Section 10. Correspondence relating to





¨ What problems can arise out of sales contracts in connection with transportation?

¨ What role does packing play when goods are transported under contracts?

¨ In what ways does dispatch of goods is stipulated in sales contracts?

¨ What kind of instructions is sent before shipment?


LETTER 1 (Awaiting shipping instructions)

October 19, 20…

Dear Mr. Hastings,

Contract No.865

We would like to inform you that Units 67-89 deliverable against Contract No.865 are ready for dispatch. You underlined in your letter dt Oct 12 that prompt delivery is essential. In our turn we are glad to say that by making a special effort we have managed to improve by a few days on the delivery date stated on the schedule.

We await your instructions on shipment and the moment we hear from you we will forward you our advice of shipment.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Sincerely yours,

Benedict Hayes

Logistics Manager

LETTER 2 (Particulars of packing)

December 16, 20...

Dear Ms.Rowan,

Our clients Gregg & Sons, Ltd. asked us to inform you of packing we usually provide for them as their forwarders.

We will do our utmost to pack the equipment securely and properly so that it could withstand both overseas and overland transport as well as transshipment. Our company will be held responsible for all losses and/or damage to the equipment owing to inadequate or unsuitable packing or greasing the parts that are liable to rust.

All cases should have marks showing the two parts of the case under which the slings may be inserted in order to keep balance in lifting. A detailed packing list is to be inserted in each case.

If you have any observations we will be glad to introduce further improvements. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Edward Craig

Managing Director

LETTER 3 (Advice of readiness for shipment)

December 2, 20…

Dear Mr. Osborn

Contract No.234

We are glad to advise you that our sub-contractors supplied the components required against Contract No. 234 ahead of schedule. We have already packed the assembled products and the consignment awaits collection at our warehouse.

Arrangements for shipment, cif Stockholm, have been made with Messrs. Granny & Brent Ltd. acting on our behalf as our forwarding agents. As soon as we receive a statement of charges from them, we will arrange for shipping documents to be sent to you through Barclays Bank against our draft for acceptance, as agreed. Hope to hear from you soon. We remain,

Sincerely yours,

Edwin Beverley

Logistics Department

LETTER 4 (Nominating a vessel)

January 4, 20…

Dear Mr. Appleton,

Contract No. 87585/76 dt Nov.23, 20...

Referring to our letter dt December 8, 20… we would like to remind you that we experienced difficulties in securing tonnage for sea carriage of the cargo against the above contract. In December we failed to find the appropriate tanker with the required position for late January – early February, 20… (ETA – March 1-5).

We are glad to inform you that we have finally placed the tanker Liverpool against the above contract to lift the balance of Fuel Oil at Hamburg on January 29-February 5, 20… .

As nothing can hamper now the execution of the contract, we will ship the remaining cargo as scheduled.

We remain,

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Isham


LETTER 5 (Amending the shipping programme)

February 6, 20…

Dear Mr. Isham,

Contract No. 87585/76 dt Nov.23, 20...

We thank you for your letter (reference TM No.34) of January 4, 20… . We are complelled to inform you that we cannot accept the cargo to be dispatched by the tanker Liverpool with position for February owing to storage congestion at our refinery.

We would be obliged to you if you could nominate another tanker with position for March, amending the shipping programme accordingly. We would appreciate your agreeing to our non-compliance with the original delivery estimates.

We will extend the LC upon your confirmation of the amendments accordingly.

Please acknowledge receipt as soon as possible

Yours faithfully,

Erick Appleton

LETTER 6 (Delay in delivery)

September 12, 20..

Dear Mr. Sanford

Contract No. 6436

We regret to inform you that the goods shipped by you on August 23, 20… have not reached our client so far. The lot was collected by your carrier as scheduled. We hold your carrier’s receipt no. 0295.

As our clients are in need of the above goods, we would ask us to clear up the cause of the delay which is now 5 days. We would appreciate your stating the revised date of delivery.

