VI. Translate the following sentences without dictionary paying attention to underlined words.

1. a) An aircraft with engine trouble must land, b) We didn't get to town until late at night because there was serious engine trouble in our car. c) Cars with troubles of this sort are easily repaired at every service station, d) Stoppage of fuel supply caused serious trouble in the engine.

2. a) The bombers were quickly converted for use by passengers by fitting extra seats and windows, b) Have you got an extra ticket? c) On Sundays they run an extra train, d) People who work and study get extra leave during examination time.

3. a) After World War II, bigger and faster airliners were introduced.

b) If you can get a ticket for the fast train, you'll get there in time.

c) Which of you runs faster? d) The plane is the fastest means of tran­sport.

4. a) Helicopters gain in needing very little space for taking-off and landing, b) Comrade Petrov gained a lot from his trip to the north of our country, c) By reading this journal you'll gain a lot of important information on the research going on in this field.

5. a) Air transport cannot be relied upon for regular services in places or seasons with low clouds and mist, b) The temperature is very low today, you should put on warm clothes, c) Low hills were covered with green grass and flowers, d) The picture hangs too low, move it up a little.

VII. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the conjunctions of Conditional sentences if, unless, provided.

If they needed the equipment urgently, it would be sent by plane. 2. The accent would not have happened, if they had been more care-full. 3. If I were in his place, 1 should refuse to stop the experiment. 4. If the goods are shipped in April, they will arrive before the expedi­tion starts. 5. The sputnik will keep to its orbit provided it travels at the uniform speed of 8 kilometers per second. 6. It would have been impossible to send up sputniks unless the laws governing the motion of planets had been studied. 7. We shall carry out our production plan engines. 10. If computers had not been out, many important problems would not have been solved. 11. If he did not know how to operate the new device, I should explain it to him.

VIII. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. If we had repaired the engine yesterday, we should have left the town before sunrise. 2. He asked me if we had repaired the engine. 3. The chief engineer asked me if we could make the design more efficient. 4. He did not remember whether he had informed everybody of the new test. 5. He was not main whether the new system would work well. 6. The results of the experiment would have been much better if he had used the new equipment. 7. The expert was interested if the speed of the car had been brought up to its maximum. 8. The members of the delegation asked if the old methods of production had been changed. 9. The quality of the goods produced by the plant would be improved if the old methods of production were changed. 10. The captain of the ship didn't know if he would be able to pass his ship through that old and narrow canal. 11. If you had taken some precautions we should not have found ourselves in such a difficult situation now; almost no fuel left and some 100 km between us and the nearest station.12. It's a pity we didn't have enough time to discuss the plan in detail before it was put into operation. Had we pointed out all the drawbacks, we should have found ways to solve the problem. 13. Unfortunately there are no cars available at the moment. Had you told us that your mission is so urgent we should have left a car for you. 14. The apparatus would weigh less provided in some parts plastic were used instead of steel. Then its transporting would be facilitated and it would arrive at your plant without delay. 15. The designer of a bridge should be very careful. Un­less all his calculations are reliable the bridge may collapse. 16. How soon will you be able to repair the road? If it isn't repaired by tomorrow we'll have to change the route and try to approach the town from the North. 17. The committee is expected to meet tomorrow. If they decide that the new rules for traffic safety should be introduced, they will be put into practice by October. 18. If the construction of the canal is started as it is agreed upon in April, it will be well under way by Sep­tember. 19. Had the goods been sent by aircraft they would have already reached you on Monday.

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