Chapter 5. Modern shipbuilding manufacturing techniques (технологии производства современного кораблестроения)

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text, using the words below.

Modern shipbuilding makes considerable use of prefabricated sections. Entire multi-deck segments of the hull or superstructure will be built elsewhere in the yard, transported to the building dock or slipway, and then lifted into place. This is known as “block construction”. The most modern shipyards pre-install equipment, pipes, electrical cables and any other components within the blocks, to minimize the effort needed to assemble or install components deep within the hull once it is welded together.

Ship design work, also called naval architecture, may be conducted using a ship model basin. Modern ships, since roughly 1940, have been produced almost exclusively of welded steel. Early welded steel ships used steels with inadequate fracture toughness, which resulted in some ships suffering catastrophic brittle fracture structural cracks. Since roughly 1950, specialized steels such as ABS Steels with good properties for ship construction have been used. Although it is commonly accepted that modern steel has eliminated brittle fracture in ships, some controversy still exists. Brittle fracture of modern vessels continues to occur from time to time because grade A and grade B steel of unknown toughness or fracture appearance transition temperature ship’s side shells can be less than adequate for all ambient conditions.

Words to be remembered.

prefabricated sections – перестроенные секции

entire – целый, полный

superstructure – надстройка

to install – устанавливать, собирать, монтировать

effort – усилие, напряжение

to assemble – монтировать, собирать

to weld – сваривать

to conduct – вести, сопровождать, проводить

roughly – приблизительно

exclusively – исключительно

toughness – крепкость, жесткость

brittle fracture – неустойчивый, хрупкий, нестабильный

crack – трещина, разрыв, излом

to eliminate – убрать, исключать, уничтожать

ambient – окружающий, охватывающий

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What makes considerable use of prefabricated sections?

2. When can entire multi deck segments of the hull be built?

3. What is a «black construction»?

4. Why do the most modern shipyards pre-install their components?

5. What is ship design work?

6. What have modern ships been produced of?

7. What kind of steels did early welded steel ships use?

8. When have specialized steels been used?

9. What has modern steel eliminated?

10. Why does brittle fracture of modern vessels continue to occur from time to tame?

Exercise 3. Find the Russian equivalents for the given English terms.

1. shipbuilding 1. окружающие условия
2. prefabricated sections 2. надстройка
3. hull 3. неустойчивая трещина
4. superstructure 4. борт судна
5. toughness 5. сваренная сталь
6. welded steel 6. перестроенные секции
7. brittle fracture 7. кораблестроение
8. ships side 8. корпус
9. ambient condition 9. крепкость

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences.

1. Considerable use of prefabricated sections.

2. … is entire multi – deck segments of the hull.

3. … pre – install their components within the black.

4. … may be conduction using a ship model basin.

5. Modern ships are made up of…

6. Some ships suffers …

7. ABS steels have been used for…

8. Modern steel has eliminated … is ships.

9. … of modern vessel continuous to occur…

10. … welded steel ships used steels with inadequate…

Exercise 5. Give English equivalents.

Исключительно, неустойчивый, перестроенные секции, устанавливать оборудование, надстройка, монтировать, жесткость, трещина, сваренная сталь.

Exercise 6. Give Russian equivalents.

Modern shipbuilding, naval architecture, ambient conditions, welded together, prefabricated sections, slipway, electrical cables, toughness, structural cracks, controversy.

Exercise 7. Translate the text from Russian into English.

Кораблестроительная деятельность выполняется людьми в течение тысячи лет, с изобретениями новых технологии, имеющие место в разные времена. Современные кораблестроительные методы относятся к самым лучшим доступным технологиям и процессам, соответствующие продвижению судоверфей. Метод делает возможным использование ресурсов и материалов в судостроении, чтобы сделать его прочным, безопасным и надежным. Одним из таких примеров является использование специализированной стали такой как ABS сталь вместо сваренной стали, чтобы достичь оптимальных характеристик судов. Современные методы кораблестроения значительно используют перестроенные секции, чтобы возвести надстройки в другом месте перевезти их в строительные доки для сборки. Введение специализированной дисциплины, называемой «морская архитектура», способствовала важному улучшению в конструкции, долговечности, скорости и в легкости маневрирования судов.

Exercise 8. Tell what you have learnt from the text.

Exercise 9. Substitute the Russian words for the English ones.

