V. Answer the following questions using the information from the text.

1. What is a hammerhead crane?

2. This type of cranes is usually large in size, isn’t it?

3. Where did the hammerhead crane appear first?

4. What countries use hammerhead cranes?

VI. Retell the information of the text.


Tower crane

I. Read and translate the text:

Tower cranes are a modern form of balance crane that consist of the same basic parts. Fixed to the ground on a concrete slab, tower cranes often give the best combination of height and lifting capacity and are used in the construction of tall buildings. The base is then attached to the mast which gives the crane its height. Further the mast is attached to the slewing unit (gear and motor) that allows the crane to rotate. On top of the slewing unit there are three main parts which are: the long horizontal jib (working arm), shorter counter-jib, and the operators cab.

The long horizontal jib is the part of the crane that carries the load. The counter jib carries a counterweight, usually of concrete blocks, while the jib suspends the load to end from the center of the crane. The crane operator either sits in a cab at the top of the tower or controls the crane by radio remote control from the ground. In the first case the operator's cab is most usually located at the top of the tower attached to the turntable, but can be mounted on the jib, or partway down the tower. The lifting hook is operated by the crane operator using electric motors to manipulate wire rope cables through a system of sheaves.

In order to hook and unhook the loads, the operator usually works in conjunction with a signaler (known as a "dogger", "rigger" or "swamper"). They are most often in radio contact, and always use hand signals. The rigger or dogger directs the schedule of lifts for the crane, and is .'responsible for the safety of the rigging and loads.

A tower crane is usually assembled by a telescopic jib (mobile) crane of greater reach and in the case of tower cranes that have risen while constructing very tall skyscrapers, a smaller crane (or derrick) will often be lifted to the roof of the completed tower to dismantle the tower crane afterwards, which may be more difficult than the installation.

II. Learn the vocabulary to the text:

Balance crane – кран с противовесом

Concrete slab-бетонная плита

Slewing unit - поворотное устройство

Counter jib - противовесная консоль

Dogger - такелажник, стропальщик-сигнальщик;

Rigger - стоповщик

Swamper – разнорабочий

III. Put the verbs into Passive Voice:

1. Fixed to the ground on a concrete slab, tower cranes often give the best combination of height and lifting capacity and (to use) in the construction of tall buildings.

2. In the first case the operator's cab (to be) most usually located at the top of the tower attached to the turntable, but can be mounted on the jib, or partway down the tower.

3. The lifting hook (to operate) by the crane operator using electric motors to manipulate wire rope cables through a system of sheaves.

4. A tower crane ( to assemble) usually by a telescopic jib (mobile) crane of greater reach and in the case of tower cranes that have risen while constructing very tall skyscrapers, a smaller crane (or derrick) will often be lifted to the roof of the completed tower to dismantle the tower crane afterwards, which may be more difficult than the installation.

5. Working mechanisms ( to install) on the console counterbalanced.

6. Moving a mobile tower cranes on the site (to maintain) by the navigation unit, basically, the type of rail.

7. Construction cranes for building construction ( to use) to build high-rise residential and industrial buildings of great height (up to 150 m or more)!

8. Tower cranes (to issue) two types: semiself-propelled and the rail self-propelled.

9. Cranes for high-rise building (to earn) out in an attached version

10. For basic operation, the crane (to equip) with the relevant mechanisms: winches, blocks and tackles.

IV. Translate the word combinations into Russian paying attention to the Participle:

Fixed on a concrete slab, located at the top of the tower, attached to the turntable, operated by the crane operator, communicating by radio, mounted by the self-propelled crane, consisting of different elements, used in the construction of tall buildings, allowing the crane to rotate, moving cargo, working together with the signaler, supervising schedule of lifting, lifted on a roof of building, using electric motors for movement, serving the area of construction sites of buildings, performing construction and cargo handling works, equipped with special safety devices called limiters, equipped with cargo ropes, intended for the construction of industrial facilities, demonstrating better maneuverability.

V. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to Gerund:

1. Fixed to the ground on a concrete slab, tower cranes often give the best combination of height and lifting capacity and are used in the construction of tall buildings.

2. The lifting hook is operated by the crane operator using electric motors to manipulate wire rope cables trough a system of sheaves.

3. A tower crane is usually assembled by a telescopic jib (mobile) crane of greater reach and in the case of tower cranes that have risen while constructing very tall skyscrapers, a smaller crane (or derrick) will often be lifted to the roof of the completed tower to dismantle the tower crane afterwards, which may be more difficult than the installation.



V. Answer the following questions using the information from the text. - student2.ru


I. Read and translate the text using the words given below:

A grader, also commonly referred to as a road grader, a blade, a maintainer, or a motor grader, is a construction machine with a long blade used to create a flat surface (Fig.11). Typical models have three axles, with the engine and cab situated above the rear axles at one end of the vehicle and a third axle at the front end of the vehicle, with the blade in between. In certain countries, for example in Finland, almost every grader is equipped with a second blade that is placed in front of the front axle. Some construction personnel refer to the entire machine as "the blade." Capacities range from a blade width of 2.50 to 7.30 m and engines from 93–373 kW (125–500 hp). Certain graders can operate multiple attachments, or be used for separate tasks like underground mining.

In civil engineering, the grader's purpose is to "finish grade" (refine, set precisely) the "rough grading" performed by heavy equipment or engineering vehicles such as scrapers and bulldozers.

Graders are commonly used in the construction and maintenance of dirt roads and gravel roads. In the construction of paved roads they are used to prepare the base course to create a wide flat surface for the asphalt to be placed on. Graders are also used to set native soil foundation pads to finish grade prior to the construction of large buildings. Graders can produce inclined surfaces, to give cant (camber) to roads. In some countries they are used to produce drainage ditches with shallow V-shaped cross-sections on either side of highways.

In some locales such as Northern Europe, Canada, and places in the United States, graders are often used in municipal and residential snow removal. In scrubland and grassland areas of Australia and Africa, graders are often an essential piece of equipment on ranches, large farms, and plantations to make dirt tracks where the absence of rocks and trees means bulldozers are not required.

II. Learn the vocabulary to the text:

Grader– грейдер (прицепная землеройно-планировочная машина)

Maintainer – автогрейдер, шпалоподбивочная машина

Flat surface – ровная поверхность земли

Axle – ось, вал, поперечная балка

Scraper – скрепер

Gravel road – дорога с гравийным покрытием

Foundation pad – подушка фундамента

Cant – наклон виража внутрь пути (дороги)

Camber – поперечный уклон дороги

Drainage ditch – водоотводная канава, дренажная траншея, осушительный канал

Outfitting of graders – оснащение грейдеров

Locale – местность, место

Scrubland – кустарниковая заросль

III. Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Строительный аппарат, создавать ровную поверхность, типичная модель, двигатель, средство передвижения, оснащённый чем-либо, многочисленный, отдельное задание, асфальт, строительство больших зданий, существенная часть оборудования

IV. Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Blade, motor grader, the front end of the vehicle, rough grading, to be commonly used, paved road, inclined surface, cross-section, recent innovation, municipal snow removal, absence of rocks.

V. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1. What is a grader? Do you know any other names of a grader?

2. How many axles do typical models of graders have?

3. What is the function of a grader?

4. Where are graders used?

5. Are there any innovations in the outfitting of graders?

6. Graders are the necessary equipment in snow removal, aren’t they?

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