Positives of Public transport

We need to reduce our dependence on cars

Parking a car can be extremely difficult in big cities

Well-designed transport systems are comfortable and convenient

Modern public transport can be fast and cheap

Public transport can help to reduce pollution in cities

Investment in buses and trains will ease traffic congestion

Buses can be given special lands to avoid traffic

Negatives of public transport

Public transport if often slow and unreliable

Metro systems and trains are often dirty and crowded

People feel like “sardines in a can”

Cars are much more comfortable

Road safety

Driving while tired or drunk is extremely dangerous

Mobile phones can be a dangerous distraction for drivers

They draw the driver’s attention away from the road

The use of phones while driving has been banned in many countries

Punishments are becoming stricter

Television campaigns are used to remind people to drive safely

Speed cameras have become more common

Speed bumps are another form of traffic calming

Many streets are designed with the aim of slowing traffic down


1) Тема эссе Writing Task 2 (была на официальных экзаменах IELTS в апреле 2017 года):

Nowadays the number of cars on roads is increasing incrementally. In order to change this trend strict road tolls should be paid on busy roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.

Introduction– перефразируем тему и покажем структуру эссе

Essay body 1 –
Topic sentence: Рассмотрим политику введения road tolls
(1) плата за проезд заставит водителей задуматься о ежемесячных расходах и, возможно, подтолкнет их к использованию общественного транспорта
(2) эта мера может сократить движение, но те, кому нужно ездить по этим дорогам каждый день (скажем, на работу), будут согласны платить.

Essay body 2 –
Topic sentence: Однако нужно использовать и другие меры, которые помогут решить эту проблему
(1) более действенным выходом из положения является улучшение дорожной инфраструктуры (расширить дороги, сократить число светофоров)
(2) развитие удобного и доступного по цене общественного транспорта, которым будет пользоваться выгоднее, чем автомобилем

Conclusion– Одного введения платы за проезд по дорогам будет недостаточно для решения проблемы дорожного движения. Я соглашусь с утверждением, указанным в теме, но при условии что и другие меры использовать также следует (улучшение транспортной инфраструктуры и развитие общественного транспорта).

Готовое эссе:

The problem of heavy traffic is a common effect of the growing number of cars in many cities. Some experts see the introduction of road tolls as a major solution of this issue. From my perspective, this measure could be effective only if used in tandem with other steps that local authorities should undertake. This essay will outline my opinion on road tolls and provide some additional suggestions toward handling the traffic issue.

To understand the feasibility of imposing strict road tolls, their key pros and cons should be examined. On the one hand, the proponents of this measure assert that tolls would severely affect the expenses of car drivers and encourage them to use public transportation instead, which I would agree with. Although enforcing tolls could have some effect, car owners who have to use busy roads regularly would probably accept the tolls and adjust their budgets accordingly.

It seems that some other solutions are needed to complement road toll imposition. Thus, in my view, city governments should invest in improving general transport infrastructure by widening roads and reducing the number of traffic lights impeding street traffic. Furthermore, another crucial strategy to tackle the road congestion is seen in developing urban public transport systems that should be convenient, widespread and, above all, affordable or even free of charge in order to motivate citizens to commute throughout a city rather than drive.

In short, my opinion is that charging car drivers for driving on busy roads is only one of the measures required to solve the traffic issue faced by many metropolitan areas. Cities should also improve road networks and provide a good quality public transport, which all I consider parts of a plan for urban road traffic optimization.

11 sentences289 words

Many people prefer to use public transportation while others say that personal cars are the best mode of transportation. Excessive use of private cars is considered to be the main reason for the traffic jam in many cities and that's why the use of public transportation is encouraged.

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