Что случается с преступником

Карл и Адам совершили преступление. Они убили человека. Полиция расследовала это преступление. Они поймали их по дороге в аэропорт. Полиция арестовала их и забрала в полицейский участок. Они допрашивали их десять часов. В итоге они обвинили их в разбойном нападении.

Два месяца спустя, Карл и Адам предстали пред судом. Свидетели рассказали суду , что они знали. Суд присяжных выслушал все свидетельские показания. Спустя два дна суд присяжных вынес свой вердикт. Суд присяжных признал карла виновным. Его отпечатки пальцев были на оружии. Судья назначил ему наказание. Он приговорил его к десяти годам тюремного заключения. Адама признали невиновным. Не было доказательства того, что он был убийцей. Его оправдали и отпустили.

Подсказки для пересказа в этом задании – это сам текст, только глаголы стоят в начальной форме, а в тексте в прошедшем времени.

УпражнениеE (c. 52-53)

1. What did Carl and Adam do?

They committed a crime.

2. What crime did they commit ?

3. Theymurdered a man.

4. Where did the police catch them?

5. On the way to the airport.

6. Where did they take them ?

To a police station.

7. How long did they question them?

For ten hours.

8. When did Carl and Adam appear in court?

Two months later.

9. What did the jury do?

They heard all the evidence and reached their verdict.

10. Why did the jury find Carl guilty?

Because his fingerprints were on the gun.

11. How many years did the judge give to Carl?

He sentenced him to 10 years in jail.

12. Why did Adam go free?

Because he was acquitted.

УпражнениеF (c. 53-54)

1. Three robbers entered the bank, shot the guard dead, took the money and left in a car. The police came quickly, but the robbers were already far away.

2. Gordon Brown is a thief, but he is not a murderer, he didn’t murder the old man.

3. Why did these young people commit a crime? They did it because they had nothing to do.

4. The jury found Adam not guilty because there was no proof of his guilt.

5. Where did the police arrest him? At the railway station. They searched his luggage and found his gun.

6. An hour ago the terrorists seized the plane and made the pilots land it in one of the Arabic countries.

7. I didn’t sell drugs and I didn’t buy them. I didn’t commit any crime.

8. The police charged the ex- minister with bribery. Businessmen gave him bribes to get good contracts.

9. What punishment did the court give these muggers? The judge sentenced them to three years in prison.

10. Tom Bush is a dangerous criminal. He murdered five people, robbed three shops and committed two rapes.

11. Where were you at 8 o’clock last night?

I was at work. I was talking to my boss. Then I left home.

When did you come home?

At 9 o’clock. I came home, had my dinner, watched TV, read the book and went to bed.

Did you hear any noise?

No, I didn’t. I was very tired and fell asleep immediately. And what happened? Someone burgled your neighbours’ flat. That’s awful!

12. Last week Olga appeared in court. The jury heard all the evidence and reached their verdict of not guilty.

УпражнениеA (c. 54)

bribe – bribed – даватьвзятку

die – died - умирать

lobby – lobbied - лоббировать

rob – robbed - грабить

mug – mugged – грабить на улице

carry – carried - носить

serve – served – обслуживать, служить

establish – established – устанавливать, основывать

stab – stabbed – заколотьножом

stay – stayed – оставаться, останавливаться в каком – либо месте

try – tried- пытаться, проводить расследование

commit – committed - совершать

Упражнение B (c. 54)

-ed [ t ] -ed [ d ] -ed [ id ]
asked sentenced searched walked raped paniced arrived received tried charged robbed threatened wanted arrested invited avoided investigated committed

Упражнение C (c. 54)

[ e ] [ ei ] [әu] [ o: ] [ u: ]
went (go) said (say) left (leave) laid (lay) made (make) gave (give) stole (steal) broke (break) sold (sell) brought (bring) saw (see) caught (catch) grew (grow) knew (know) flew (flow)

Упражнение B (c. 56)

1.Who is VitalyKaloyev?He is a 52-year- old architect from North Ossetia.

2.What did he do?He stabbed a man to death.

3.Why did he do it?He did it because that man was blamed for the plane crash in which Kaloyev lost his wife and two children.

4.Why did Russian people hail him as a hero?As Kaloeyev said they care about their children and other people’s children.

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Россия встречает Виталия Калоева как героя.

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