you would have the Reference Numbers which do not repeat themselves. Some instances of this (although rarely) have occurred in the past, and we would be much obliged if you would take up this question with35 that department which gives numbers to the Shippers’ notes and settle the matter with them. We believe that this is to your convenience as well.

Ship’s Mail.

With the introduction of the computer system mentioned above, we are now able to reduce considerably the number of documents required in the ship’s mail. The set of documents required36 now is the following:

- to the Agents: 5 copies of the B/L, 3 copies of the Cargo Manifest, 2 copies of the Freight Manifest, 2 copies of the Dangerous Cargo Manifest37;

- to the Consignees: 1 copy of the B/L, 2 copies of the Cargo Manifest, 2 copies of the freight manifest;

- to the Port Authoriries38 in Brazil: 1 copy of the Cargo Manifest, and 1 copy of the Dangerous Cargo Manifest;

- to the Customs in Brazil: 1 copy of the Cargo Manifest only.

We believe that these changes in the regulations concerning documents will be duly noted by you and will serve to facilitate the handling of your vessels and cargoes in our ports.

Faithfully yours.

The national Association of the Ports of Brazil.

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