II. Read and translate the text “Parking your car”.

Consider the area you are parking in if not returning to your car until after dark. Does the area have adequate lighting?

Avoid, if possible, parking in quiet or isolated areas.

Avoid parking too close to walls, high fences or vegetation, which might provide cover for an attacker.

Be alert when entering car park buildings, basements or other enclosed areas. Try to park near an entrance or exit, ramp or staircase, where there is likely to be a steady stream of activity.

Reverse you car into position so you can drive straight out for a quick exit if necessary.

Before getting out of your car, look around first to check that the vicinity appears safe. If you see any suspicious people loitering nearby, do not get out: Drive to a different location.

Always lock your car when parking and remove valuables. Any items left should be placed out of sight.

Do not leave house keys or papers with personal details in the car, and remove the house keys if handing over the car keys to a parking attendant or other person.

When returning to your car, have the keys in your hand for quick access.

Pause a couple of car lengths from your vehicle, look around and behind you. Make sure there are no suspicious persons lurking nearby in a position to confront you as you open the car door.

Before you open your car door, visually conduct a proper check to make sure no-one is hiding inside, particularly behind the front seats.

When putting packages in the boot, stand side on so you can see anyone approaching from behind. Avoid bending over with your head and body inside the lid of your boot.

III. Learn the vocabulary to the texts:

Option выбор
Density густота
Warning signs предупреждающие знаки
A flat tire спущена шина
Wheel rim обод колеса
To compromise the safety подвергать риску безопасность
Remote areas отдаленные районы
Hazard lights габаритные огни
Bonnet капот
Partially частично
To conceal скрыть
Bulky громоздкие
Occupant обитатель
On your behalf от вашего имени
Basement подвал
Ramp уклон
Vicinity окрестности
To loiter слоняться без дела
To lurk скрываться в засаде
To bend перегнуться
The lid of the boot крышка капота

IV. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian.

If you are unfortunate enough to experience a breakdown, pay attention to the warning signs, to damage wheel ram, remote areas, to raise a bonnet, hazard lights, partially opened window, briefly exiting your car, to accept offers, to rely on, to be wary, to take valuables, to carry bulky goods, to conceal valuables, the occupants of the house, call him of my behalf, vegetation, which might provide cover for an attacker, to hide in basements, to park near ramp, a steady stream of activity, vicinity, suspicious people, loitering children, suspicious people, lurking nearby, to bend over bonnet.

V. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.

Вас преследуют, похожее место, предостерегающие знаки, пешеход, спущенная шина, обод колеса, предлагать помощь, разговаривать через частично открытое окно, кто-то появился на дороге, остаться в машине, открыть, капот, включить габаритные огни, подвергать риску, схема, отдаленные места, принять решение, полагаться на других, забрать ценности, подойти сзади, подозрительные люди, красивые окрестности, слоняющиеся без дела люди, не прячься, поток, уклон, подвал, высокие стены, от моего имени, постучать в дверь, громоздкие грузы, растительность, обитатели замка, прикрытие для нападающих, быть бдительным, лестницы.

VI. Read and write true (T) or false (F) about the following statements.

1. Drivers must always be careful and attentive.

2. Suspicious persons lurking nearby can open your car in your absence.

3. When putting packages in the boot, don’t bend over with your head and body inside the lid of your boot.

4. Drivers must always be wary.

5. You can leave valuables in the car and not to worry.

VII. Define the main idea of the texts:

1. Avoid parking in an unknown place

2. It’s safely to stop in an unknown area to ask help

3. Never lock your car

4. Parking, be always wary and attentive

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