Please treat this matter as one of extreme urgency. Awaiting your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Rolf Preston


1. In our turn… В свою очередь...
2. ...the moment we hear from you we will forward you... ...как только мы получим от Вас известия, мы направим Вам...
3. Our company will be held responsible for... Наша компания несет ответственность за ...
4. If you have any observations we will be glad to introduce further improvements. Если у Вас есть какие-либо замечания, мы будем рады внести дальнейшие усовершенствования.
5. Please treat this matter as one of extreme urgency. Просим рассматривать этот вопрос как чрезвычайно важный.




Card 1. Вы закупили большую партию фарфора (china-ware), которую поставляют Вам Ваши экспедиторы. Вы встретились с представителем экспедиторской компании, чтобы обсудить подробности транспортировки, упаковки и маркировки. Вы проявляете заинтересованность, поскольку Ваша компания до этого не торговала фарфором, продавая только керамику (pottery; ceramics). Вас интересует специфика транспортировки этого вида товаров.

Card 2. Вы представляете экспедиторскую компанию, которая давно работает с фирмой, торгующей керамикой. Однако Ваши клиенты заключили контракт на поставку фарфора и теперь хотят знать, в какой упаковке и с какой маркировкой Вы будете осуществлять транспортировку фарфора. Клиентов интересуют подробности (крепкие двойные ящики, которые выдержат перевозку морем; набивочный материалы (padding material), которые позволяет избежать повреждений в пути; маркировка такая же, как при перевозке керамики)



¨ What problems can an exporter encounter when executing sales contracts?

¨ What can be done if there is a delay in payment?

¨ Can delays in payment be avoided?

¨ Can delays in delivery be avoided?

¨ What errors can occur when goods are invoiced?

¨ In what ways are problems connected with non-execution of contractual obligations settled?

¨ What style is preferable when writing a letter describing the circumstances preventing you from timely execution of your contractual obligations?

¨ In what style should a reply be given?


LETTER 1 (Modified guarantee period)

November 10, 20...

Dear Ms. Earle,

We have received your letter dated November 1, 20… for which we thank you. We are taken by surprise to learn that you mistakenly believe that our guarantee period is 24 months.

We have to remind you that the guarantee period of our equipment is 18 months. We guarantee that the equipment is free from defects in material, design and workmanship and it conforms to our highest standards. No other guarantees are implied.

Should the equipment prove to be defective during the guarantee period we undertake to replace or repair any defective part free of charge within the period of 2 calendar months of the date of shipment provided that the defective part or parts have been returned to our plant, carriage paid. The guarantee shall not apply to damage due to negligence or improper handling on the part of the Buyer or to any other causes outside our control.

We hope the information provided won’t fail you. Please, acknowledge receipt.

Sincerely yours,

Luis Brogan

Sales Director

LETTER 2 (Asking for replacements)

November 14, 20…

Dear Mr. Douglas

Our forwarding agents informed us yesterday that two out of the twelve cases of stationary dispatched on November 9 were delivered damaged on the outside. They look as if some dark liquid has soaked into paper and stained most of the goods. Our agents opened the cases and found that all note-books were damaged so we cannot offer them for sale.

Will you therefore please arrange to send replacements without delay and charge them to our account? We realize that the responsibility for the damage is not with you and we have already taken up the matter with the carrier.

Sincerely yours,

Alfred Addison

LETTER 3 (Covering letter accompanying an invoice)

March 4, 20…

Dear Sirs

We enclose our invoice number 125 for computer accessories supplied against Contract no. 1051. The goods were dispatched in 10 crates (nos. 67-76) to your address by rail, carriage paid. We hope the consignment will reach you in good condition.

