X. Translate the following derivatives according to the model.

Модель: основа существительного/прилагательного + ize → глагол

vapour— пар to vaporize— испарять

character характер to characterize
oxygen кислород to oxidize
critic критик to criticize
real реальный to realize
magnet магнит to magnetize
fraternal братский to fraternize
general общий to generalize

XI. Read and translate the dialogue “A Funny Incident.”

William Norman, a policeman.

Derek Hunt, a man of about forty years of age.

Place: a room in Swanning police station.

(Afternoon. Norman is writing at the table in the middle of the room. The door opens and Hunt comes in. He stands and waits quietly.)

Norman (looking up and putting his pen down): Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you? (He stands up and comes towards Hunt.)

Hunt: It's about a car.

Norman: Oh! Anyone hurt or killed? (He gets his pen and some paper.)

Hunt: Oh, no, no! Nothing like that! No. It's about the number of a car that I saw about an hour ago by the sea.

Norman: What number? Which car?

Hunt: Perhaps it will be best if I begin from the be­ginning. My name is Derek Hunt. I'm forty-one years old.

(Norman starts to write.)

Norman: And your address, Mr. Hunt?

Hunt: 634, Coverdale Road.

Norman: Oh, you live here, in Swanning.

Hunt: Yes. Well, last week I bought a car, and this afternoon I went for a drive along the road by the sea, and then I saw this other car with the dog in it. Its num­ber was FAR 2579, and that seemed a very strange thing to me because, you see, the number of my own car is also FAR 2579. But two cars can't have the same number, can they?

Norman: (writing notes all the time) Certainly not, Mr. Hunt. You're quite right to come to tell us. There's something unusual about this. What did you do when you saw this car?

Hunt: Well, of course, I was very surprised, and so I followed it. I was thinking about its number, you see. When thieves steal a car they-change its number so that the police can't find it. Isn't that so? I felt sure that this was a stolen car.

Norman: Yes, you may be right. Well, what hap­pened then?

Hunt: I followed the car and it went away from the sea and into the High Street; and there it stopped and the driver got out and walked quickly away from it. So I got out too and followed him. He was walking very fast, but I saw him go into a shop.

Norman: What kind of shop?

Hunt: It was a shop that sells men's clothes. So I followed him inside, touched him on the arm, and spoke to him.

Norman: (writing busily) Oh, you spoke to him! Good!

Hunt: Yes. I asked him where he bought his car, and he seemed very angry. He told me to mind my own bu­siness. The people in the shop all turned towards us, but I felt that I must find out the truth about the car.

Norman: Quite right. Did the man try to run away?

Hunt: Oh, no.

Norman: Well, continue. What happened after that?

Hunt: I asked him his name and address.

Norman: Good! What is his name?

Hunt: He didn't tell me. He asked a man to go and bring a policeman.

Norman: That's very strange!

Hunt: I didn't like the people who were standing round us. So I started to move towards the door. At first

they wanted to stop me, but the owner of the car told them to let me go.

Norman: Yes. If he's a thief, he doesn't want any trouble with a policeman!

Hunt: Well, I left the shop, and went back to my car and drove home, and then I walked here to tell you all about it. I'm sure that it was a stolen car. That man stole it, and changed the number. But the number that he put on happened to be the same as mine. Have any cars been stolen here lately?

Norman: Yes. A car was stolen about two weeks ago, and we haven't been able to find it.

Hunt: So I was right, you see! You couldn't find it because it has a different number now. Its number now is FAR 2579. Look for a tar with that number, and you'll find the stolen car.

Norman: I'm sorry that you didn't get the man's name. What kind of a man was he?

Hunt: A big man, well dressed. I was surprised when he spoke to me. He spoke quite well. Perhaps he isn't the thief. Perhaps he bought the car from the thief.

Norman: What kind of car was it? Big? Small? What color was it?

Hunt: It was a big blue car.

Norman: Well, it can't be the car that was stolen here two weeks ago. That was black. A big blue car, you say. (He is still writing notes.) Did you say that there was a dog in it?

Hunt: Yes, there was. The driver left the dog in the car when he got out.

Norman: What kind of dog was it? Did you no­tice it?

Hunt: Oh, yes. It was a small white dog. Let me think, now. Yes, I remember. It had short hair and long ears. And it was wearing a little red coat.

Norman: A little white dog with a red coat? That's like Bingo.

Hunt: Bingo?

Norman: Yes, That's the name of Mrs. Fisher's litt­le dog. I know it quite well.

Hunt: There are hundreds of white dogs in the world, and many of them wear red coats.

Norman: Not in this town, Mr. Hunt. Just wait a


Road and tunnels.

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