I. Read the text attentively and be ready to answer questions after it.

Harm caused to persons as a result of breadwinner's death is as a rule compensated by the way of regular payments (rent), but by agreement with above-mentioned persons insurance payments can be paid once for the whole period of assurer's fulfillment of obligations before these persons.

Demanding compensation for funeral of dead the following documents are presented:

a) death certificate;

b) documents proving expenses for ceremonial services and funeral.

Demanding compensation of additional expenses for treatment and purchase of medicines on free reception of which the victim doesn't have a right (including beyond basic program of obligatory medical insurance) the following documents are presented:

a) case record, presented by medical establishment;

b) documents, proving payment of medical services;

c) documents, proving purchase of medicines.

Demanding compensation of additional expenses caused by health damage (except expenses for treatment and purchase of medicines), medical conclusion, conclusion of medical - social or legal medical expertise about necessity of additional food, prosthetic repair, additional nursing, health resort treatment, special transport means are provided and also:

a) demanding compensation of expenses for additional food:

• statement from local government and other authorized agencies about the prices for products present in daily additional food package at this region;

• statement from medical establishment about the composition of daily additional food package necessary for the victim;

• documents, proving purchase of products from additional food package. Expenses for additional food are included into the insurance payment in amount not more than 3 % of insurance sum;

b) demanding compensation of expenses for prosthetic repair the documents proving payment for prosthetic repair services are provided;

c) demanding compensation of expenses for additional nursing the documents

Expenses for additional nursing are included into the insurance payment in amount not more than 10 % of insurance sum;

d) demanding compensation of expenses for health resort treatment the following documents are provided:

• case record, provided by establishment where health resort treatment was realized;

• pass to health resort treatment;

• documents, proving payment for pass to health resort treatment;

e) demanding compensation of expenses for purchase of special transport means the following documents are provided:

• passport copy of transport means or certificate of its registration;

• documents, proving purchase of special transport means;

• contract, according to which special transport means is purchased;

f) demanding compensation of expenses for victim's professional training the following documents are provided:

• expense account for professional training;

• copy of the contract with organization providing professional training (retraining);

• document, proving payment for professional training (retraining).

Assurer has a right by agreement with victim to make partial insurance payment according to the documents of provided medical services, necessity of providing which was caused by insurance event or to pay these services directly to medical establishment provided them.

Insurance sum payment for harm caused to victim's life or health is realized despite the sums payable to him/her according to social maintenance and obligatory or free insurance treaties.

State social insurance agencies and insurance medical organizations don't have a right to present recourse against assurer, realizing obligatory insurance.

II. Learn the vocabulary to the text.

Expenses for ceremonial services and funeral расходы на ритуальные услуги и похороны
Victim жертва
Medical conclusion медицинское заключение
Other authorized agencies другие вышеупомянутые органы
Daily additional food package суточный набор дополнительного питания
In amount в размере
Assurer страховщик
To make partial insurance payment производить частичную страховую выплату
Social maintenance социальное обеспечение

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