If you settle the account within three months, we will grant you a special cash account of 2½% off the amount due.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Paula Parker

Accounts Department

LETTER 4 (Informing of errors in invoice)

February 5, 20…

Dear Mr. Thornton

We have received your statement for kitchen utensils dated January, 20… . On checking it we notice the following errors:

1) The sum of ?180.00 for the return of the plastic cases covered by your credit note no. 432 dt January 12, 20… has not been entered.

2) Invoice no. 54-45 for ? 12,500 has been debited twice: once on January 4, 20… and again on January 15, 20… .

After making all appropriate corrections we enclose our cheque for ? 35,000 in full settlement. Please, acknowledge receipt.

Sincerely yours

Malcolm Lynn

LETTER 5 (Delay in submitting technical documentation)

July 21, 20…

Dear Ms. Lyman

We have received your formal notice of claim where it is stipulated that we have infringed the provision of Contract no. 23529 as regards the time of submission of the technical documentation.

We have carefully examined your claim and we insist that the delay in submitting the documentation occurred through no fault of ours. We were to submit the technical documentation within one month of delivery of the equipment. But we would like to remind you that Para 5 of the above contract provides for the documentation to be handed in only after you open LOC before June 12; actually it was opened only on July 15, i.e. over a month overdue.

Thus, we have to state that you have made a breach in respect of terms of payment, which in its turn has caused the delay in submitting the technical documentation and consequently you can hardly hold us responsible and make a claim on us for the damages suffered.

We hope this letter will settle it all right and will not bring us to a misunderstanding.

Truly yours

Grig Elwyn


1. … due to any other causes outside our control... ... по любым причинам, не зависящим от нас...
2. We hope the information provided won’t fail you. Надеемся, что предоставленная информация удовлетворит Вас.
3. We cannot offer sth for sale... Мы не можем предложить что-либо к продаже...
4. We hope the consignment will reach you in good condition. Мы надеемся, что партия товаров прибудет к Вам в хорошем состоянии.
5. We hope this letter will settle it all right and will not bring us to a misunderstanding. Мы надеемся это письмо уладит проблему и не приведет к возникновению недоразумения между нами.




Card 1. Вы получили счет-фактуру от компании «Андерсен энд Кампани» на товары по контракту № 556. Вы обнаружили две ошибки (см. LETTER 4). Вы направили письмо, а затем позвонили в «Андерсен энд Кампани», уточнить, получили ли они Ваше письмо.

Card 2. Вы – представитель «Андерсен энд Кампани». Вы получили письмо от Ваших партнеров (см. LETTER 4), где они отметили, что в Вашей фактуре были допущены ошибки. Вам звонит представитель компании узнать, получили ли Вы письмо и что Вы намерены делать.


Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space:

1. You underlined in your letter dt Oct 12 that _____ delivery is essential.

2. We will do our utmost to pack the equipment securely and properly so that it could _____ both overseas and overland transport as well as _____.

3. We would appreciate your agreeing to our non-compliance _____ the original delivery _____.

4. We have carefully examined your claim and we insist that the delay _____ submitting the documentation occurred through no _____ of ours.

5. The lot was collected by your carrier as _____.

6. The guarantee shall not apply to damage due to _____ or improper handling on the part of the Buyer or to any other causes outside our control.

7. Referring _____ our letter dt December 8, 20… we would like to remind you that we _____ difficulties in _____ tonnage for sea carriage of the cargo against the above contract.

8. We realize that the responsibility _____ the damage is not with you and we have already taken _____ the matter with the carrier.

9. We have already packed the assembled products and the consignment awaits _____ at our warehouse.

10. We will _____ the LC upon your confirmation of the amendments accordingly.

11. We would be obliged to you if you could _____ another tanker with position for March, amending the shipping programme _____.

12. Arrangements for shipment, cif Stockholm, have been made with Messrs. Granny & Brent Ltd. acting _____ our behalf as our _____ agents.

13. The goods were dispatched in 10 crates (nos. 67-76) to your address by rail, _____ paid.

14. We guarantee that the equipment is free _____ defects in material, design and _____ and it conforms _____ our highest standards.