1. A lot of technigues have been used in… of ships.

A) construction

B) consultation

C) constriction

2. … in the construction planning process mast follow all of the shipbuilding activities.

A) schooners

B) schemes

C) schedules.

3. The ship is shown in diagram broken down in to erection … and…

А) parts… capitals

B) zoned… units

C) areas… spheres

4. The … are designed to be identical.

А) erected points

B) erected areas

C) erection zones

5. Before… of a ship is laid a great deal of work must have been accomph shed for work to proceed efficiently.

A) the keep

B) the keelage

C) the keelson

6. The detailed structural … must be translated into cutting sketches.

A) drawings

B) drawl

C) drawee

7. If all the preceding work has been accomplished properly and on schedule, the erection of a ship can … rapidly.

A) preceded

B) process

C) proceed


Exercise 1. Read and translate the text, using the words below.

Let`s consider the construction of large vessels which travel overseas, lakes or rivers. Many different approaches have been used in the construction of ships. Sometimes a ship must be custom-built to suit the particular requirements of a low-volume trade route with unique cargo characteristics. On the other hand, there are many instances where a significant number of similar ships are constructed, providing an opportunity to employ procedures which take advantage of repetitive processes.

The building of a ship can be divided into seven phases: design, construction planning, work prior to keel-laying, ship erection, launching, final outfitting and sea trials. The construction planning process establishes the construction techniques to be used and the schedules which all of the shipbuilding activities must follow. Construction planners generally start with an erection diagram on which the ship is shown broken down into erection zones and units. To facilitate the fabrication of steel, insofar as possible, the erection units are designed to be identical. The size (or weight) of the erection units selected is usually limited by the amount of crane capacity available. Once the construction planners have established the manner in which the ship is to be erected and the sequence of construction, the schedules for construction can be developed. Working backward from the time an erection unit is required in the dock, with allowances made for the many processes involved, a schedule of working plans and for procurement of purchased equipment is prepared.

Before the keel of a ship is laid (or when the first erection unit is placed in position) a great deal of work must have been accomplished for work to proceed efficiently. The working drawings prepared by ship designers completely define a ship, but often not in a manner that can be used by the construction trades people. Structural drawings prescribe the geometry of the steel plates construction, but they cannot be used, in the form prepared, to cut steel plates. Instead, the detailed structural drawings must be translated into cutting sketches, or numerical-control cutting tapes, which are used to fabricate steel. Several organizations have developed sophisticated computer programs, which readily translate detailed structural drawings into machine-sensible tapes, which can be used to drive cutting torches.

If all of the preceding work has been accomplished properly and on schedule, the erection of a ship can precede rapidly; however, problem areas invariably arise. When erecting a ship one plate at a time, there are no serious fitting problems; but when 900-metric-ton erection units do not fit properly, there are serious problems, which tend to offset some of the advantages for this practice.

A ship is launched as soon as the hull structure is sufficiently complete to withstand the strain. Ships may be launched endwise, sidewise or by in-place flotation (for example, graving docks).

The final outfitting of a ship is the construction phase during which checks are made to ensure that all of the previous work has been accomplished in a satisfactory manner, and last-minute details, such as deck coverings and the topcoat of paint, are competed. It is considered good practice to subject as much of the ship as possible to an intensive series of tests while at the dock, where corrections and final adjustments are more easily made than when at sea. As a part of this test program, the main propulsion subjected to a dock trial, during which the ship is secured to the dock and the main propulsion machinery is operated up to the highest power level permissible.

When a comprehensive program of dockside tests have been completed, the only capabilities which have not been demonstrated are the operation of the steering gear during rated-power conditions and the operation of the main propulsion machinery at rated power. These capabilities must be demonstrated during trials at sea.

Words to be remembered.

approach – подход

custom-built – изготовленный на заказ

to suit – удовлетворять требованиям

for instance – например

employ – применять, использовать, заниматься

keel-laying – прокладывать киль; закладка

erection – сборка, монтаж, монтирование

outfit – установка

sea trial – опыт, испытание, проба

facilitate – способствовать, облегчать

procurement – приобретение, приведение в исполнение

torch – факел, паяльная лампа

purchase – приобретать, покупать

steel plates – пластинка, лист

sketches – делать наброску

tapes – ленты

sophisticated – сложный, усложненный

precede – предшествовать

invariably – неизменно, постоянно, без исключений

sitting – годный, способный

align – выравнивать, настраивать

offset – отвод, офсет

withstand the strain – сопротивляться

endwise – концом вперёд

sidewise – боком концом

flotation – флотация

coat of paint – слой краски

intensive – напряженный, тщательный, глубокий, интенсивный

adjustment – сборка, установка, регулирование

propulsion – движение вперёд

subject to – подвергаться

permissible – допустимый

be operated – оказывать влияние

comprehensive – обширный

steering gear – механизм управления

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. How many approaches have been used in the construction of a ship?

