To scientific prose as a genre

To analyze, to consider, to compare, to increase, to involve, to result in, to result from, to turn/switch on/off, progress...

General science terminology is neutral, words have almost equal synonyms.

To grow - to unfold (movement), to develop/ripen/mature (new function), arise/evolve/give rise to (focus on beginning).

This layer comprises basic terms commonly used in all branches of science.

Space, matter, shape, change, measurement, motion, constitution.

Scientific terms

A term is in many respects a very peculiar type of word. Being mostly independent of the context, a term has a denotation meaning. A term is a definitional word, i.e. it is not only directly connected with a scientific definition, but also displays a relationship of one-to-one correspondence with it. No emotional coloring is possible when the same term can have different meanings within different sciences.

Power: энергия, мощность, степен;

Plug: клапан, штепсель, пробка, свеча;

Pillow: подшипник, подкладка, опорная плита;

Trigger: пусковая схема, сигнал, защелка, собачка, курок, детонатор.

Simple terms

(IT) browser, mode, query, timing, statement, application, notation, tracking, utility;

(EM) inverter, amplifier, armature, voltage, torque, gain.

Compound terms

Due to their compressed character compound terms (e.g. attributive constructions of the type "noun+noun") steadily gain grounds (left-hand attributes):

(IT) feedback, polyline, spreadsheet, blockout, walkthrough, to streamline, benchmark, firewall;

(EM) thermocouple, switchboard, bus-duct, airgap, short-circuit.

Terminological word combinations or term collocations

They consist of a key word, which usually stands at the end of the group, and several elements (nouns, adjectives, participles, gerunds) modifying the key word. When translating them, you should single out the key word and consider all the semantic relations of the words involved.

Automobile repair plant construction project.

To scientific prose as a genre -

(IT) fuzzy logic, heuristic search, pull-down menu, non-volatile memory, bitmapped font.

(EM)automatic latching/locking, electrically operated drive, safety valve, various rated voltage levels, isolation leakage current..

Terms building and translation


Фристайл, бодибилдинг, сноуборд; ноутбук, файл, апгрейдинг, интерфейс; бренд, офис-менеджер, консалтинг, промоушн; кастинг, продюсер, саунд-трек; фаст фуд, биг мак, чизбургер.

Лессэ-фэр (свободная конкуренция; фр.laissez faire), автобан (нем. Autobahn); гастарбайтер (нем. Gastarbeiter).

Please, pay attention that English for “митинг” is “rally” not “meeting” and “скотч” is “tape or виски” not “scotch”.


Science-fiction, position oneself (“позиционировать себя” вместо “заявить о себе”), see you later (“увидимся позже вместо “до встречи”), active matrix.


Airlock (air+lock– воздушная разделительная камера),

stall-proof (stall + proof – несклонный к срыву потока), quink (quick drying ink – быстро сохнущие чернила), propfan (propeller + fan – винтовентиляторный газотурбинный двигатель).


Predesign – эскизный проект, nonexpendable – многократное применение, misfire – незапуск двигателя, subassembly – узел агрегата, combustor – устройство сжигания топлива, inaccessible – не имеющий доступa.

Extension of meaning

Stiff leg (несгибающаяся нога) – жёсткая опора (крана); elephant trunk (хобот слона) – всасывающий шланг; camel back (верблюжий горб) – опрокидыватель скипа (горное дело).

Functional and semantic shift

Web, mouse (мышь от персонального компьютера), shuttle trader ( челнок - мелкий предприниматель) .


Motor – двигатель, to motor – работать в двигательном режиме; generator – генератор, to generator – работать в генераторном режиме, layout –расположение, размещение, to lay out – размещать.


Пиар (abbreviation + borrowing) – PR, cидишник (abbreviation + slang) – CD-player, know how (conversion + agglutination) – технология производства


Shoe (ботинок, туфля) – кулисный камень, концевая муфта кабеля (эл.), режущий башмак опускной крепи (гор), грохот ; аrm (рука) – рычаг, кронштейн, стрела крана, рукав (мор); loop (петля) – рамочная антенна; speed (скорость) – путь, пройденный за единицу времени.



Sprayer, grader, holography,

Descriptive translation

Semi-floating piston ring, drying oil; swirler, single-time-lag servo, pressure oil gun..


Single-row engine, high-voltage switch, low-noise engine, single-arm semaphore.

Does a term lose its terminological status when it comes into common usage? (e.g. Formerly these words meant: (med.) unit – доза, theatre – операционная, contact – носитель инфекции).

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