15. After making all appropriate corrections we enclose our cheque _____ ?35,000 in full _____.

16. If you have any _____ we will be glad to introduce further improvements.

17. Please treat this matter as one of extreme _____.

18. We hope the consignment will _____ you in good condition.


¨ What can cause dissatisfaction with goods delivered under sales contracts?

¨ What kinds of claims are widely spread?

¨ Who usually initiates claims? Why?

¨ In what way can Buyers satisfy their claims for damages?

¨ What are the parties to claims and complaints?

¨ Who can act as an umpire in settling claims?


LETTER 1(Claim for inferiority to sample)

April 23, 20...

Export Division

Inter Coffee, Inc.

1677 Sea Harbor Drive

Orlando, Florida 35509



Contract No 345

We have examined the consignment of Coffee shipped by m/v Victoria against Contract no. 345 and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract we find that the Goods are inferior to the sample on the basis of which the contract was concluded.

After a thorough examination of the Coffee we have to make the following claim on you. We believe that 5,000 bags of Coffee shipped by m/v Victoria sold to us as Santos Coffee New York Type No.2 contain excessive quantity of unripe[1], shelly[2], broken, weevily[3] and defective beans and correspond to Santos Coffee New York Type No. 3/4.

We are therefore claiming from you the amount of $ 7,200 being the price divergence between Santos New York Type 2 and Santos New York Type 3/4 of $36.20 per 50 kilos on 5,000 bags weighing 300 metric tonnes.

Please inform us if you agree to grant us this allowance.

Yours sincerely

Susan Kohen

Managing Director

LETTER 2 (Reply to Claim)

April 10, 20...

Ms Susan Kohen

Welsh Trading Company, Ltd

56 West Road



Dear Sirs

Contract No 345

We acknowledge receipt of the letter of April 8, 20... claiming an allowance of 1.20 dollars per kilo on 5,000 bags of Coffee shipped by m/v Victoria.

We have carefully examined the samples from this consignment and offer you, without prejudice, an allowance of 75 US cents per 50 kilos in full settlement of your claim.

Failing your acceptance of this offer, the claim will be submitted to arbitration.

Yours sincerely

George Wollen

Sales Manager

LETTER 3 (Claim for missing goods)

May 15, 20...

Kitchen-Ware Supplies, Ltd.

Cotton Road


England EX4 9DT

Dear Sirs

Order No 153

We refer to our order (No 153) for China-Ware. Our agent took delivery of the consignment in accordance with the instructions contained in your advice of despatch.

Unfortunately, only 1800 cups were despatched. The 2000 saucers, packed separately according to our instructions, arrived in good order and condition. However, they are not much use to us without the missing 200 cups.

There is a clear discrepancy between the packing lists which arrived and your invoice. Whether there has been pilferage or not is a matter for the Lloyd’s agent, who is investigating the matter at the moment.

We must ask you to arrange for the despatch of replacements for the missing cups at once, as we must meet the delivery time agreed upon with our own customers.

Yours sincerely

Robert Leclerc

LETTER 4 (Reply to Claim)

May 16, 20...

Mr Lecrerc

Lournier, SA

Rue de Rivoli


Dear Sirs

Order No 153

We have received your letter of September 4, 20... concerning the above-mentioned order. We regret that you did not receive the whole consignment of China Ware.

Our Forwarding Agents have informed us that the crates (Nos. 15-17) were left behind at the warehouse of the Port of London. They are arranging for the despatch of the three crates short-shipped on board the m/v Catherine which is to arrive in Marseilles on May 18, 20... .

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this short-shipment which was due to circumstances beyond our control. We will contact our Forwarding Agents and the port authorities to prevent delays occurring in this way in future.