2. What opportunity do similar ships provide?

3. What phases can the construction of a ship be divided into?

4. Does the construction planning process establish the construction techniques and the schedules?

5. Shipbuilders generally start with an erection diagram, don’t they?

6. What is usually limited by the amount of crane capacity available?

7. What is required in the dock?

8. Who prepares the working drawings?

9. Do structural drawing prescribe the geometry of the steel plates used in construction?

10. What can translate detailed structural drawings info machine-sensible tapes?

11. In what case can ship proceed rapidly?

12. When is a ship launched?

13. In what ways may a ship be launched?

14. What is the final outfitting?

15. Is the main propulsion machinery subjected to a dock trial or sea trial?

16. What are the only capabilities which have not demonstrated in the dock?

17. Must the detailed structural drawings be translated into cutting sketches?

Exercise 3. Match an adjective from column A with a noun from column B.


1) different drawings

2) comprehensive computer programs

3) significant approaches

4) sophisticated program

5) intensive adjustments

6) highest power level

7) structural problems

8) final number

9) repetitive series

10) serious processes

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences with word combinations from ex.3.

1. Many . . . have been used in the construction of ships.

2. The operation of the steering gear and the operation pf the main propulsion machinery haven’t involved in a . . .

3. . . . of similar ships provide an opportunity to employ procedures wick take advantage of repetitive processes.

4. Several organizations have developed . . . which readily translate detailed structural info drawings machine.

5. Corrections and . . . are more easily made of the dock then when al sea.

6. When erection a ship one plate at a time, there an no . . . fitting . . .

7. . . . prescribe the geometry of the steel plates used in construction.

8. It is considered good practice to subject the ship to an . . . of tests.

9. The main propulsion machinery is operated up to the highest power level permissible.

10. Similar ships provide an opportunity to employ procedures which take advantage of repetitive processes.

Exercise 5. Ask as many questions as possible to the following sentence.

The final outfitting of a ship is the construction phase during which checks are made to ensure that all of the previous work has been accomplished in a satisfactory manner, and last-minute details, such as deck coverings and the topcoat of paint, are competed.

Exercise 6. Give Russian equivalents.

Facilitate, Outfall, to suit, Proceed, Erection, Keel laying, Purchase Steel plates, Propulsion, approach, Align, Sea trial, Endwise, Employ, Sketches, Flotation, Torch, Invariably, Procurement, Permissible, Adjustment, Withstand the strain, Comprehensive, Steering gear, Steering gear.

Exercise 7. Give English equivalents.

Прокладывать киль, удовлетворять требованиям, установка, сборка, отвод, отвод, слой краски, изготовленный на заказ, флотация, ленты, факел, паяльная лампа, сложный, применять, испытание, наброску, боком концом.

Exercise 8. Be ready to retell the text.

CONCLUSION/ Заключение

После проработки и изучения материалов учебного пособия «Английский язык в сфере морских технологий, энергетики и транспорта» студенты бакалавры очной и заочной формы обучения сформируют умение беседовать на профессиональные темы, разовьют умение читать специальную литературу разной степени сложности и извлекать из нее информацию. Данное пособие рекомендуется использовать как для аудиторной так и для самостоятельной работы.

При составлении текстов и упражнений авторы уделяли большое внимание повторяемости лексических и грамматических явлений и придерживались постепенного нарастания трудностей. Тексты профессиональной направленности адаптированы к целям профессионально ориентированного преподавания английского языка в ВУЗе и сопровождаются системой языковых и речевых упражнений, направленных на развитие навыков чтения, понимания, обсуждения, перевода специализированных текстов, расширение словарного запаса по темам, связанным с различными аспектами сферы морских технологий, энергетики и транспорта.


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21. Radar. The free encyclopedia: [электронный ресурс] // Электронная энциклопедия «Википедиа». Режим доступа:

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