VII. Make up your own sentences using the words from the vocabulary of the text.

VIII. Retell the information of the text.


Steam shovel

VII. Make up your own sentences using the words from the vocabulary of the text. -

Fig. 5

I. Read and translate the text using the words given below:

A steam shovel (Fig.5) is a large steam-powered excavating machine designed for lifting and moving material such as rock and soil. It is the earliest type of power shovel or excavator. They played a major role in public works in the 19th and early 20th century, being key to the construction of railroads and the Panama Canal. The development of simpler, cheaper diesel-powered shovels caused steam shovels to fall out of use in the 1930s.

A steam shovel comprises:

· a bucket

· boom and 'dipper stick'

· boiler

· water tank and coal bunker

· steam engines and winches

· operator's controls

· a rotating platform on a truck, on which everything is mounted

· wheels (or sometimes caterpillar tracks or railroad wheels)

· a house (on the platform) to contain and protect 'the works'

The shovel has several individual operations: it can raise or luff the boom, rotate the house, or extend the dipper stick with the boom or crowd engine, and raise or lower the dipper stick.

When digging at a rock face, the operator simultaneously raises and extends the dipper stick to fill the bucket with material. When the bucket is full, the shovel is rotated to load a railway car or motor truck. The locking pin on the bucket flap is released and the load drops away. The operator lowers the dipper stick, the bucket mouth self-closes, the pin relocks automatically and the process repeats.

Steam shovels usually had a three-man crew: engineer, fireman and ground man. There was much jockeying to do to move shovels: rails and timber blocks to move; cables and block purchases to attach; chains and slings to rig; and so on. On soft ground, shovels used timber mats to help steady and level the ground. The early models were not self-propelled; rather they would use the boom to maneuver themselves.

II. Learn the vocabulary to the text:

steam shovel экскаватор

lifting -поднятие

moving – перемещение

power shovel = excavator

to fall out of use –перестать использоваться

a bucket - ковш, черпак (экскаватора и т. п.)

boom - стрела, вылет (крана) ; укосина

dipper stick - рукоять ковша (экскаватора

boiler - (паровой) котел, бойлер

water tank - бак для воды

coalbunker - угольный бункер

winch – лебедка

a rotating platform – вращающаяся платформа

caterpillar track – гусеничный трак

railroad wheels – рельсовое передвижения

luff - 1) изменять вылет или угол наклона стрелы (крана)

2) перемещать груз в горизонтальном направлении (краном)

crowd - давить, толкать

rockface 1) защитная каменная наброска

2) поверхность камня с бугристой фактурой (со следами обработки инструментом)

to fill the bucket with material – зачерпнуть ковшом грунт

to load - погрузить

pin - штифт, болт, шкворень, ось, цапфа, шейка, чека, шплинт

bucket flap - дно или крышка ковша (экскаватора)

bucket mouth – отверстие ковша

three-man crew – бригада из 3 человек

III. Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations:

горная порода, почва, играть важную роль в, строительство железных дорог, спроектированный, маневрировать, экскаватор на паровом двигателе, кочегар, оператор или механик (обслуживает работу того или иного агрегата), одновременно, выдвигать (стрелу), опускать (стрелу), копая каменную поверхность, стрела или рукоять (ковша), выйти из употребления, всевозможные действия для движения экскаватора, вагон, грузовик, Панамский канал, гусеничный трак

IV. Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations, paying attention to the usage of the Infinitive:

much jockeying to do; to move shovels; rails and timber blocks to move; cables and block purchases to attach; chains and slings to rig; to help steady and level the ground; to maneuver themselves; to fall out of use in the 1930s.

V. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1. What is a steam shovel?

2. When did this type of shovel fall out of use and why?

3. What are the main parts of a steam shovel?

4. What operations does a steam shovel have?

5. Try to explain the process of steam shovel operation?

6. What was the crew and what should they do to move shovels?

VI. Translate the sentences paying attention to the usage of the Participle:

1. We used parts welded from two pieces.

2. The electrodes being used were not of good quality.

3. Spectography is a reliable method being used in materials testing.

4. When used, this method gives the best results.

VII. In each sentence only one of the three answers is correct. Choose the correct answer:

1. My son likes …. books.

reading; b) read; c) having read;

2. It is necessary for you... the truth.

to know; b) knew; c) know;

3. He seems … something.

write; b) writing; c) to be writing;

4. I can't … to the party.

to go; b) go; c) have gone;

5. She wanted … a job there.

find; b) finding; c) to find;

6. Don't let the child … with a knife.

to play; b) play; c) playing;

7. He finished … and down.

speak; b) speaking; c) to speak;

8. She is looking forward to … a new book.

get; b) be getting; c) getting.

9. What makes you … so?

to think; b) thinking; c) think.

10. The film is worth … .

to see; b) see; c) seeing.

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