Yours sincerely

Michael Brown

Managing Director


1. Failing your acceptance of this offer, the claim will be submitted to arbitration. Если Вы не примете наше предложение, претензия будет передана в арбитраж.
2. We must ask you to arrange for the despatch of replacements for the missing cups at once. Мы вынуждены просить Вас организовать отправку замены недостающих чашек немедленно.




Roleplay 1

Card 1. Вы получили товар в поврежденном состоянии и требуете от продавцов скидки в 7 % от стоимости товара в качестве компенсации ущерба; в противном случае Вы намерены передать дело в арбитраж.

Card 2. Скидка в 7 %, которую требуют покупатели за повреждение товара, кажется Вам слишком высокой. Вы считаете эту скидку завышенной и согласны на 5-процентную скидку, являющуюся вполне достаточной компенсацией.

Roleplay 2

Card 1. После осмотра полученного товара Вы пришли к выводу, что товар не соответствует спецификации, данной в контракте. В качестве компенсации Вы требуете уплатить сумму в 5000 долларов.

Card 2. Вы не считаете возможным выполнить требование покупателя об уплате компенсации, поскольку анализ, произведенный Вашей лабораторией, показал, что товар полностью соответствует спецификации, изложенной в контракте.


¨ Comment on the following text:

Претензии составляются для того, чтобы сообщить деловому партнеру о проблемах и предложить возможные способы их разрешения. Не зависимо от того, насколько серьезные неудобства причиняют Вам возникшие проблемы и насколько Вы раздосадованы ими, целью претензии является не выражение Вашего неудовольствия, а достижение желаемого результата.

Следовательно, очень важно не допустить враждебного или слишком требовательного тона - язык претензии должен быть спокойным и вежливым и, в то же время, твердым.

Претензия должна начинаться с фактов. Сначала нужно изложить возникшую проблему с перечислением всех фактов и подробностей. По возможности, нужно приложить копии подтверждающих документов, например, счета-фактуры или какого-либо другого документа.

Во второй части претензии указываются понесенные убытки или неудобства, которые возникли по вине делового партнера.

И наконец, в третьей части вы предлагаете разумный способ урегулирования претензии.


LETTER 1 (Letter of Complaint)

October 23, 20…

Sales Dept

English Trading Company, Ltd

43 East Road


England EX4 9DT

Dear Sirs

Our Order No. 1275 was received yesterday, and we have now examined the contents of the cases against your enclosed lists and invoices.

Although we are perfectly satisfied with the bulk of this large consignment, we find the under-mentioned items unsatisfactory:

Item 15a, Item 23b, Item 27a, Item 36 b.

We can sell the shirts at 15% below the list-price if you agree. The other goods are really unsaleable, and we await your instructions regarding their disposal.

Yours faithfully

John Bending


LETTER 2 (Complaint about inferior quality)

January 20, 20...

Mr Robert Winston

Export Division

The Manchester Engineering Co, LTD



Dear Sirs

We regret to inform you that the machine-tool delivered a fortnight ago under Order No.1478 does not conform to the specification in many respects. First of all, the efficiency is much lower than that stipulated in the contract and there are a number of defects in workmanship and design. Apart from this the finish must be a lot better.

We must say that the delivery of so inferior a machine-tool has caused us great surprise. We have been doing business with you in machine-tools and other products for many years and have never had any trouble. We therefore agreed to release the machine-tool for shipment without inspection at your works.

If the defects were few, we would eliminate them ourselves charging the expenses involved to your account. But in this particular case we have to ask you to replace the machine-tool by a new one fully conforming to the specification of the contract.

Yours faithfully

Jun Mizuno

Managing Director

LETTER 3 (Complaint about late delivery)

March 28, 20...

Mr Richard Scott

ABC Trading Corp

1911 N Formosa Avenue

Los Angeles

California USA


Order No.1422

Delivery under our order no. 1422, given to you September 14, was promised two days ago. It has not yet arrived. These goods were ordered for the pre-holiday sales period now in full swing. Every day’s delay means loss and inconvenience for us.

If this shipment is en route, please telephone us and we will see what we can do at this end to expedite delivery to our premises. If the order has not been shipped, we will expect you to ship in rush. If the order has been held up because you are unable to ship certain items immediately, please telephone us and we will instruct you as to what items we need immediately, and what items we can wait for, and what items we may have to cancel.

In any event we shall expect a call from you on Monday. If you do not get in touch with us before the end of the day on Monday, please cancel the entire order. We shall have to call in goods available at the local wholesalers.

Yours sincerely

William Brown

Divisional Director

LETTER 4 (Letter of complaint)

May 14, 20...

Sales Dept

Textiles Co

28 Hogden Rd

Orlando, Florida 35509



On May 29, I ordered fifty dozen of your Perfection Model men’s shirts in assorted sizes. We intended these for a one-day special sale in our series of June sales. In acknowledging this order you assured us of delivery in ample time to conduct the sale, which we scheduled for June 23. Relying on your assurance we had leaflet stuffers and display cards printed and sent out in a large neighborhood mailing.

We did not receive the goods until June 25, two days after the advertised sale. You can imagine our distress and the inconvenience and confusion caused by the delay. We had to throw almost our entire regular shirt stock on the sales counters, regardless of costs; we had to hold our help overtime and call in extra help to get the goods ready and properly displayed.

Now we do not expect you to meet intangible losses such as several nights’ sleep and lost good will on the part of customers who couldn’t get the sizes they required. Nor do we insist that it is your fault, the trucking service you use may be at fault; in which case you can demand satisfaction from them. Up to now we have had the right goods at the right time on every order we placed with you; so we are giving you all the benefit of the doubt.

However, we expect you to make good the tangible losses we suffered. We can replace a good deal of the stock we had to put on sale, from the order as finally received. But other replacements will represent a considerable loss. Our book-keeping calculations show that an 18% discount from your bill will cover our actual loss, and we propose this as the adjustment. We feel sure you will agree this is a fair settlement, and shall appreciate your sending us a credit for $ 10,000.

Looking forward to your reply, we remain,

Sincerely yours,

George Wollen


LETTER 5 (Complaint about misunderstanding on credit terms)

February 7, 20...

Ms M Russel

Ashworth Bookshops Ltd

234 Hogden Rd

Bristol BS& 9XS

Dear Sirs

I am sure that when your representative reported back on his call on me he informed you that I was to get ninety days’ term on the orders I placed with your organization. Your credit investigation, which you informed me was entirely satisfactory, was undertaken after I made it clear that I wish to do business on those terms. My first order, numbered 1341 and dated October 2, specified ninety day terms.

Therefore I cannot understand your letter of December 12, which I take to be the first of your series in cases of deferred payment on orders taken on thirty days’ credit terms.

Please straighten this out at once with your credit department. We take pride in our credit standing and it is a distinct annoyance to get dunning letters two months before bills are due, according to the terms of our agreement.

Sincerely yours

Nigel Black



1. We await your instructions regarding … Мы ожидаем Ваших инструкций по ...
2. Every day’s delay means loss and inconvenience for us. Каждый день приносит нам убытки и неудобство.
3. Please straighten this out at once with your credit department. Пожалуйста, незамедлительно решите этот вопрос с Вашим кредитным отделом.
4. You can imagine our distress and the inconvenience and confusion caused by the delay. Вы можете представить наше разочарование, а также неудобство и замешательство, вызванные этой задержкой.



A.У нас возникли непредвиденные осложнения. Скорее всего, мы не сможем выдержать срок поставки, оговоренный в контракте, как бы нам ни хотелось этого.

В.What has happened? We are reluctant to use the penalty clause since we have been doing business with your company for many years and we wouldn’t like to ruin our good relationship.

А.Наши поставщики по недосмотру не доставили нам комплектующие (parts), хотя мы направляли им срочный заказ. Теперь мы не успеем произвести сборку оборудования к сроку.

В.I see. But I am sure that there must be some way out. Perhaps it will be less costly to pay double time for overwork than to pay the penalty.

А.Мне понятна ваша идея. Я попрошу наших экспертов сделать все необходимые расчеты и сообщу вам наши выводы через несколько дней. Думаю, что нам удастся избежать уплаты неустойки.

B.I hope that you will be able to cope with all the difficulties and deliver the goods on time.


А. Мы вынуждены заявить вам, что товар не соответствует образцу, на основании которого был заключен контракт. Качество пшеницы очень низкое, и она не может быть использована в намеченных целях.

В. We are surprised to hear that as our wheat Grade A has always been of high quality and we have never received any complaints concerning its quality.

A.Вы упомянули Сорт А, а мы же получили Сорт Б, качество которого намного ниже. Похоже, что произошло недоразумение и по вашей вине. Что же вы намерены предпринять?

В.We will replace the faulty wheat by Grade A at our expense within the shortest possible period of time. I ask you to accept my apologies for the inconvenience you have been caused.

А.Хорошо. Но сделайте все возможное, чтобы отгрузить товар как можно скорее, так как эта пшеница нужна нам для новой смеси (mixture) муки, которую мы намерены выпустить на новые рынки, осваемые нами в данный момент.

В.By all means. We will do our best to deliver the first cargo already in a week. I do not see any problems. We have enough shipping space available just now and wheat Grade A is kept in stock at the moment.

A.Я ценю ваше стремление пойти нам навстречу.



Roleplay 1

Card 1. Вы заказали коллекцию летней одежды заблаговременно до начала летнего сезона. Однако товар не поступил. Вы звоните продавцу и выясняете причины задержки в поставке заказа.

Card 2. Вы готовы поставить заказ в целом, однако, некоторые позиции в настоящее время отсутствуют. Вас интересует, можете ли поставить только имеющиеся в наличии позиции, или же Вам следует искать отсутствующий товар.

Roleplay 2

Card 1. Вы считаете, что товар, полученный по заказу № 5, не соответствует спецификации. Обнаружены дефекты в конструкции и качестве изготовления. Вы намерены сами устранить дефекты и считаете, что скидка в 15% - вполне достаточная компенсация ваших расходов.

Card 2. Вы готовы предоставить скидку, однако, по расчетам Вашей бухгалтерии, скидка должна быть не больше 13%.


Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space:

1. We find that the Goods are inferior _____ the sample on the basis of which the contract was concluded.

2. They are arranging for the despatch of the three crates _____ on board the m/v Catherine which is to arrive _____ Marseilles on May 18, 20... .

3. But in this particular case we have to ask you to replace the machine-tool _____ a new one fully _____ to the specification of the contract.

4. If this shipment is en route, please telephone us and we will see what we can do at this end to _____ delivery to our premises.

5. We have carefully examined the samples from this _____ and offer you, _____ prejudice, an allowance of 75 US cents per 50 kilos in full settlement of your _____.

6. Whether there has been _____ or not is a matter for the Lloyd’s agent, who is investigating the matter at the moment.

7. In acknowledging this order you assured us of delivery in ample time to conduct the sale, which we _____ for June 23.

8. Our Order No. 1275 was received yesterday, and we have now examined the _____ of the cases against your enclosed lists and invoices.

9. Failing your acceptance of this offer, the claim will be _____ to arbitration.

10. We are therefore _____ from you the amount of $7,200 being the price divergence _____ Grade A and Grade B.

11. These goods were ordered for the pre-holiday sales period which is now in full _____.

12. There is a clear _____ between the packing lists which arrived and your invoice.

13. The other goods are really unsaleable, and we await your instructions regarding their _____.

14. You can imagine our _____ and the inconvenience and confusion caused by the delay.

[1] unripe - незрелый

[2] shelly - в оболочке, неочищенный от оболочки

[3] weevily - изъеденный жучками



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